The script

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austin priest

Jul 6, 2010, 1:48:59 PM7/6/10
to Operation "make a HomestarRunner Cartoon
Ok guys, we need to work out a script for this toon! My idea is to
have it open up with a thing going "A Fan Cartoon by the HRWiki Forum
and other peoples, (title of cartoon). We open up with homestar in his
bed, with his alarm clock going off. He mumbles something, and then
looks at a calendar... "huh? ... OH CWAP!! I SLEPT THROUGH JUNE... AND
MAY... AND DECEMBERWEEN!!!" *runs out while saying "ahhhhh"*

But that's my idea so far, who else has ideas?


Jul 6, 2010, 8:58:59 PM7/6/10
to Operation "make a HomestarRunner Cartoon
Here's mine:

As he walks out of his room, he finds out that Bubs is using the rest
of his house for a giant yard sale-type thing, and Strong Bad is
helping since it involves taking over Homestar's house.

austin priest

Jul 6, 2010, 10:48:41 PM7/6/10
to Operation "make a HomestarRunner Cartoon
At some point he'll have to go "oh, hey Bubs, thanks for selling my

So maybe it could go like this (HS) "Um bubs What are you-" (bub)
"Shhh! I'm about to make a sale!!" (Marzi) "I would like this cow
lamp! it'll go perfect with my soy-farm-room (or some other ethnic
thing) to remind me of the cows that I'm saving, so how much will that
be?" (Bub) "That'll be some Dollars!" (M) "Perfect! *Hands dollars to
Bubs*. (B) Percect! So whadda you saying Homestar?" (HS) "Oh yeah
bubs... um what're you doing? (pronounced "doi-ing") (B) "It's a
Homestar Runner isn't around so lets sell all his stuff... sale!" (or
some other witty thing).

Lets keep bouncing ideas... hopefully more people will join the group.


Jul 7, 2010, 12:02:26 PM7/7/10
to Operation "make a HomestarRunner Cartoon
Okay, we need to get some things in order before we just go head first
into this. For anyone without a lot of animation experience, I can
inform you this is a LOT of work, and not something to be taken
lightly. If everyone involved doesn't see it through to the end, it
gets VERY frustrating, because you put a lot of work in and then
someone else screws it up by quitting.

So if you're truly ready to get this accomplished, pledge the support
and what you plan to do. Probably in a separate discussion thread

As far as a script, we need it written like a script. Ideas are all
fine and good, but the thing needs to be in actual script form to be
completed. So I'll go ahead and start with what you guys already have,
in the structured format:

Open on Homestarrunner sleeping.
SXF: Sweet, lullaby music.
Txt: Title of Cartoon
Txt: Authors of cartoon
SFX: Alarm clock rings.
Homestar: (startled and bolting up) Banana pancakes! (looks around,
picks up alarm) Oh CWAP, I slept through June! (short pause) And May!
(looks at clock) And Decemberween!
Bubs: (in background from other room) Come one come all! Everything
must go! Shoplifters will be electrocuted!
Homestar: Huh? (gets up)

Cut to hallway/other room. Bubs has tables set up and is selling
classic Homestar memorabilia. See things like the stick, blue whale,
goblin, all with price tags on them. Homestar enters.
Homestar: (mad) What in the name of Matt Chapman is going on here?!
Bubs: Shh, I'm about to make a sale!
Marzipan: This cow lamp is so cute! It would go perfectly in my Soy
Room to remind me of all the cows I'm saving by not eating them! How
Bubs: That'll be Some dollars!
Homestar: (excited) Wow, that's a good deal, I bought it for TWICE
Marzipan: Perfect! (hands dollars to Bubs)
Bubs: Pecect! (note: did you mean this to be perfect?) So whadda you
saying Homestar?
Homestar: Oh yeah. (mad again) What the heck do you think you're
Strong Bad walks over, also behind table with Bubs.
SB: What does it look like we're doing, crap for brains?
Homestar: Not like you're making me breakfast, that's for sure!
SB: You've been gone for a really long time. No one knew where you
went or if you were coming back.
Strong Sad: (leans in) I TOLD you he was sleeping in his room-
SB: (quickly) Shut up. (to Homestar) So we figured you were gone for
good and decided to liquidate all your assets.

So there you go, what's there so far. Now, I'm up for putting things
together and doing the animation stuff once we get all the symbols and
sounds. I would like to make a suggestion for a little cameo. As
anyone who follows Fred the Monkey knows, I am terrible at keeping a
normal update schedule, so we often joke about such lack of updates.
If you'd permit it, I'd enjoy tossing Sceb in there as a tribute to
H*R with this part:

Sceb (walks in): Seriously, even WE update every six months or so. How
much for the computer? (picks up lappy)
SB: Ten bucks.
Sceb: Five.
SB: Eleven!
Sceb: Three!
SB: Eight!
Sceb: Deal! (pays SB)
Both characters turn away and glance back cunningly at each other.
SB and Sceb at same time: Heh heh, sucker.

I'd also like to suggest that we don't go crazy here and make it too
long. (Keeping it short and sweet makes it so that it will probably
GET DONE.) So if we wanted to end it soon after this, it might be cool
to zoom in on Homestar with some dramatic music:
Camera zooms in on Homestar.
SFX: Dramatic.
Homestar: Could this be the end of Homestarrunner?!
Short pause.
Zoom back out.
SB: (shrugs) I dunno, maybe.
Then the screen goes black with a huge question mark.

I think this would be a cool way to end it, since we just don't know
what's going to happen right now. What do you guys think? Let me know.

Duth Olec

Jul 7, 2010, 2:11:14 PM7/7/10
to Operation "make a HomestarRunner Cartoon
KOT: [walks in holding a small cauldron of something bubbling] How
much for the bowl of bubblin' stew?
Bubs: Nine dolla's!
Homestar: Hey, that's my witch's brew!

With such a fancy term as liquidate, I think following it with
something about a liquid is... something... that I am now suggesting.
And the KOT seemed to fit for that.

Now all we need is Homsar, right? ...right?


Jul 7, 2010, 2:55:14 PM7/7/10
to Operation "make a HomestarRunner Cartoon
Homsar could be an easter egg, even if it's short, it should have one
because that's a staple of H*R which we are parodying. But I agree it
should be short as it takes an enormous amount of effort to even
animate this much, this sounds like a pretty legit idea. It's very in
character and kind of funny. I think it would be great if we sent
this to TBC themselves when done in a link or something, or maybe give
them the flash file. It would be hilarious if they actually posted
the fans toon on the website in an update.

It might be funny if you contact Sam T (of taco man fame, and ask him if he would lend a voice to a quick
appearance by Taco Man. Since he was mentioned in the ween toon a few
years back. "Taco man came by" lol.


Jul 7, 2010, 4:05:19 PM7/7/10
to Operation "make a HomestarRunner Cartoon
At sometime, coach z could come in and be like
Z: Holy gorsh! It's heaven! Listerine, great for baby toys, pink
bathing suits, questionable water...
Strong Bad: That's enough creeper mc creeperson.
H*R: Why are you selling my stuff?! (Coach Z reaches for the toys)
H*R: Coach Z, don't even think about taking those great for baby
Bubs: I'm selling it because...
I got nothing else. Don't have a reason yet.

austin priest

Jul 7, 2010, 5:30:09 PM7/7/10
to Operation "make a HomestarRunner Cartoon
I think that this script is very good so far... possibly a couple
edits (thanks for selling my cow-lamp). I think that actually having
Sceb IN the cartoon may be a bit too much, maybe a vocal would be a
bit more subtle and classy like.
SB: Well SCEB! You've been gone for a really long time. No one knew
where you
went or if you were coming back.
HS: (leaning into Bubs, quitely) "Did he just call me a scab?"
SS: I TOLD you he was in his room!
SB: (quickly) Shut up. (to Homestar) So we figured you were gone for
good and decided to liquidate all your assets.
HS: Ohh Sounds like fun, sooooo how much is that computer-box?
Bubs: 9 Dollars!
HS: Well that's a steal if I ever saw one! (SB: "you're telling me"),
I'll take it! (takes computer and walks back into room with it)
SB: NOOOO my sweet sweet box of email-tacular entertainment!!! I'm
OUTTA HERE!!! (mumbles) gonna get myself a snowcone or hang out at the

Whadda you think?


Jul 7, 2010, 7:50:01 PM7/7/10
to Operation "make a HomestarRunner Cartoon
I took what I considered the best parts from all your ideas and edited
them together. I had to change some stuff around to make it flow (and
some just because it sounded better), but the basic idea is the same.
Feel free to offer constructive criticism.

