I'ts a road network that do have duplicates links, I need to find them
and be able to highlight them as a new layer on top. Then later decide
what I should do with them...(removing them or not) some needs to be
removed and some might need to be there. So it can not be done with
automatic. I wish there was a function regarding any size of dataset
that could find objects with same lenght/area and same centroid as you
said and them save this to a new table.
On Dec 6, 11:13 am, Peter Horsbøll Møller <mapinf...@horsboll-> wrote:
> Soren,
> How do you define duplicates? If you can define them for instance as objects
> with the same lenght/area and the same centroid, you can update a new column
> with these values and use the DeleteDuplicate tool that you'll find in your
> Tool Manager.
> Normally Delete Duplicate works on a alfanumerical value in a column (or
> more columns? I don't remember).
> So for it to work on spatial data, you need to create a column and insert
> values into this representing your spatial data.
> You will probably not be able to insert the entire object as text, so you
> need to come up with values that can represent the object.
> HTH,
> Peter Horsbøll Møller
> Pitney Bowes Business Insight - MapInfo
> 2010/12/6 soren <>