MALiA Fall Meeting Agenda and Registration

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Sep 27, 2019, 3:29:17 PM9/27/19
to MALiA

MALiA Fall 2019 Meeting
November 1, 2019

Please use this form to register to attend the MALiA Fall 2019 Meeting
Registration and lunch complements of MALiA

Location: University of Virginia at Wise, 1 College Avenue Wise, VA 24293
The meeting will be held in the Library

Morning refreshments and lunch will be provided complements of MALiA

Lunch Selections:
Chick-Fil-A Original Box (comes with sandwich, waffle chips, cookie)          
Chick-Fil- A Spicy Box (comes with sandwich, waffle chips, cookie)                
Chick-Fil- A 8 piece Nugget Box (Nuggets, waffle chips, cookie)                
Vegetarian Option—Garden Salad with greens, tomatoes, carrots and cucumber with choice of Ranch, Vinaigrette, or Italian, cookie

For any questions, please contact Sally A. Jones, or 276-676-6391


10am-10:45am:  Business Meeting

10:45am-11:00am: Break

11:00am-12:00pm: Putting the “N” in STEM!

Virginia Master Naturalist volunteers want to put the “N” in STEM: the N is silent, of course, and that’s what they wish to remedy by offering compelling reasons to include NATURE in our exploration of SCIENCE. Careers in environmental engineering, hydrology, wildlife biology and more grow out of studying environmental science — and that often begins with a fascination and curiosity about the natural world. They will share some of their best (and worst!) ideas about environmental education programs aimed at getting children excited about the wild side of science. And they plan to begin this whole process by getting us excited about what flies, creeps, slithers, howls, blooms, and splashes. 

Presented by Monica Hoel & Company

12:00pm-1:00pm: Lunch & tours of the Library

1:00pm-2:00pm: Engaging Students in Information Literacy: Lessons from Our Library Ambassador Program

The Library Ambassador Program hires approximately 25 undergraduate students each fall and provides them with two semesters of information literacy and research skills instruction before deploying them across campus to help students with their research. As part of their training, instructors use various game-playing and active learning strategies in the classroom including: a card game designed to teach players about databases and how they function, group problem-solving exercises, a card game intended to teach players how to evaluate sources of information, and a roleplaying activity meant to prepare ambassadors for experiences in helping students. In this session, participants will learn effective methods for implementing active and collaborative learning strategies to engage students in information literacy instruction.

Presented by Lydia Copeland-Guinn and Jonathan Wilson, East Tennessee State University

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