SXF: Sweet, lullaby music.
Txt: Title of Cartoon
Txt: Authors of cartoon
SFX: Alarm clock rings.

Homestar: (startled and bolting up) Banana pancakes! (looks around,
picks up alarm) Oh CWAP, I slept through June! (short pause) And May!
(looks at clock) And Decemberween!
Bubs: (in background from other room) Come one come all! Everything
must go! Shoplifters will be electrocuted!
Homestar: Huh? (gets up)

(Cut to hallway/other room. Bubs has tables set up and is selling
classic Homestar memorabilia. See things like the stick, blue whale,
goblin, all with price tags on them. Homestar enters.)

Homestar: (mad) What in the name of Matt Chapman is going on here?!
Bubs: Shh, I'm about to make a sale!
Marzipan: This cow lamp is so cute! It would go perfectly in my Soy
Room to remind me of all the cows I'm saving by not eating them! How
Bubs: That'll be Some dollars!
Homestar: (excited) Wow, that's a good deal, I bought it for TWICE
Marzipan: Perfect! (hands dollars to Bubs)
Bubs: Perfect! So whadda you saying, Homestar?
Homestar: Oh yeah. (mad again) What the heck do you think you're
(Strong Bad walks over, also behind table with Bubs.)
Strong Bad: What does it look like we're doing, crap for brains?
Homestar: Not like you're making me breakfast, that's for sure!
Coach Z: (runs in) Holy gorsh! It's heaven! Listerine, great fer baby
toys, pink
bathing suits, questionable water...
Strong Bad: That's enough, Creeper McCreepson.
Homestar: Why are you selling my stuff?! (Coach Z reaches for the
Strong Bad: Well, Sceb-
Homestar: (cut to a close up of Homestar leaning into Bubs, quitely)
"Did he just call me a scab?" (Cut back out)
Strong Bad: -You've been gone for a really long time. No one knew
where you went or if you were coming back.
Strong Sad: (leans in) I TOLD you he was sleeping in his room-
Strong Bad: (quickly) Shut up. (to Homestar) So we figured you were
gone for
good and decided to liquidate all your assets.
Homestar: Ooo! Sounds like fun! Sooo, how much is that computer-box
goin’ for? (Cut to the Compe on the table next to them)
Strong Bad: (worried) No, that's not for sa-
Bubs: 9 Dollars!
(Strong Bad has a shocked look on his face)
Homestar: Well that's a steal if I ever saw one! I'll take it! (takes
computer and walks back into room with it)
Strong Bad: NOOOO! my sweet sweet box of email-tacular
entertainment!!! I'm OUTTA HERE!!! (mumbles & walks away) Gonna get
myself a snowcone or maybe hang out at The Stick...
KOT: (walks in holding a small cauldron of something bubbling) How
much for the bowl of bubblin' stew?
Bubs: Nine dolla's!
Homestar: Hey, that's my witch's brew!
TXT: END. F’reals this time.


Jul 7, 2010, 7:59:59 PM7/7/10
to Operation "make a HomestarRunner Cartoon
As for the aforementioned Homsar Easter Egg, you could show him
trapped under the bed.

Homsar: Aaaaaa'll need more fire slips for that cash.

Duth Olec

Jul 7, 2010, 10:40:31 PM7/7/10
to Operation "make a HomestarRunner Cartoon
Let's see... a few minuscule suggestions.

"Bubs: Quiet! I'm about to make a sale!"

And when Coach Z is listing items, perhaps have him list jock-strap
pizza since that seemed to be mentioned a number of times back on the
forum. Also, would the "great fer baby toys" actually be baby toys or
will they be random items said to be great for babies. Or is it too
soon to actually decide such things?

Either way, a couple suggestions for background items in the yard
sale: the Homestar Runner "Bechieve to Alieve" Foundition (commonly
known as "this drawer"), and maybe Frank Bennedetto.

"Aaaaa'm all boxed up and no cakes to go!"

austin priest

Jul 7, 2010, 11:58:48 PM7/7/10
to Operation "make a HomestarRunner Cartoon
Yes, the "Quite I'm about to make a sale" does sound better.

Maybe a "The Show" sign or item could be another item?

And I don't want to be completely copying the "Garage Sale" cartoon
they've done earlier. So we could do a weird coach z, but first we'd
have to find someone who can speak coach z. And I'm going out on a
stretch but I think maybe we should only do a Coach Z or KoT thing in
here in order to keep it short'n sweet, and so we can actually finish
this, what are your ideas on this take JKR? would having both be too
much animating/drawing sorta thing?

Also, should we do credits before or after? We may have more people
than would be efficient to use before toon credits... I dunno


Jul 8, 2010, 6:05:01 AM7/8/10
to Operation "make a HomestarRunner Cartoon
Hello. I think it would be interesting if all the characters sung a
type of song at the end. I understand it might be too soon to suggest
such things (considering all the animation that has to be done), but
it's just a suggestion. I volunteer to write it if this idea is
considered... Again, I sincerely apologize if my idea is too radical.

Also, the script is pretty cool. I really like when Homestar says
"What in the name of Matt Chapman is going on here?!"
That's just brilliant! By the way, the credits should go at the end.
That just seems like that would work.


Jul 8, 2010, 6:36:27 AM7/8/10
to Operation "make a HomestarRunner Cartoon
How about, between Homestar saying "sounds like fun" and noticing the
Pom Pom bounces in, appears to question Homestar on what is happening.
Homestar: Oh, hey, Pom Pom. We're just acetating* my liquids. I don't
think it's your sort of thing, since you're more gassy than liquidy.
Pom Pom appears angry.
Homestar: OK, OK, I'm sorry. Here, have a me on me.
HSR pays Bubs a note and picks up a Homestar action figure from
"action figure", and gives it to Pom Pom. Pom Pom looks pleased and
bounces away as the Compe stuff begins.

*alternatively "ascertaining", or anything that sounds like asset


Jul 8, 2010, 8:18:46 AM7/8/10
to Operation "make a HomestarRunner Cartoon
I dunno, we don't want it to be too long....


Jul 8, 2010, 8:41:42 AM7/8/10
to Operation "make a HomestarRunner Cartoon
Okay, here are my thoughts about the whole situation as it stands.

Firstly, I agree with Susan above. We have to be careful about adding
TOO much, because firstly it tacks on a ton of work, and secondly more
characters = more voices + more art = more difficulty. Coach Z is a
really rough character to pull off well. He seems random sometimes,
but it's such a controlled random that it always astounds me when the
nail the lines for him in their cartoons. If we really want him, we
can put him in, but it might be tougher.

I think if we list a few "must-have" characters, we'd be better off.
Remember someone has to draw or capture ALL these things if this is
going to work. That in itself is a HUGE task, and has to be a key
focus since without the symbols we can do no actual animating.

So "must-haves" in my opinion:
Homestarrunner (duh)
Bubs (since it's a sale)
Strong Bad (because he's the #1 popular character on the site)

Beyond those three, let's shoot for only a few other characters. It
would be brilliant to include more, but remember, keeping things short
and sweet will ensure this is actually done. We can write a glorious
10 minute script with every character they've ever created, but
honestly we would never complete it. Besides, keeping things shorter
makes the jokes we include that much more funny.

Other thoughts from me:

-Love the Taco Man idea, and I'd wager I could get Sam to do it if
people wanted. But since some folks vetoed the Sceb idea, I don't know
if they actually want these "other world" cameos to appear. Let me
know. I think it's a nice tribute to have these other characters that
owe a lot of their internet-lives to the Brothers Chaps, but I'm okay
with not including them.

-As far as the song thing, songs are REALLY difficult because that
adds so many other layers. I think we should save something like that
for a future project if we do another. Remember if things go smoothly
this time, there's no reason to think we couldn't do it again

-I think the KoT scene is a good one, and I don't think it would
require a ton more work. I agree with Duth that it if we decide to
include it it should come after someone says "liquidate" because
that's a very clever pun.

-As far as easter eggs go, I'd say a good one would be someone leaving
with Homesar with a price tag tucked under their arm (Strong Mad
maybe?) and Homesar says something like "I'm a bargain at any railroad
sale!" (Key being that he was for sale.)

Other thoughts? Get your opinions in so we can start finalizing the
script itself and vote if there's a disagreement on what to include.

Duth Olec

Jul 8, 2010, 11:00:43 PM7/8/10
to Operation "make a HomestarRunner Cartoon
Ah yes, good ol' controlled random.

