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Change mapstore project name

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Ed de la Paz

Jul 17, 2018, 10:01:28 PM7/17/18
to mapstore-users

Is there a way to change the name of the project? like http://localhost:8082/myproject/ because the app is not loading when I am changing the name of folder

Mauro Bartolomeoli

Jul 18, 2018, 4:22:56 AM7/18/18
Hi Ed,
actually you have to change the path to built javascript here:
and build the war again.
We are looking for a simpler way to avoid this, sorry for the inconvenience.


Il giorno mer 18 lug 2018 alle ore 04:01 Ed de la Paz <> ha scritto:

Is there a way to change the name of the project? like http://localhost:8082/myproject/ because the app is not loading when I am changing the name of folder

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Mauro Bartolomeoli

GeoServer Professional Services from the experts! Visit for more information.

Dott. Mauro Bartolomeoli
Technical Lead

GeoSolutions S.A.S.
Via di Montramito 3/A
55054  Massarosa (LU)
phone: +39 0584 962313
fax:      +39 0584 1660272


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Mazin Jay Duyang

Nov 14, 2018, 1:06:20 PM11/14/18
to mapstore-users
Hi Mauro,
How can I do it actually? I mean the project name in URL..  Thankyou in advance.

Mauro Bartolomeoli

Nov 20, 2018, 7:09:18 AM11/20/18
Hi Mazin, if you start from a released war you have to do this:

1) rename the war file and the uncompressed folder with the same name in the webapps folder with the name you chose (e.g. mazin.war and mazin respectively)
2) if it's the first time you install the war, and you don't have the uncompressed folder, run once to make the war uncompress.
3) now you have to replace a string (/mapstore/dist with /mazin/dist) in the following list of uncompressed folder files (you can use any text-editor to do this):
 * index.html
 * dist/mapstore2.js
4) if you get other issues, just search /mapstore/dist in all the uncompressed folder files and do the replacement also in other files

We hope to have a simpler solution in a future release, but unfortunately for now you need to do it this way due to a problem with our current build tool.



phone: +39 0584 962313
fax:      +39 0584 1660272


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