Survey Contest

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Malia Contract

Feb 11, 2020, 10:00:44 AM2/11/20
Hi Everyone,
I have good news and bad news! The good news is that there were 32 responses to our survey which is pretty good compared to our last one.  And the responses were totally anonymous.  That is part of the bad news. I didn't include any way of figuring out who completed the survey so that we can put your name in for our contest.  So, if you responded to the survey please send me the name of your Library so that we can put it in the drawing hat for a free year's membership. The deadline for this will be 2/19/2020.

I apologize to our members, my family, and this great nation for any trouble this has caused.  I pledge that this great lapse in computer literacy will not happen again. Seriously, I am sorry for any inconvenience this may cause you.


Carolea Newsome
Contract Administrator
Mid-Atlantic Library Group
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