Anyway I basically agree with all said here. I'm not sure if
characters from other dealies are a good idea, a song would probably
be too much work, I do make good points, and the easter egg. I still
like my quote suggestion since it involves computer box and banana
pancakes, but I like JKR's suggestion too.

austin priest

Jul 9, 2010, 12:21:47 AM7/9/10
to Operation "make a HomestarRunner Cartoon
Strong Bad: Well, Sceb-
Homestar: (cut to a close up of Homestar leaning into Bubs, quitely)
"Did he just call me a scab?" (Cut back out)
Strong Bad: -You've been gone for a really long time. No one knew
where you went or if you were coming back.
Strong Sad: (leans in) I TOLD you he was sleeping in his room-
Strong Bad: (quickly) Shut up. (to Homestar) So we figured you were
gone for good and decided to liquidate all your assets.
KoT: Did someone say liquidate? Cause for 5 dollars, I’ve got this
large boiling pot of whats-
Homestar: Ooo! A Witches Brew! Of course I’ll-
Bubs: I’ll give ya six dolla’s for that!
KoT: Sold!
Homestar: But I wanted that!
Bubs: Well then you can buy it, for 6.50!
Homestar: 6:50!?!? Maybe if I got that computer-box too!
Strong Bad: (worried) No, that's not for sa-
Bubs: Only for 9 Dollars!
(Strong Bad has a shocked look on his face)
Homestar: Well that's a steal if I ever saw one! I'll take it! (takes
computer and walks back into room with it)
Strong Bad: NOOOO! my sweet sweet box of email-tacular
entertainment!!! I'm OUTTA HERE!!! (mumbles & walks away) Gonna get
myself a snowcone or maybe hang out at The Stick...

This is what I think could work well. I edited out the Coach Z. Part,
kept the Sceb (I think it can work well as a verbal reference) and
edited the KoT scene into the main of the toon. There is definitely
some buffereing out of we choose this script, but I think it could
work well...

And we should think of a really good easter egg (probably including
Homsar)... so keep thinking of them!


Jul 9, 2010, 12:37:17 AM7/9/10
to Operation "make a HomestarRunner Cartoon

On Jul 8, 9:21 pm, austin priest <> wrote:

> Bubs: Only for 9 Dollars!
> (Strong Bad has a shocked look on his face)
> Homestar: Well that's a steal if I ever saw one! I'll take it! (takes
> computer and walks back into room with it)

I think there needs to be some sort of sound effect when Strong Bad
hears the price for his precious Compe. Like... someone smashing their
hands on a piano. There should also be a quick dramatic close up on
his shocked
face. That could really add to the effect.


Jul 9, 2010, 1:46:10 AM7/9/10
to Operation "make a HomestarRunner Cartoon
Hi. Me again... I have a couple more minor suggestions:

> Homestar: Oh yeah. (mad again) What the heck do you think you're
> doing?!

---What if Homestar did a head flick here. You know, that thing he
always does when he's talking. Right after "heck" to be exact. If he
did this throughout the toon at the appropriate times it would be a
nice touch... I'll leave that up to the animator.

>Strong Sad: (leans in) I TOLD you he was sleeping in his room-

--- He should do some kind of hand gesture. Like holding his finger in
the air or something. Or even a finger wag. Just... some kind of

--- If Coach Z was in the toon, it would be a little harder to pull
off, but it could be worth it. I think after the toon is done and
animated, then we can focus on what to do with him. He could be an
easter egg. Maybe he could be trying to buy back his hat from Bubs, or
his 4 Tony awards... or a chin strap pizza?

--- Here's an idea for a Homsar easter egg...

(Homsar is seen in the middle of the shot. Strong bad is walking by
with his head hanging down. There's bushes in the background.)
Homsar: AaAaAaAam a flyin' cheesesteak.
(Strongbad kicks Homsar and he lands behind the bushes. Strong Bad
continues walking and mumbling.)
Homsar: No haAaAard feelin's, Chell. (portal reference... too much?)


Jul 9, 2010, 7:07:37 AM7/9/10
to Operation "make a HomestarRunner Cartoon
> I think there needs to be some sort of sound effect when Strong Bad
> hears the price for his precious Compe. Like... someone smashing their
> hands on a piano. There should also be a quick dramatic close up on
> his shocked
> face. That could really add to the effect.

I know! Strong bad could turn around and we hear the music from the
dramatic look youtube video. Here it is.


Jul 9, 2010, 7:09:14 AM7/9/10
to Operation "make a HomestarRunner Cartoon


Jul 9, 2010, 7:10:50 AM7/9/10
to Operation "make a HomestarRunner Cartoon

On Jul 9, 7:07 am, Stiny <> wrote:
> > I think there needs to be some sort of sound effect when Strong Bad
> > hears the price for his precious Compe. Like... someone smashing their
> > hands on a piano. There should also be a quick dramatic close up on
> > his shocked
> > face. That could really add to the effect.
> I know! Strong bad could turn around and we hear the music from the
> dramatic look youtube video. Search drammatic look on youtube.

Ron Woodford

Jul 9, 2010, 9:43:42 AM7/9/10
I think we want to avoid any outside memes it will quickly date the cartoon.
"If we hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominoes should fall like a house of cards. Checkmate."
~Zap Brannigan


Jul 9, 2010, 10:33:35 AM7/9/10
to Operation "make a HomestarRunner Cartoon
What should we call the cartoon?

Marci Cameron

Jul 9, 2010, 2:28:37 PM7/9/10
to Operation "make a HomestarRunner Cartoon
Hi. I've been reading this group since the link appeared on the HR
Wiki forums, although I'm not a member of the forums myself. However,
I, too, am a fan of the Homestar Runner website since sbemail 75 and I
figure I might as well throw my two cents in. (Not literally of
course.) All I did was copy the script that was here already and add
some extra dialogue. I even added Taco-Man and Sceb to the mix, just
to acknowledge the "other world" websites there are that even at least
mention Homestar some time in one or two of their cartoons. (Taco-Man
and Sceb are the only ones I can come up with, but you're welcome to
add others if you'd like.) It's not much, but here's what I came up

