Where does MakeKC stand?
Does it still exist?
James Michael Dupont <jamesmi...@googlemail.com>: Feb 01 10:34AM -0800
http://www.KansasLinuxFest.us is coming in march, and we have a good lineup
speakers. If one of you wants to speak or be on a panel discussion, I
am sure we can fit you in.
I have added what I could find about your org to here on our humble site for
let me know if you know of any IRC channels or mailing lists or groups or
to add to my list, please spread the word
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MakeKC will be reorganized. Yes, it still exists, but with me gone from the Beagle most of the time the group will need to rethink its meeting venue. I strongly suspect that Nick Bretz (ni...@hms-beagle.com) will be more than interested in continuing a close relationship. My new email is j...@skeptical-chymists.com.
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