1 kg of PLA filament in cubic centimeters? density of filament

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александр кишларь

Jun 25, 2013, 5:18:50 PM6/25/13
to make...@googlegroups.com
Wikipedia says PLA density is 1.23-1.25 g/cm3
If calculating the volume of 1 kg of pla we get 800 cubic centimeters of volume. That's sounds impossible.

the question is: how much volume do you really get from a 1 kg PLA/ABS plastic?

Question№2: how long will it really take to print a filled cube, or prism, with weight of 1 kg; for example 400 microns;100mm/s; ? at least approximately.

Thank you!


Jun 25, 2013, 6:05:11 PM6/25/13
to make...@googlegroups.com
I don't have a link at the moment, but I've read that it will take
approx 50 hours to extrude a single spool of filament. That's not
printing, that's extruding - loading the filament and letting it run
type thing.

As for the 1kg cube, the easy way to find out how long is to crunch the
numbers, create a cube model of the appropriate dimensions to get 1Kg of
plastic, then slice it and see how long the estimate would take.

I once did something like this - Created a cube that was the maximum
printable area for the Rep1, then sliced it at 100% fill at 40 mm/s.
The estimated volume was over 6Kg and would take approx 150 hours (or
was it 100??) to print. This was before acceleration when the time
estimates were fairly accurate. What I learned was that I could not use
the volume to estimate print time. i.e. If it takes XX time to print
volume YYY, then printing 1/4 of YYY does NOT equate to 1/4 of XX time.
The surface area of the print matters too, as well as direction
changes and the amount of head movements. Try printing the Yoda
snowflakes to see what I mean. :)

On 13-06-25 11:18 AM, александр кишларь wrote:
> Wikipedia says PLA density is 1.23-1.25 g/cm3
> If calculating the volume of 1 kg of pla we get 800 cubic centimeters of
> volume. That's sounds impossible.
> <http://www.webbmatte.se/bilder/2_2_2_vol.jpg>
> the question is: how much volume do you really get from a 1 kg PLA/ABS
> plastic?
> Question№2: how long will it really take to print a filled cube, or
> prism, with weight of 1 kg; for example 400 microns;100mm/s; ? at least
> approximately.
> Thank you!
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Jun 25, 2013, 6:25:56 PM6/25/13
to make...@googlegroups.com
That sounds about right.  If you printed at solid infill, that could be a 10cm x 10cm x 8cm cube.  Try to imagine cutting your spool of filament into 2 halves and then bundle all the filament sticks up... they would take up about that room (the spool just looks larger because the reel takes up a lot of the space).  Also, it is deceiving how much airspace there between a bunch of nested rods.  Most people don't print at 100% infill for something that large.

Александр Лепечин

Jun 26, 2013, 12:18:18 AM6/26/13
to make...@googlegroups.com

Guys. Can you tell how much the average simple architecture model like this can weight? With the proviso that it completely fits into replicator's volume and is relatively hollow.
Thanks for your answers!


Jun 26, 2013, 6:02:06 PM6/26/13
to make...@googlegroups.com
On average, 20 to 100 g seems to be the norm for me. Though I see both
lighter and heavier pieces on a regular basis.

On 13-06-25 06:18 PM, Александр Лепечин wrote:
> <http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ9LIL7awxj5lFGKrraBkDQxNf0CHmvGRREWQCPOKzncp0_ffXmNA>
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