Feature proposal for FloatingLegend plugin

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Assigned to tobia....@geosolutionsgroup.com by lorenzo...@geosolutionsgroup.com

facundo p

May 8, 2024, 2:39:11 PMMay 8
to mapstore-users
I've been using the FloatingLegend plugin in my mapstore project and had ran into an issue where in maps with a large amount of layers, the legend would look ugly because of all the entries corresponding to layers that are currently 'off'.

Captura de pantalla 2024-05-08 152538.png

I wanted to use the legend plugin to show only the legend entries corresponding to layers currently visible on the map. To solve this I added a filter in the code of the FloatingLegend component, filtering by the visibility of the layers to show only the ones currently turned 'on' from the list of layers that the component receives. 

Captura de pantalla 2024-05-08 151659.png

My implementation of this is a bit rustic though, as I just added a filter by layer.visibility, and I fear it is a bit taylor-made to the kind of maps I'm currently making.
However, I wanted to ask if maybe this is a feature you would be interested in adding to this plugin in the official release? Maybe as a cfg option that toggles whether to use this filter or not. I trust your team could implement it in a more stable and widely usable way.

Thanks in advance,

Facundo Pedreira
Unidad de Información Geográfica
Intendencia de Montevideo

Tobia Di Pisa

May 9, 2024, 4:31:26 AMMay 9
to mapstor...@googlegroups.com
Dear Facundo Pedreira,

Thank you for your email. Unfortunately the Floating Legend tool has been deprecated some time ago. We are anyway contributing interesting updates to the MS TOC for v2024.01.00 where a simplified TOC theme provides something similar, focused on the legend; we called it "Legend theme".


The new TOC definitely provides many new features that could help you in the use case you need to cover. The updated user guide for v2024.01.00 is available here. I hope this can help you.

Best regards,
     Tobia Di Pisa

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GeoSolutions Group
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