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MALiA 2021 Vendor Survey - Chance to Win a Free Year's Membership

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MALiA Contracts

Jan 27, 2021, 5:35:08 PM1/27/21
Hi MALiA Members!

It's time again to evaluate MALiA's contract vendors per state procurement regulations.

Thank you so much for taking the time to complete our survey - your feedback is invaluable to us!  In appreciation, your library will be eligible for entry in a prize drawing for a free one-year MALiA membership.

Survey info:
  • Take the survey at
  • The deadline for completing the survey is Friday, February 19, 2021, at 5:00pm.
  • The survey covers 30 vendor evaluations: 17 vendors for Library Materials, 3 vendors for Library Serials, and 10 vendors for Library Supplies.  Several vendors (e.g. EBSCO, Jupiter Associates) are in more than one category.
  • You will rate vendors in five areas according to state requirements:  delivery performance, quality of goods/services, number of complaints, responsiveness to requests to correct deficiencies, and overall evaluation.
  • You will be able to skip vendors that you did not use.
  • You will be able to exit the survey and re-enter if you wish to do the survey over multiple sessions.
  • Survey results will remain anonymous.  Library name, required for entry in the survey prize drawing, will be excluded from survey data.  Your email address will also be excluded if you choose to provide it at the end of the survey.
  • MALiA will share survey results with member libraries as well as the Library of Virginia procurement officer.
  • Please direct issues accessing the survey to
Thank you again for your help.  Your participation in our annual survey makes it possible for us to continue to offer contracts with the most reliable vendors.

Warmest regards,


Debra Weiss
Contract Administrator
Mid-Atlantic Library Group

MALiA Contracts

Feb 5, 2021, 6:06:48 AM2/5/21
Hi Everyone,

Just a reminder that the MALiA 2021 vendor evaluation survey is currently open until Friday, February, February 19th, at 5:00pm.  Complete the survey and have a chance to win a free one-year MALiA membership for your library!

We are hoping for a high survey response rate since we are required to provide the vendor evaluation data to the state to inform their contract renewal decisions.   So by completing the survey, you are greatly helping our continued efforts to offer contracts with discounts that are beneficial to the MALiA community.

The link to the survey is  See the email below for additional info.

Many thanks to those who have taken the survey already and also to those planning to take it in the near future.

Warmest regards,

Debra Weiss
Contract Administrator
Mid-Atlantic Library Association

Mid-Atlantic Library Association
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