Open Position: MALiA Contract Administrator

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Oct 9, 2020, 2:26:27 PM10/9/20
to MALiA

Contract Administrator

The Mid-Atlantic Library Alliance (MALiA) is seeking applications for the Contract Administrator, a part-time position (approximately 20 hours per month to be paid at a rate of $2,125.00 per quarter).

Duties include:

·       Prepare RFPs for library materials, serials, and supplies;

·       Issue contracts in accordance with the Virginia Procurement regulations & rules;

·       Keep abreast of the Virginia Procurement regulations & rule;

·       Maintain list of current vendors;

·       Notify vendors & users of changes and/or additions to RFPs;

·       Assist members in resolving outstanding issues regarding contracts;

·       Evaluate annually vendor services through a member survey;

·       Provide content and updated information to webmaster;

·       Coordinate evaluation of RFPs;

·       Make presentations to MALiA and other interested groups;

·       Maintain files and provide members with requested documentation;

·       Attend MALiA business meetings; and.

·       Assist in promoting MALiA membership.


Preferred Qualifications:

·       Bachelor’s degree;

·       Superior oral and written communication skills;

·       Knowledge of Virginia procurement regulations & rules;

·       Knowledge of library acquisitions;

·       Knowledge of accounting procedures;

·       Experience in dealing with vendors; and

·       Experience in writing RFPs.

Must be able to attend MALiA’s quarterly Executive Committee meetings, typically in January, April, July, and October in-person with programs in the Spring and Fall and by ZOOM in the Winter and Summer or as needed.

MALiA is a consortium of more than 250 public, academic, school and special libraries based predominately in Virginia, including Alabama, Florida, Kentucky, Maryland, North Carolina, Tennessee, and West Virginia.

Submit a letter of application and resume outlining qualifications to Kelly McBride, MALiA Vice-President/President Elect, by Friday, November 6, 2020.


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