SXF: Sweet, lullaby music.
TXT: Title of Cartoon
TXT: Authors of cartoon
SFX: Alarm clock rings.
Homestar: (startled and bolts up) Banana pancakes! (looks around,
picks up alarm) Oh, CWAP! I swept through June! (short pause) And May!
(looks at clock) And Decembaween?!
Bubs: (in background from other room) Come one, come all! Everything
must go! Shoplifters will be electrocuted!
Homestar: Huh? (gets up)
(Cut to hallway/other room. Bubs has tables set up and is selling
classic Homestar memorabilia like the Stick, the Blubb-o's Whale, the
Goblin, all with price tags on them. Bubs is talking to Marzipan about
the cow lamp as Homestar angrily rushes in.)
Homestar: What in the name of Matt Chapman is going on hewa?!
Bubs: Shh, I'm about to make a sale!
Marzipan: This cow lamp is so cute! It would go perfectly in my Soy
Room to remind me of all the cows I'm saving by not eating them! How
Bubs: That'll be 6 dollars!
Homestar: (excitedly) Wow, that's a good deal! I bought it for TWICE
Marzipan: Perfect! (hands 6 dollars to Bubs)
Bubs: Perfect! (as Marzipan walks away with the cow lamp) So whadda
you saying, Homestar?
Homestar: Oh yeah. (angrily) What the cwap do you think you're doing?!
(Strong Bad walks over, also behind table with Bubs.)
Strong Bad: What does it look like we're doing, crap for brains?
Homestar: Not wike you're makin' me bweakfast, that's for suwa!
Coach Z: (runs in) Holy gorsh! It's heaven! Listerine, great fer baby
toys, pink bathing suits, questionable water...
Strong Bad: That's enough, Creeper McCreepson.
Homestar: Why are you selling my stuff?!
(Coach Z heads for the “Great-for-baby” toys.)
Strong Bad: Well, mushmouth, you've been gone for a really long time.
No one knew where you went or if you were coming back.
Strong Sad: (leans in) I TOLD you he was sleeping in his room!
Strong Bad: (quickly, to Strong Sad) Shut up. (to Homestar as Strong
Sad leans out of frame) So, we figured you were gone for good and
decided to liquidate all your assets.
King of Town: (walks in holding a small cauldron of something
bubbling) Did someone say liquidate? 'Cause I’ve got this large
boiling pot of some sort of goo.
(Pom Pom bounces in and bubbles to the King of Town.)
King of Town: What would you need liquids for, young fella? Especially
since you're more gassy than liquidy.
(Pom Pom bubbles angrily.)
King of Town: Alright, fine. I'm willing to let this go for, oh... 5
(Pom Pom happily bubbles as he takes a 5-dollar bill out of his round
King of Town: Hot dang! (accepts Pom Pom's 5 bucks)
Homestar: (angrily) Hey, that's my witch's bwew!
(Pom Pom and the King of Town walk away with Pom Pom carrying the
Strong Bad: Look, it's been no bed of roses for me, either. I had to
sell my Compé for 9 bucks just to get a bite to eat. 9 DOLLARS, MAN!
Homestar: (shocked) Gasp! (Yes, he said the word “Gasp!” instead of
just giving a gasp.) You SOLD your computa box?!
Strong Bad: Yeah, so, I won't be, like, checkin' emails for at least a
year. But until I can a new computer, the world will just have to live
without my snipy comments and waggly head.
(He and Bubs walk out of frame at this point, leaving Homestar alone.)
Homestar: (worried) Oh, no! No more sbemails! (comes close to us) THE
GOOD TIMES ARE OVA! I gotta do something about this! (happily) Ooh! I
know! I'll get my fellow onwine cartoon fwiends to help me! (runs out
of the house)
(Cut to Taco-Man's living room. The door bell rings.)
Taco-Man: (walks to the door) Alright, I'm comin'. Keep your head on.
(He opens the door and is shocked to see Homestar there.)
Taco-Man: (angrily) Oh, no! Not you again!
Homestar: (worriedly) Taco-Man! You gotta help me! THE GOOD TIMES ARE
Taco-Man: (reluctantly sighs) I suppose you won't leave me alone
unless I do help you. Okay, what's the trouble?
Homestar: Bubs is selling ev'rything in my house and Stwong Bad sold
his computa box! Now, he won't check his email for a yeawa!
Taco-Man: Uh, yeah. Let me think about this for a minute, okay? Wait
(He closes the door and walks a few feet away from said door.)
(He calms down and walks back to the door and opens it, revealing
Homestar still there.)
Taco-Man: (seemingly concerned) Oh, I'm so sorry, but there's nothing
I can do. (short pause) Bye.
(He slams the door on Homestar who just stands outside the door.)
Homestar: (annoyed sigh) Why come I'm not suwpwised? (walks away)
(Cut to Sceb's room where Sceb is in front of his computer, probably
plotting to take over the world 'cause there's certainly no new
mailbag. Homestar worriedly runs in, taking Sceb by surprise.)
Homestar: Sceb! Than goodness you're hewa!
Sceb: OH, MY BISCUIT! IT'S HOMESTAR RUNNER! (angrily) Wait. How did
you get in my house?
Homestar: (happily) Oh, Fred wet me in. He's a weally nice guy. ...for
a monkey.
Sceb: (annoyed sigh) I really gotta talk to Fred about screening our
visitors. (concerned) Anyway, what are you doing here?
Homestar: (worriedly) Oh, Sceb! You gotta help me! THE GOOD TIMES ARE
Sceb: Whoa! That sounds bad. What happened?
Homestar: Alls the stuff in my house is being sold! Even Stwong Bad
had to sell his computa!
MORE MAKING FUN OF THE SENDER'S NAME?! (worriedly) Oh, biscuit! The
good times are definitely over!
Homestar: My point exactly! What're we gonna do?!
Sceb: (determined) There's only one thing to do!
(Seconds later, Sceb is playing his Nintendo DS while Homestar angrily
glares at him. Pan to S.C. who is standing beside Homestar.)
S.C.: (to Homestar in concern) Sorry about that. He does this sort of
thing all the time.
Homestar: Hmph! Tell me about it. (looks at S.C. in interest)
S.C.: Anyway, I'm sorry about what happened to you Homestar and I'd
really like to help, but we're sort of busy with OUR website right
now. Nothing personal. I hope you understand.
Homestar: (sadly sighs) Thanks anyway. I'll be going now.
(S.C. watches Homestar leave. S.C. then angrily looks at Sceb.)
S.C.: (scolds Sceb) You have no shame, do you?
Sceb: (briefly looks up from his DS) You bet your biscuit!
(Cut to Homestar sadly walking down the Field, kicking a soup can with
head hung low.)
Homestar: (sighs) Wooks wike I'm on my own. I don't know what I'm
gonna do now.
(He heads toward the sunset, still kicking the can. Fade to black.)
TXT: Everyone misses the Homestar Runner. He was a terrific athlete.
Update soon, Matt and Mike.

That's about all I could come up with. As for the ending I gave it,
it's sort of a cliffhanger, but you might be able to give it a happy
ending that explains why Homestar isn't leaving us after all. As for
the minor misspellings in Homestar's dialogue, I know that he has a
speech impediment, so, I reflected his "twoubles with (his) aw's" as
much as I could. I also edited it so that Strong Bad knows the Compé
was sold and that he's the one that sold it, explaining why there's no
new sbemails. I also added quotes from "Bug in Mouth Disease" ("THE
GOOD TIMES ARE OVA!") and "Doomy Tales of the Macabre" ("My point
exactly!") and put in a "Why come?" question in Homestar's dialogue to
help advance the plot. I also like the idea of having a Homsar easter
egg, but I don't know how it's gonna be handled, so, I'll leave that
to you guys. Oh, and before I forget, I mentioned this group and the
hiatus on my blog. Here's the link to my post:
Let me know what you think. And if you decide to use my draft of the
script above, be sure to credit me, 'kay?


Jul 9, 2010, 3:23:25 PM7/9/10
to Operation "make a HomestarRunner Cartoon
We shouldn't make it too long. I personally like the script we have
right now.
> hiatus on my blog. Here's the link to my post:

Marci Brubaker

Jul 9, 2010, 4:20:37 PM7/9/10
I appreciate the feedback, but the dramatic hamster thing wasn't really what I had in mind... Infact, that didn't even cross my mind.
 I was thinking more of just a quick, but potent sound effect rather than music. Ever hear the piano sound effect from Animal Crossing when one of the animals got super surprised? (If you don't know what the game is then disregard that last sentence...)
And the close up wouldn't be like the "dramatic" meme, but more like just a super fast zoom. I guess the difference is that he wouldn't turn around, and then have the camera zoom in. It would just zoom in as the sound effect plays... if that made any sense at all...?
Your logic does not inhibit me!


Jul 9, 2010, 4:27:21 PM7/9/10
to Operation "make a HomestarRunner Cartoon
I was inspired by Teen Girl Squad

We could call it... "Bubs'd"

Because everybody in the toon pretty much got affected by Bubs selling
Homestar's stuff somehow. Strongbad lost his Compe. Homestar's stuff
is, of course, getting sold. Homsar... have we figured out what's
going on with him yet? Well, anyway, you get the idea...
Message has been deleted

austin priest

Jul 9, 2010, 4:40:48 PM7/9/10
to Operation "make a HomestarRunner Cartoon
Thank you for the script there Marci C., but i'm worried that that
script would be too long, and with too many characters. What we're
trying to accomplish here is a fairly short fan toon, done in the
style of The Brother Chaps. I think that if we use an edited version
of the script I've put up in my last post, then we will be good.

On doing references- References are fine, as the Brother Chaps do it
all the time. But I think actually HAVING some of the characters we're
referencing in the toon that aren't part of the actual H*R universe
wouldn't be good. I think that verbal references are fine, especially
if we can make a joke from them (ex. (SB) SCEB! (HS) did he just call
me a scab?)

Characters- We should try and keep it simple as possible. I think a
cast of HS, SB, KoT, Bubs, Marzi and Homsar would be plenty for a fan
toon. Complex characters like Coach Z and Pom Pom might be out of our
grasp. Coach Z has a very particular way of making humor, which would
be hard to emulate, and I don't think we'd ever be able to find a
bubbles sound close to Pom Pom's.

On sound effects... NO MEMES, I don't think that'd be the style of
TBC. I think the piano thing is a good idea. I've got a keyboard at
home so I could try something on there.

Easter Egg- We could take this a variety of directions. Homsar could
be sold, he could be selling something weird, I've even had the idea
of him at a computer (possilby the compe as homestar does something
with the erm... "witch's brew") and saying "This is the Worst! Animal
Fan I've ever seeeeeeeen" (but probably a bit more weird). We really
just have to find something and go with it.

But yeah guys, I like how my idea of him waking up in his room has
progressed into a cool fan-short. Let's keep a working!

Marci Cameron

Jul 9, 2010, 6:19:39 PM7/9/10
to Operation "make a HomestarRunner Cartoon
Susan -

I guess my script is a bit too long, but I prefer the idea of Strong
Bad willingly selling the Compé instead of not allowing it to be sold.
It shows how he's trying to cope with the lack of updates on the site.

austin priest -

Sorry for adding so many characters. I was just trying to please JKR
by putting Sceb and Taco-Man in, but mentioning Sceb's name does seem
like enough. ...and a bit funny, too, noting Homestar's response. And
yes, I'd like an easter egg of Homsar at the end of the toon, perhaps
being sold at the sale. I, however, am bad at making up Homsar quotes,
so, I'll leave that up to you guys.

