trying to add a WMS layer to MapStore

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Arthur Lembo

Jun 21, 2024, 3:53:22 AM (6 days ago) Jun 21
to mapstore-users
I'm wanting to connect to a WMS server, and I've tested the server in QGIS and it does in fact consume the data:

but, when I try to add it in the Catalog, I get the error:

Service not available.  Please, check the provided URL

I've tested it with other WMS services, and even added a ? after the wms (wms?), but I always get the same error.  Any thoughts on how to consume a WMS from the outside world?

Tobia Di Pisa

Jun 21, 2024, 4:07:07 AM (6 days ago) Jun 21
Dear Arthur,

The GS endpoint you provided seems to work well from our environment online:


I suggest you check better for possible networking issues. Do you have something reported in the browser console log?

     Tobia Di Pisa

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Arthur Lembo

Jun 21, 2024, 9:34:13 AM (6 days ago) Jun 21
Thanks for the prompt reply and advice. Is this how you entered your Catalog connection:
the error that I see in the Console is:


for further information, I used the version downloaded in the Quick Start guide, and I am able to connect to all the demo sources and grab tables, etc. 
Is the Quick Start .bat version missing any functionality?

Arthur J. Lembo, Jr.; Ph.D.
Professor and Technical Director - Eastern Shore Regional GIS Cooperative
Geography and Geosciences
157H Henson Hall
Salisbury University
Salisbury, MD  21804

Arthur Lembo

Jun 24, 2024, 4:53:46 AM (3 days ago) Jun 24
to mapstore-users
as a quick follow up, I created a new WMS connection, but simply reused the wms layer you guys have in the demo:

that worked without any problems.  I don't know if there is something in the MapStore demo that allows the webpage to pass through the firewall or something.  Or if I need to add something else to the string for the Hawaii wms:

I've tried wms?request=GetCapabilities, and I've even tried it with https to no avail.  It is odd that the geo-solutions-it site loads just fine, but the Hawaii site does not.

(FYI: the ultimate end game in all of this is to try and connect to other wms sites that I create either using ArcServer or Manifold Server, so I simply want to succeed in grabbing a WMS site from outside of the demo versions you guys provided.) 

Arthur Lembo

Jun 24, 2024, 4:53:51 AM (3 days ago) Jun 24
to mapstore-users
also as a follow up, this is the error I get in the Tomcat console:

WARNING [http-nio-8082-exec-7] it.geosolutions.httpproxy.ProxyConfig.mergePropertiesConfig The properties file ${datadir.location}/ cannot be found 

On Friday, June 21, 2024 at 9:34:13 AM UTC-4 Arthur Lembo wrote:

Lorenzo Natali

Jun 24, 2024, 6:36:29 AM (3 days ago) Jun 24
to mapstore-users
for your server I had to put HTTPS version to make it work (you provided the http-only URL).


Arthur Lembo

Jun 25, 2024, 4:29:00 AM (2 days ago) Jun 25
to mapstore-users

thank you for your reply.  I had already attempted to use the https, but got the same error.  The console states:

24-Jun-2024 21:56:48.400 WARNING [http-nio-8082-exec-6] it.geosolutions.httpproxy.ProxyConfig.mergePropertiesConfig The properties file ${datadir.location}/ cannot be found

I don't want to hijack this group discussion, so I'm sorry to reply back with the difficulties I've encountered.  For whatever reason, I can read your example site: 

but for some reason, the hawaii site returns the above error.   So, it's not like all websites don't work.  Your WMS, WMST, and CSW sites all connect really well.  So, it's puzzling that you can reach the hawaii site, but I can't.  Yet, I can reach the site.  

I'm working off the .bat file included in the binary package - and, I've even deleted it and reinstalled it from scratch (as Administrator).  I don't know if that has some kind of hard coded limitation.  I don't know what the  ${datadir.location}/ cannot be found means, and if there is something in the configuration on my site is causing the problem.   

Lorenzo Natali

Jun 26, 2024, 9:03:49 AM (yesterday) Jun 26
I tested the minary (version 2024.01.00 ) and I found an issue.
Probably is the same you have found. It seems to affect only the binary.
I reported it here:

You can check if the issue is the same (by opening your browser's developer tooks, click on network area and then clicking on the failing request in red that appears as well as you try to save the catalog.

Please let us know if it is the same issue and the binary version you are using, so we can add this information to the ticket
Thank you for reporting in advance.

Arthur Lembo

3:49 AM (8 hours ago) 3:49 AM
Thanks, Lorenzo.

I am using mapstore2-2024.01.01-bin. 

The errors I get are:



looks like you've identified it as a bug and have someone on it.  I'll be interested to see what people find out.


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