I Received $2.5Millions Liberty Reserve Money from padhyip.com

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hyip Sundul

Apr 14, 2010, 12:12:27 AM4/14/10
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I Received $2.5Millions Liberty Reserve Money from padhyip.com
PadHyip.com is a short-term global investments offerring company, just launched in March 2010. We offer two types of plans for you to choose: 3000%-9000% of your deposit after 24 hours or 2000%-6000% of your deposit after 12 hours ! Payouts are sent 7 days a week, even on weekends! You don't need to go to banks or financial institutions to purchase the plans, cause we enable you to purchase it via Liberty Reserve payment system, online and instantly!
I deposited $50,000 in padhyip.com and got paid $2.5millions on time.
That is great hyip . what can I say? see my proof
Invested Record
Date : 2010-13-04 03:36:50
From/To Account : U5354564 (PadHyip)
Amount : -50,000.00
Currency : LRUSD
Batch: 353735XX
Memo : 12 hours plan: 5000% after 12 hours
Payment Proof
Date : 2010-13-04 16:06:44
From/To Account : U5354564 (PadHyip)
Amount : 2,500,000.00
Currency : LRUSD
Batch : 354192XX
Memo : Padhyip.com

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