Battery 4 with mandalas

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May 14, 2019, 3:36:24 PM5/14/19
to Synesthesia Mandala Drum v2.0 (discontinued)
So I have tried a lot of stuff. I am running the purple and the grey pads. The templates for Battery 3 from the Tumblr site are not working well for me at all in Battery 4. I assume its a problem with the pad calibration as John said. I can't seem to download the VB with control burst from the mandala site, and the the fix was never applied for macOS Sierra. So I can't put it on my MacBook.

Whats happening with the templates is Battery is treating one drum like two, triggering the same sound, etc. They all show up individually in battery as midi controllers, but I can't apply a specific sound to a specific drum in a specific zone like the template is supposed to allow. I have tried different key  ranges, and that works, but two drums still react when I hit the one (triggering the same cell).

I am waiting to hear back from tech support at Mandala, but Im not holding my breath. Do I need to downgrade my os? Is this a pad problem? I may need to take my pads somewhere and have them calibrated like an earlier poster said. 

Heres anther question/scenario. A guy who we all know here sent me one of his programmed templates for a Tool song, and when I load that-it works. It had to have been from a battery 3 template. I believe he had some round robin samples in there, which Im not crazy about-but it works. Why? Why will that work and not the template from Mandala?

I really need to have specific sounds, in a specific drum and zone for what I am trying to do. I can't let the pads dictate the way I play.
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