To the Marci with no last name -

Good idea for a title: "Bubs'd" We could use that if no one comes up
with anything better.

Now that the acknowledgments are out of the way, allow me to hit you
with my latest draft.

SXF: Sweet, lullaby music.
TXT: Bubs'd
Strong Bad: Well, Sceb...
Homestar: (questioningly whispers to Bubs) Did he just call me a scab?
(looks at Strong Bad)
Strong Bad:'ve been gone for a really long time. No one knew
where you went or if you were coming back.
Strong Sad: (leans in) I TOLD you he was sleeping in his room!
Strong Bad: (quickly, to Strong Sad) Shut up. (to Homestar as Strong
Sad leans out of frame) So, we figured you were gone for good and
decided to liquidate all your assets.
King of Town: (walks in holding a small cauldron of something
bubbling) Did someone say liquidate? 'Cause I’ve got this large
boiling pot of some sort of goo.
Bubs: Oh, that's thang's worth at least 5 bucks.
King of Town: Hot dang! What a bargain! (pulls out a 5-dollar bill)
I'll take it!
Homestar: (angrily) Hey, that's my witch's bwew!
(Bubs takes the 5 bucks and the King of Town walks away with the pot.)
Strong Bad: Look, mushmouth, it's been no bed of roses for me, either.
I had to sell my Compé for 9 bucks just to get a bite to eat. 9
Homestar: (shocked) Gasp! (Yes, he said the word “Gasp!” instead of
just giving a gasp.) You SOLD your computa box?!
Strong Bad: Yeah, so, I won't be, like, checkin' emails for at least a
year. But until I can a new computer, the world will just have to live
without my snipy comments and waggly head.
(He and Bubs walk out of frame at this point, leaving Homestar alone.)
Homestar: (worried) Oh, no! No more sbemails! (comes close to us) THE
GOOD TIMES ARE OVA! (runs out of the house)
(Cut to Homestar sadly walking down the Field, kicking a soup can with
head hung low.)
Homestar: (sighs) I don't know what I'm gonna do now.
(He heads toward the sunset, still kicking the can. Fade to black.)
TXT: Everyone misses the Homestar Runner. He was a terrific athlete.
Update soon, Matt and Mike.
TXT: Credits of the writers, animators, voices, and music with 2010 as
the copyright year to this cartoon

I don't know if it's too short a short, so, you can be free to add
more content to the script if you like. I kept "THE GOODS TIMES ARE
OVA!" since Homestar is worried about the fate of his site. Oh, I
forgot to mention in my first message, Homestar kicking the soup can
down the Field is from the remake of "Where My Hat is At?" and the
"mushmouth" comment Strong Bad gives is from episode 4 of SBCG4AP in
extended play. Anyway, I understand if you decide not to use my draft.
But if you do, list me in the credits as Acme Girl, my alias on my
blog ( Sorry to be self-promoting my blog,
but it currently lacks comments as of late and I would appreciate it
if there was at least some activity there.
Message has been deleted
Message has been deleted


Jul 9, 2010, 7:05:30 PM7/9/10
to Operation "make a HomestarRunner Cartoon
I still like the earlier version better.

Duth Olec

Jul 9, 2010, 11:11:50 PM7/9/10
to Operation "make a HomestarRunner Cartoon
Think I agree. I like the idea of the toon having a silly ending as
opposed to "oh no, the site hasn't updated in forevers, like, update

austin priest

Jul 10, 2010, 2:26:17 AM7/10/10
to Operation "make a HomestarRunner Cartoon
SXF: Sweet, lullaby music.
Txt: Title of Cartoon
Txt: Authors of cartoon
SFX: Alarm clock rings.
Homestar: (startled and bolting up) Banana pancakes! (looks around,
picks up alarm) Oh CWAP, I slept through June! (short pause) And May!
(looks at clock) And Decemberween!
Bubs: (in background from other room) Come one come all! Everything
must go! Shoplifters will be electrocuted!
Homestar: Huh? (gets up)
(Cut to hallway/other room. Bubs has tables set up and is selling
classic Homestar memorabilia. See things like the stick, blue whale,
goblin, all with price tags on them. Homestar enters.)
Homestar: (mad) What in the name of Matt Chapman is going on here?!
Bubs: Shh, I'm about to make a sale!
Marzipan: This cow lamp is so cute! It would go perfectly in my Soy
Room to remind me of all the cows I'm saving by not eating them! How
Bubs: That'll be Some dollars!
Homestar: (excited) Wow, that's a good deal, I bought it for TWICE
Marzipan: Perfect! (hands dollars to Bubs)
Bubs: Perfect! So whadda you saying, Homestar?
Homestar: Oh yeah. (mad again) What the heck do you think you're
(Strong Bad walks over, also behind table with Bubs.)
Strong Bad: What does it look like we're doing, crap for brains?
Homestar: Not like you're making me breakfast, that's for sure!
Strong Bad: Well, Sceb-
Homestar: (cut to a close up of Homestar leaning into Bubs, quitely)
"Did he just call me a scab?" (Cut back out)
Strong Bad: -You've been gone for a really long time. No one knew
where you went or if you were coming back.
Strong Sad: (leans in) I TOLD you he was sleeping in his room-
Strong Bad: (quickly) Shut up. (to Homestar) So we figured you were
gone for good and decided to liquidate all your assets.
KoT: Did someone say liquidate? Cause for 5 dollars, I’ve got this
large boiling pot of whats-
Homestar: Ooo! A Witches Brew! Of course I’ll-
Bubs: I’ll give ya six dolla’s for that!
KoT: Sold!
Homestar: But I wanted that!
Bubs: Well then you can buy it, for 6.50!
Homestar: 6:50!?!? Maybe if I got that computer-box too!
Strong Bad: (worried) No, that's not for sa-
Bubs: Only for 9 Dollars!
(Strong Bad has a shocked look on his face, *sound of piano keys being
Homestar: Well that's a steal if I ever saw one! I'll take it! (takes
computer and "witches brew" and walks back into room with it)
Strong Bad: NOOOO! my sweet sweet box of email-tacular
entertainment!!! Why? WHYYYY, I- I'm OUTTA HERE!!! (mumbles & walks
away) Gonna get
myself a snowcone or maybe hang out at The Stick...

I still think that there needs to be more of an ending is needed, it
could be as small as bubs looking left, right, and then saying "I made
Twicely Dollars!" and then END comes up.

I also think that the cow lamp definitely should be "Some Dollars".


Jul 10, 2010, 8:16:07 AM7/10/10
to Operation "make a HomestarRunner Cartoon
Wow, I don't think that can be improved any more XD


Jul 10, 2010, 11:42:00 AM7/10/10
to Operation "make a HomestarRunner Cartoon
Me neither.

austin priest

Jul 10, 2010, 4:28:50 PM7/10/10
to Operation "make a HomestarRunner Cartoon
I have an idea for the name of the toon "Rude Awakening".

SXF: Lullaby music on piano (i'm working on it right now)
TXT: A homestar Runner Fan Toon
TXT: By These Peoples -credits-
TXT: Rude Awakening (out of tune key on piano)
-Black Screen- sound of alarm clock going off
Cut to homestar room (he turns over once, twice, then bolts up)
HS: Ah (looks left, then right, then at clock)
HS: oh no I slept through June! And may! And Decemberween!


Jul 10, 2010, 11:13:44 PM7/10/10
to Operation "make a HomestarRunner Cartoon

On Jul 9, 9:43 am, Ron Woodford <> wrote:
> I think we want to avoid any outside memes it will quickly date the cartoon.
> On Fri, Jul 9, 2010 at 5:07 AM, Stiny <> wrote:
> > > I think there needs to be some sort of sound effect when Strong Bad
> > > hears the price for his precious Compe. Like... someone smashing their
> > > hands on a piano. There should also be a quick dramatic close up on
> > > his shocked
> > > face. That could really add to the effect.
> > I know! Strong bad could turn around and we hear the music from the
> > dramatic look youtube video. Here it is.
> > v=y8Kyi0WNg40

The piano idea is good, but I'm not sure about the dramatic look
music. Notice how TBC use their own sound effects for the most part. I
think we should keep it that way.


Jul 10, 2010, 11:22:04 PM7/10/10
to Operation "make a HomestarRunner Cartoon
I'm not too sure about having an ending like that. For an update
request toon, it ends pretty sadly. I like the sun idea, but how about
he looks toward the sun, hopeful, ready to face what's ahead? Seems
happier to me.


