Mapinfo and Java licenses

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Jones, Jeremy R

Oct 23, 2023, 8:02:02 AM10/23/23
Hi Has anyone had licensing issues with the Java.exe component of Mapinfo desktop installations. Apparently changes to recent Java licenses mean they are now chargeable? Is this right? Should we uninstall Java now?

Jeremy Jones
Cardiff Council 

Sent from Outlook for iOS


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Peter Horsbøll Møller

Oct 23, 2023, 8:15:03 AM10/23/23

Hi Jeremy


MapInfo Pro does not rely on Java so we do not require you to have Java running on your desktop in order to use MapInfo Pro.

Spectrum Spatial does rely on Java so you would probably need to look into the deployment of Java on your server if you have Spectrum Spatial.




Peter Horsbøll Møller
Principal Sales Engineer - Distinguished Engineer


From: 'Jones, Jeremy R' via MapInfo-L <>
Sent: 23. oktober 2023 14:02
Subject: [MI-L] Mapinfo and Java licenses


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CDR Group

Oct 23, 2023, 8:17:33 AM10/23/23
to 'Jones, Jeremy R' via MapInfo-L
Hi Jeremy

Which version of MapInfo are you referring to?

John Ievers  (Hear my name)
CDR Group
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Jones, Jeremy R

Oct 23, 2023, 8:58:26 AM10/23/23

Hi John


It’s Version 17.0.3


Kind Regards


Jeremy Jones FRGS Cgeog MSc Geog SIAD

Uwch Beiriannydd Cymorth Rhaglenni / Senior Application Support Engineer 

Cyngor Caerdydd / Cardiff Council

029 20873778

446, Neuadd y Sir, Glanfa'r Iwerydd CAERDYDD CF10 4UW

446, County Hall, Atlantic Wharf CARDIFF CF10 4UW







From: <> On Behalf Of CDR Group
Sent: Monday, October 23, 2023 1:18 PM
To: 'Jones, Jeremy R' via MapInfo-L <>
Subject: Re: [MI-L] Mapinfo and Java licenses


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