How to change marker design after searching a layer

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Tobayas Eaton

Jul 18, 2018, 1:54:59 AM7/18/18

Hello Friends, How do I change the style of a layer indicator after searching a specific layer. the default style of my layer indicator is just a color red stroke, so its hard for me to see the specific layer i searched because it has no color fill. (see attached photo) Thankyou!

Stefano Bovio

Jul 20, 2018, 5:39:37 AM7/20/18
Hi Tobayas,
It seems your screenshoots are referred to the 'Attribute Table' after clicking on 'Zoom to Feature' icon .
Could you confirm if that the case?

Currently MapStore2 doesn't support that kind of customization on ' Attribute Table ' for highlighted features because it's using default styles of the library.
In this case you could open a new issue on MapStore2 repository explaining current behaviour and the expected one.

2018-07-18 7:54 GMT+02:00 Tobayas Eaton <>:

Hello Friends, How do I change the style of a layer indicator after searching a specific layer. the default style of my layer indicator is just a color red stroke, so its hard for me to see the specific layer i searched because it has no color fill. (see attached photo) Thankyou!

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Stefano Bovio


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Stefano Bovio

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Tobayas Eaton

Jul 21, 2018, 11:16:48 AM7/21/18
Hi, Stefano 

Yes, definitely that is the the way thanks for your suggestions
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