Fwd: [Open-transport] OKFestival Financial Aid Programme Launches

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James Smith

Apr 10, 2014, 8:58:13 AM4/10/14
to making-gtfs-work-for-...@googlegroups.com
Hi everyone,

My first post to this group - I attended the 'GTFS for the rest of us?' event in Washington DC and have been in discussion with a number of people who are members of this group about how REEEP (www.reeep.org) can help spread the use of Open Data to support Sustainable Urban Transport around the world. To those of you who don't know me yet: Hi! I look forward to making contact at future events.

There's quite a lot of activity on open data and transport in Europe currently. I just received the following notification via the Open Transport list maintained by the Open Knowledge Foundation that they are offering assistance with travel and accommodation costs to attend their OK Festival in Berlin in July - see below for further details if you might be interested.


James Smith
Strategic Consultant
Community Facilitator

REEEP – Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership

+44 20 7099 2215skype: ssejames | e-mail: james...@reeep.org
www.reeep.org & www.reegle.info.
find us:
twitter.com/REEEP & www.facebook.com
Wagramerstrasse 5, VIC D 2169, 1400 Vienna, Austria

From: "Katelyn Rogers" <katelyn...@okfn.org>
To: open-tr...@lists.okfn.org
Sent: Thursday, April 10, 2014 9:55:00 AM
Subject: [Open-transport] OKFestival Financial Aid Programme Launches

Dear Open Knowledge Community,

(Apologies for Cross Posting) 
The OKFestival 2014 Team is happy to announce that we have launched our Financial Aid Programme!
What: OKFestival, 15-17th July 2014, Berlin
How to Apply: check out our Financial Aid webpage
Deadline: Sunday 4th May
We’re delighted to support and ensure the attendance of those with great ideas who are actively involved in the open movement, but whose distance or finances make it difficult for them to get to this year’s festival in Berlin.

We’re striving to create a forum for all ideas and all people and our Financial Aid Programme will help us to do just that. Read all about it now, apply and please share the word!

We look forward to seeing you all in Berlin!

OKFestival Team


Katelyn Rogers

Working Groups Community Manager  | katelyn...@okfn.org  | Skype: katelynjrogers

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Empowering through Open Knowledge

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