Jul 11, 2010, 2:30:54 AM7/11/10
to Operation "make a HomestarRunner Cartoon
Yeah... I mean, it works well and everything, but the ending also
might make people a tad sad. It's sort of bittersweet.
Maybe in an easter egg, The Cheat could give SB a hug or... something?
Although, I do like the sun thing...


OR what if, in the end, it was all a dream? It could go like this:

Strongbad: (head pops up from couch after waking up) Whoa! (shakes
head frantically) What a terrible nightmare! It was like... (says
really dramatically) trauma inducing.
Homestar: (comes in from side) Hey Stwongbad!
Strongbad: What're you doing in my house, Homebedwetter. You're
supposed to be asleep.
Homestar: No... that was you. Just now... (looks at clock) at eleventy
hundwed hours.
Strongbad: No, that is supposed to be you. Right now. Away from my
Homestar: Yeah, you're pwobably right...
Strongbad: Oh... well. You still fail... at life.
Homestar: Yeah, you're also pwobably right. (long pause)
Strongbad: Get outta my house.
Homestar: Beam me up Scotty! (looks up dramatically with eyes closed)
Strongbad: Hey Homestar, I'll let you give me five bucks if you leave.
Homestar: An offer I can not refuse! (throws five bucks, runs out.)
Strongbad: Works every time.
Fade out.

It could even be like a multiple character dream sequenece, where each
character in the toon wakes up after another character's dream. Each
dream would lead to characters waking up in another's dream, until it
finally ended with someone...

I know the idea's a little long, so I'm not going to be crushed if
it's denied or anything.

I don't know. There's a lot of possibilities.

austin priest

Jul 11, 2010, 2:35:14 AM7/11/10
to Operation "make a HomestarRunner Cartoon
It could go from SB, to SS, back to SB, and then end with HS, waking
up doing the "Oh no, I slept through etc" thing (like at the beginning
of the cartoon) only this time he runs, runs into the door, and then
falls back asleep

HomestarRunnerFans Unite

Jul 11, 2010, 2:52:24 AM7/11/10
to Operation "make a HomestarRunner Cartoon
I like that! That way, it sort of ends on a happier note! What does
anyone else think?
> > > happier to me.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

HomestarRunnerFans Unite

Jul 11, 2010, 2:59:12 AM7/11/10
to Operation "make a HomestarRunner Cartoon

On Jul 10, 11:52 pm, HomestarRunnerFans Unite <>
> I like that! That way, it sort of ends on a happier note! What does
> anyone else think?

Whoops. This is Marci with no last name, by the way. Forgot to sign
out of the other account...

Marci Cameron

Jul 11, 2010, 7:19:31 AM7/11/10
to Operation "make a HomestarRunner Cartoon
Hi. Hopefully, this post will show up. I updated my most recent draft
by adding some extra dialogue:

Strong Bad: Yeah, so, I won't be, like, checkin' emails for at least a
year. But until I can get a new computer, the world will just have to
live without my snipy comments and (sadly sniffs) waggly (wipes his
eyes) head. (quickly regains composure) Oh, excuse me. Must be hot in
here. I'll just, um, go out. You know, for some, uh, fresh air.
(rushes out)
Homestar: (worried) Oh, no! No more sbemails! (comes close to us) THE
GOOD TIMES ARE OVA! (runs out of the house)
Bubs: (angrily) Hey, Coach Z! Don't you be buyin' up all the "Great
for baby" items for yourself! (walks out of frame)

Cue Homestar kicking the can. I tried to post this before, but either
Google groups or my laptop won't let me. Anyways, use as much of my
draft as you want.


Jul 11, 2010, 1:29:19 PM7/11/10
to Operation "make a HomestarRunner Cartoon
How about, for an Easter Egg, we show Strong Bad breaking into
Homestar's house & retrieving the Compe?

Duth Olec

Jul 11, 2010, 11:05:58 PM7/11/10
to Operation "make a HomestarRunner Cartoon
I dunno, I don't think there really needs to be a "happy" or "sad"
note. Just... an ending. I like the "I made twicely dolla's!"
mentioned earlier. Then it cuts to black with some message like "this
is a message that will involve something instead of just filler". Or
something. I figured that if we just ended with Strong Bad muttering
to himself as he leaves it could fade out to the message at the end.

...with a random montage of the toon while Homestar sings a song in
the background that begins melancholy but then gets happier, like he
starts out sad that there's been no updates but then goes into saying
that they're going to come back here someday.

...and here I was saying that we don't need it to end on a happy or
sad note.


Jul 11, 2010, 11:35:36 PM7/11/10
to Operation "make a HomestarRunner Cartoon
I had sort of a neat idea during working today. :P Homestar can see
all his fans at the end, and realize he's not alone after all. The
fans could in fact be all of the people who worked on the development
of the toon, in cartoon styles, or pictures I guess. I think it's a
nice personal touch, and closes the "We miss you" message a little
better. What do you guys think?


Jul 12, 2010, 9:55:38 AM7/12/10
to Operation "make a HomestarRunner Cartoon
I think you guys are getting a little deep here, no? It seems to have
gotten pretty complicated with all these sunsets and running off. That
stuff would take a long time, and does it add to the entertainment

Another reminder to keep it simple. Also, if this is going to be done
anytime soon we're going to have to finalize the script before too


Jul 12, 2010, 11:32:57 AM7/12/10
to Operation "make a HomestarRunner Cartoon
Yeah, everyone is getting a tad deep... including me I guess XD. Well,
while I still think the dream thing would be pretty funny, what it all
comes down to is what's the least complicated and most do-able. That's
something we all need to keep in mind, I guess. It's fun to let
imaginations run wild, but getting carried away is... well... a
hindrance. Whoa... just went into total lecture mode there.


Jul 12, 2010, 5:06:19 PM7/12/10
to Operation "make a HomestarRunner Cartoon
I say we go with what we "decided on" earlier.


Jul 12, 2010, 9:04:44 PM7/12/10
to Operation "make a HomestarRunner Cartoon

On Jul 12, 5:06 pm, Susan <> wrote:
> I say we go with what we "decided on" earlier.

We should take a vote whether to develop further, or stick with what
we developed earlier.

Duth Olec

Jul 12, 2010, 11:28:29 PM7/12/10
to Operation "make a HomestarRunner Cartoon
I agree--I see no reason to really get deep, and wait were you meaning
deep as in complicated or deep as in emotional... ish... y? Because
both are valid points.


Jul 13, 2010, 1:27:56 AM7/13/10
to Operation "make a HomestarRunner Cartoon
Indeed. I vote to go with what we had earlier. However, I would like
to add something in the credits that notes us for our participation.
More than just our names, if you know what I mean.


Jul 13, 2010, 6:53:19 AM7/13/10
to Operation "make a HomestarRunner Cartoon
Is the script officially complete?

austin priest

Jul 13, 2010, 4:43:52 PM7/13/10
to Operation "make a HomestarRunner Cartoon
This is our current draft. Feel free to continue to critique, but keep
in mind that we probably wont change much (most likely just some
tweaks is all that's needed right now). But feel free to make

On Jul 13, 6:53 am, Stiny <> wrote:
> Is the script officially complete?


Jul 13, 2010, 6:58:11 PM7/13/10
to Operation "make a HomestarRunner Cartoon
Go with the current script. It works.


Jul 14, 2010, 7:18:53 PM7/14/10
to Operation "make a HomestarRunner Cartoon

On Jul 13, 6:58 pm, Marci <> wrote:
> Go with the current script. It works.

Brentalfloss messaged me. He said that what we have is an "unreadable
conversation". Didn't someone say they were going to make a clean word


Jul 15, 2010, 6:56:09 PM7/15/10
to Operation "make a HomestarRunner Cartoon
I thought Austin had it covered... Crap, this could be my fault. Maybe
brentalfloss went to the link on the Youtube channel. Which led
here... I doubt it. But when I put the link to this thread, I didn't
expect it to become so jumbled... I guess I should take down the link
or tell people to contact Austin for the script...

Marci Brubaker

Jul 15, 2010, 7:04:12 PM7/15/10
to Operation "make a HomestarRunner Cartoon
Or I could just say go to the main page to read it or download it. Don't want anyone to get an unnecessary crapload of email.
Your logic does not inhibit me!


Jul 15, 2010, 8:35:15 PM7/15/10
to Operation "make a HomestarRunner Cartoon
On Jul 15, 6:56 pm, Marci <> wrote:
> I thought Austin had it covered... Crap, this could be my fault. Maybe
> brentalfloss went to the link on the Youtube channel. Which led
> here... I doubt it. But when I put the link to this thread, I didn't
> expect it to become so jumbled... I guess I should take down the link
> or tell people to contact Austin for the script...

