prominent Layer Style Switcher

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Florian Hoedt

Jun 22, 2020, 12:37:26 PM6/22/20
to mapstore-developers
To switch the style of a layer you have to perform several not intuative clicks:

1. Layer Settings

2. Style
3. pick style
4. save

For a simple user it is hard to tell, that you have to open the layers settings and to 'save' a style, just for getting it displayed. This is not an action with does any CRUD task, but simply changes some frontend styling of your data - therefore it should be as easy as changing the basemap or scale.

We would like to propose the following changes to the user-experience:

In conjunction with the floating / dockable dynamic legend widget (see!topic/mapstore-developers/19trkb0IlN4) we would propose that hitting the 'side arrow' will trigger a style switcher dropdown for that layer. Currently this arrow is used to display the legend of the mentioned layer.

What does the mapstore dev community think about this kind of ux update?

Mauro Bartolomeoli

Jun 23, 2020, 11:27:32 AM6/23/20
Hi Florian,
we are currently designing an update of the styler UI. We have in mind a simpler UI, indeed. We are aware the current one is not optimal.
Your suggestions are very helpful for us to decide how to move forward.


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