Maker Meetup

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Pat Arneson

Feb 4, 2013, 7:45:21 PM2/4/13
Greetings Hackers,

I am a transplant from The Hack Factory in Minneapolis. I was one of the original members of TCMaker who moved into the Hack Factory, and now live near Theresa, WI.

I am endeavoring to build a maker community in the region for those people that are either unable or unwilling to travel the distance to the maker spaces in Madison or Milwaukee or that are just looking for more opportunities to hang out with creative people.

With that goal in mind I have created Maker Meetup, you can see our nascent web site at or follow @makermeetup on twitter.

Maker Meetup will be focused purely on community building without the extra pressure of trying to form an organization or populate a space.  It is my belief that the other things will happen organically if there is a desire.

Maker Meetup will be holding frequent meetings, starting in Beaver Dam but ideally moving around the area in order to engage as many people as possible.

Or first meeting will be this Wednesday at 7pm.  We will be gathering at the Seippel Arts Center.  The address is 1605 N Spring Street, Beaver Dam (

Please pass this on to anyone you know to whom it may apply.

Thanks for taking a look,

Pat Arneson

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