He went to the channel upon my suggestion, which is partially my fault
I suppose.


Jul 16, 2010, 8:44:51 PM7/16/10
to Operation "make a HomestarRunner Cartoon
Aw, don't worry about it. Maybe someone could send him the text
document of the script and show him how far it's come. (Unfortunately,
I don't know how to do that.) Whoever sends it could explain the
misunderstanding... Maybe that could solve the problem.

austin priest

Jul 17, 2010, 12:10:21 AM7/17/10
to Operation "make a HomestarRunner Cartoon
I'm sorry guys. I'm terribly sorry, I thought that someone else had
contacted him about the script. I'm also sorry for not being here as
of late. I've been busy lately, so I haven't had time to get on here.
I do think we need to get bental the correct script now. Who knows his
email? If I could find out his email then I could send him the script
(when I get home from my vacation, college searching and all that). Or
someone else could either download the file and send it to him via
email, or you could tell him to download the TXT document when he gets
to the google group.

I remember someone (maybe on the job discussion) saying they'd get the
backrounds ready. I was wondering how they were doing on that. I think
that if we got some visuals it'd help propel this idea forward.

I emailed one of the video responders with the script. But I have yet
to write them back, I'm sorry.

Sorry 'bout this, I was just doing a brain dump. And I haven't been
doing my job as co-director and being a leader as of late, and for
that, I'm terribly sorry


Jul 17, 2010, 12:47:58 AM7/17/10
to Operation "make a HomestarRunner Cartoon
Hey man, no sweat. We're a team, and I want to see us all make it to
the end of this project. I'll contact Brent.

Marci Brubaker

Jul 17, 2010, 9:56:37 PM7/17/10
Yeah dude, no prob. We all understand you have a life, too! XD We're all in this together. Good luck college searching.

Marci Brubaker

Jul 17, 2010, 10:04:52 PM7/17/10
Teamwork! ^_^ Yay! I want us all to make it, as well man. I'm so glad nobody's completely giving up yet. We can do this people!
(Sorry there was nothing really profound there. XD)
On Fri, Jul 16, 2010 at 9:47 PM, Upyoursize <> wrote:
>Hey man, no sweat. We're a team, and I want to see us all make it to
>the end of this project. I'll contact Brent.

Marci Cameron

Jul 25, 2010, 4:36:08 AM7/25/10
to Operation "make a HomestarRunner Cartoon
Hey, all! Thought I'd post a more recent update to my draft to make it
more comical and upbeat. It goes a little something like this:

(Sweet, lullaby music plays in Homestar Runner's bedroom as he sleeps
with his cinnamon five-o'clock shadow. Daylight streams in through the
window, but Homestar doesn't wake up because of this. Suddenly, the
alarm clock rings. Homestar sits up as he yawns. He is wearing a blue
shirt of him running, blue nightcap, and pink bunny slippers as his
Homestar: Wet no one say the Homestaw Wunnah don't know how to nap.
What is it, wike, mid-May or something?
(Cut to Homestar's page-a-day calendar, which reads "Aug. 13 – A
Homestar: (startled) Oh, cwap! I swept through June! ...and July!
(Cut to Homestar sitting up in bed, surprised he over-
slept. ...again.)
Homestar: I was s'posed to update my website to make up for missin'
Decemberween wast yeaw!
Bubs: (in background from outside) Come one, come all! Everythang must
go! Shoplifters will be electrocuted!
Homestar: Huh? What's going on out there?
(He gets out of bed and runs out of the room. Then, he rushes back
Homestar: Oh, cwap! (looks at his sleepwear) I forgot to get dressed!
(He runs off-screen in the direction opposite from the outside of his
room. He rushes back on-screen wearing his propeller cap, his red
shirt with the white star, and blue soles on his feet, which could be
his shoes. Whether or not his white legs are showing or if he is
wearing long white pants is up for the viewer to decide. He looks at
his now-dressed self.)
Homestar: (confident) That's bettah!
(He runs out of the room. Cut to Homestar's front yard where Bubs has
tables set up and is selling classic Homestar memorabilia like the
Stick, the Blubb-o's Whale, the Goblin, all with price tags on them.)
Bubs: (calls to Marzipan who is off-screen) Enjoy your new 6 dollar
cow lamp, Marziperson! (angrily looks to his right which is our left)
Hey, Coach Z! Don't you be buyin' up all the "Great for baby" items
for yourself!
(Homestar angrily rushes in.)
Homestar: What in the name of Matt Chapman is going on hewa?!
Bubs: (notices Homestar) Oh, Homestar! You're
here! ...alive. ...somehow. Are you a (in a spooky tone) zombie a-
risin' from the grave?
Homestar: Nevamind that now! What the cwap do you think you're doin'?!
(Strong Bad walks over behind table beside Bubs.)
Strong Bad: What does it look like we're doin', crap for brains?
Homestar: Not wike you're makin' me bweakfast, that's for suwa!
Strong Bad: Well, Sceb...
Homestar: (questioningly whispers to Bubs) Did he just call me a scab?
(He and Bubs look at Strong Bad.)
Strong Bad:'ve been gone for a really long time. No one knew
where you went or if you were coming back.
Strong Sad: (off-screen) I told you he was sleeping in his room!
Strong Bad: (quickly, shouts at Strong Sad) Shut up! (to Homestar) So,
we figured you were gone for good and decided to liquidate all your
King of Town: (walks in holding a small black cauldron of a bubbling
blue potion) Did someone say liquidate? 'Cause I’ve got this large
boiling pot of some sort of bubbling blue liquid.
Bubs: Oh, that's thang's worth at least 5 bucks.
King of Town: Hot dang! (pulls out a 5-dollar bill) I'll take it!
(Bubs takes the 5 bucks.)
Homestar: (angrily) Hey, that's my witch's bwew!
(Bubs and the King of Town walk out of frame with the K.O.T. holding
the pot.)
Strong Bad: Look, mushmouth, it's been no bed of roses for me, either.
I had to sell my Compé for 9 bucks just to get a bite to eat. 9
Homestar: (shocked) Gasp! (Yes, he said the word "Gasp!" instead of
just giving a gasp.) You SOLD your computuh box?!
Strong Bad: Yeah, so, I won't be, like, checkin' emails for at least a
year. But until I can get a new computer, the world will just have to
live without my snipy comments and (sadly sniffs) waggly (wipes his
eyes) head. (quickly regains composure) Oh, excuse me. The air must be
stale out here. I'm gonna go... place. (rushes off-screen)
Homestar: (worried) Oh, no! No more sbemails! (comes close to us) THE
(He runs off-screen. Suddenly, a thunk can be heard. Cut to Homestar
laying on the ground in front of a long wooden pole with a piece of
paper nailed on it.)
Homestar: Ow.
(He sits up and curiously notices the paper on the pole.)
Homestar: What's this?
(He pulls off the paper. Close-up of the paper reveals it's an ad for
the Homestar Runner Wikipedia Forum.)
Homestar: Hey, it's a postuh for the H-staw-R 'Kipedia Fowum.
(Close-up on Homestar.)
Homestar: I wonduh if they are still onwine. (ponders) Hmm.
(Cut to the Hremail room with Homestar standing beside Arturo 9000.)
Homestar: (confidently) Awtuwo, take a message! (clears his throat)
Ahem! Attention, all fans of the Homestaw Wunnuh! Show your wuv of
ev'wything Homestaw by dwawing fan-art of your fav'wite charactuhs!
Send a copy of said art to me, Homestaw Wunnuh, and then, I will
dispway your artwork in an art gallery in which I will set up in my
own wiving woom to pwove that Homestaw Wunnah is still awive and hewa
to stay, baby!
(Arturo's screen shows the words as they are being said, but without
Homestar's speech impediments: "Attention, all fans of the Homestar
Runner! Show your love of everything Homestar by drawing fan-art of
your favorite characters! Send a copy of said art to me, Homestar
Runner, and then, I will display your artwork in an art gallery in
which I will set up in my own living room to prove that Homestar
Runner is still alive and here to stay, baby!")
Arturo: (as the screen flashes when "he" talks) Posting message to the
Homestar Runner Wikipedia Forum!
Homestar: Make it so, Awtuwo!
Arturo: Of course, Mr. Runner!
(Close-up of Arturo's screen which shows the main page of the Homestar
Runner Wikipedia Forum. Fade to black with the words, in white: "A
week or so later..." Fade to Homestar Runner's living room with no
furniture, but the walls are decorated with various fan-art of the
characters of There is some murmurs of admiration
of the art displayed. Homestar and Bubs stand behind a table, drinking
cans of melonade as they look on.)
Bubs: Well, Homestar, I gotta hand it to you: You sure know how to
bring the culture to our community.
Homestar: Yeah. Isn't it gweat? The people still wemembuh me and now,
I got pics to pwove it!
Bubs: (as he and Homestar look at each other) What really surprised me
is how much of a profit you were able to make with this museum you
Homestar: I know! I'm just gwad to get all my stuff back with it! And
a wittle something extwa, too.
(Cut to Strong Bad's computer room as Strong Bad sits in front of his
Compé, hugging it's screen.)
Strong Bad: (emotional) Oh, my sweet Compé! It's been so lonely
without you! I promise I will never forsake you again!
(Cut to Homestar's living room museum as Homestar and Bubs raise their
melonade cans in a toast.)
Homestar: Hewa's to sweet wady fandom! May she nevuh turn her back on
us as wong as we wive!
Bubs: I'll drink to that!
(He and Homestar clink their cans and then, drink up. Fade to black.)

