better legend rendering by dynamic legend widget

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Florian Hoedt

Jun 19, 2020, 10:21:24 AM6/19/20
to mapstore-developers

Currently the legend graphics are rendered underneath the layer and only if switched active. This is cumbersome and will lead to many clicks and not fully comprehensive legend graphics. We would like to create a floating widget or dockable widget, which will show the current active layers style infos. Therefore it should read the current active style and use a getCapabilities request to fetch legend information from the <style> node to render needed info. Eg:

<Layer queryable="1" opaque="0">
<Title>2. Waldeigentum</Title>
<Title>1. Anteil Landeswald [%]</Title>
<Abstract>Flächenanteil [%] des Landeswald am Wald; Zeit: 2012; Quelle: BWI-2012</Abstract>
<LegendURL width="195" height="120"><Format>image/png</Format><OnlineResource xlink:type="simple" xlink:href=""/></LegendURL>

This will ensure it will work also for OGC WMS remote services.

Pedro Guimarães

Jun 19, 2020, 10:28:01 AM6/19/20
Absolutely supported :) +1

Florian Hoedt

Jun 22, 2020, 11:02:38 AM6/22/20
to mapstore-developers

Do you have any additional ideas for the implementation? My draft above does not show any, yet.

Mauro Bartolomeoli

Jun 23, 2020, 11:23:18 AM6/23/20
Hi Florian,
I suggest you to have a look at the FloatingLegend plugin here:

It should be very similar to what you described.


Il giorno lun 22 giu 2020 alle ore 17:02 Florian Hoedt <> ha scritto:

Do you have any additional ideas for the implementation? My draft above does not show any, yet.

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Michael Steigemann

Jun 14, 2021, 12:23:45 AM6/14/21
to mapstore-developers
Good morning!

Do you have an complete example for the floatinglayer plugin?

When I add 
, {
"name": "FloatingLegend",
"cfg": {
"expandedOnMount": true

to my localConfig.json the floating legend appears for a short moment. After this short moment the TOC-Button is invisible and I can not reach the window again.

Thanks for feedback and all the best,
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