I haven't put it in text format yet, but feel free to use as much of
this as you want. Just be sure to credit me if you do.


Jul 25, 2010, 6:18:13 AM7/25/10
to Operation "make a HomestarRunner Cartoon
Great script Marci!
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Marci Cameron

Jul 27, 2010, 1:59:56 AM7/27/10
to Operation "make a HomestarRunner Cartoon
On Jul 25, 3:18 am, Upyoursize <> wrote:
> Great script Marci!

Thanks! The idea just came to me as I kept thinking about my draft. I
just became a member of this group and uploaded a text file of it. I
recently updated it without Homestar's speech impediments. You're
welcome to use as much of this as possible. Let me know what
brentalfloss and ConVito think of it, too.

Marci Brubaker

Jul 27, 2010, 1:35:09 PM7/27/10
Oh wow! Nice script! I enjoyed reading it. Forgive me if this is a stupid question... but who's Arturo?

Marci Cameron

Jul 27, 2010, 1:49:48 PM7/27/10
to Operation "make a HomestarRunner Cartoon
On Jul 27, 10:35 am, Marci Brubaker <> wrote:
> Oh wow! Nice script! I enjoyed reading it. Forgive me if this is a stupid
> question... but who's Arturo?

Arturo is the computer Homestar currently uses for his emails, or
"hremails", if you prefer. More info here:
I'm glad you like the script. Just so you know, I chose August 13th as
the date on Homestar's calendar when he wakes up because it's on a
Friday this year and I'm sure many people, myself included, believe
Friday the 13th is the most unluckiest day of them all. Just wanted to
point that out.

Marci Brubaker

Jul 27, 2010, 7:28:02 PM7/27/10
Oh, so that's the name of his computer! XD
Ha! Friday the 13 was a nice touch. ^_^


Jul 27, 2010, 10:04:19 PM7/27/10
to Operation "make a HomestarRunner Cartoon

On Jul 27, 7:28 pm, Marci Brubaker <> wrote:
> Oh, so that's the name of his computer! XD
> Ha! Friday the 13 was a nice touch. ^_^

I think it's time we start gathering the actors around and start
doing some test runs.

Duth Olec

Jul 27, 2010, 11:42:25 PM7/27/10
to Operation "make a HomestarRunner Cartoon
Ehh... I still have to say I'm not too fond of an ending that goes too
deep into the fact that the hiatus has effected everyone. I imagine
the fact a fan toon is being made is evidence enough of that.
Then there's the length issue... I think perhaps it should be put to a
vote, the one Marci Cameron suggested, or the version prior to that.

austin priest

Jul 28, 2010, 1:33:50 AM7/28/10
to Operation "make a HomestarRunner Cartoon
I would agree. I think that that script is a bit too long, has points
that aren't particularly needed, and I think it over-uses some jokes
(see the Coach Z part). I don't think we should address the hiatus
that much, I know we do right in the beginning, but I think it feeds
into the whole plot and story of the previous script. Showing fan art
of people from the Wiki forum, whilst referencing the wiki forum, and
the lack of updates, it just doesn't seem like what would happen in a
Homestar Runner Cartoon. I would prefer it right now if we kept the
previous script. It was a nice script, but I don't think it's in the
same direction as we are wanting to go right now with this fan toon.

Marci Cameron

Jul 29, 2010, 10:53:15 AM7/29/10
to Operation "make a HomestarRunner Cartoon
On Jul 27, 10:33 pm, austin priest <> wrote:
> I would agree. I think that that script is a bit too long, has points
> that aren't particularly needed, and I think it over-uses some jokes
> (see the Coach Z part). I don't think we should address the hiatus
> that much, I know we do right in the beginning, but I think it feeds
> into the whole plot and story of the previous script. Showing fan art
> of people from the Wiki forum, whilst referencing the wiki forum, and
> the lack of updates, it just doesn't seem like what would happen in a
> Homestar Runner Cartoon. I would prefer it right now if we kept the
> previous script. It was a nice script, but I don't think it's in the
> same direction as we are wanting to go right now with this fan toon.

"Ow! My hopes!" But seriously, I'm sorry you feel that way. I wanted
to explain the hiatus in my draft. As for the H*R Wiki Forum, I needed
some way to show how Homestar is still connected with his fans and the
fan art museum would be how he got his stuff (and Strong Bad's
computer) back. You'll notice that Marzipan is only mentioned in my
script since we haven't found someone to voice her. As for my script
being too long, I was trying to keep the short from being too short
because that's what the previous script seemed like to me. And I still
believe Strong Bad seemed calmer and more in control in my draft.
Again, sorry you prefer the older version over mine. However, I will
leave my script posted on this group if there are any parts of it you
want to use for the toon. At least, give it some consideration.

Duth Olec

Jul 31, 2010, 5:27:30 AM7/31/10
to Operation "make a HomestarRunner Cartoon
I don't feel a definitive "conclusion" or "seeing through" of things
is needed. How often does that happen in the actual toons? The answer
is "How often does it need to happen". Well, Jibblies 2, Homestar is
stuck in the Horrible Painting, but it never shows him getting out. In
the Garage Sale toon we see Homestar's stuff stolen ,but we don't see
him get it back. Plus the cow lamp is always being broken but always
returns unbroken. The only times it seems that destruction is definite
is when Strong Bad's computers explode. Even The Paper was burnt in
sbemail 173, but returned in 200 (though it was then burnt again soon
Plus, the way he's still connected with his fans seems pretty obvious
in that a fan toon is being made. ;o


Aug 7, 2010, 9:39:35 AM8/7/10
to Operation "make a HomestarRunner Cartoon
I was gonna do Marzipan, or at least try.

Marci Cameron

Aug 8, 2010, 4:20:55 PM8/8/10
to Operation "make a HomestarRunner Cartoon
On Aug 7, 6:39 am, Susan <> wrote:
> I was gonna do Marzipan, or at least try.

Susan, if you want to audition as Marzipan, there is a topic on this
group you can post, although Marci B. beat you to it.

And just so you know, I posted a new draft of my script a few days
ago. Marzipan has a speaking role again and I removed any mention of
Coach Z and the H*R wiki forum. Give it a look and let me know what
you think. ...or how much of it you guys plan to use.
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Aug 10, 2010, 3:00:24 PM8/10/10
to Operation "make a HomestarRunner Cartoon
It looks awesome! Now alls we need is someone to do the storyboards,
then our voice-actors to start... voice-acting... then us animateurs
can finally start amimateuing!...?


Aug 10, 2010, 7:57:22 PM8/10/10
to Operation "make a HomestarRunner Cartoon
So, waitaminit, which script are we using?

I mean, Marci C's draft has some charms, yet I still like the one from here's a few minor opinions...

*Leave in when HR says "Banana pancakes."
*I really like when Bubs says the thing about "zombies a-risin'.
*King of Town saying "Hot dang!" is charming.
*I also think KOT should call the cauldron of liquid "whatsit."
Strong bad mentioning his "head waggle" thing is good. We should use

*Strong bad selling his Compe was good. I think we should actually see
him do it... but maybe as a flash back? Or we could just leave it the
way it was in the first draft... You guys decide that one.
*The fan art museum... An interesting concept, really. We could get a
bunch of people to make fan art, and show it at the end... I'm still
not sure how I feel about it though overall. If we did go that
direction with the ending, there needs to be some EXTRREMELY cheesy
music playing at the end. At least, I think so.
*The ending itself needs to be decided on... soon. In the first draft,
we just leave the viewer hanging, which is typical Chaps style.
However, there are many instances where they leave it open for
imagination. They're not always like, "This is how it is. They lose.
Deal with it." Take a look at the Strongbad is in Jail cartoon. Then
again... there's always the dream sequence ending XD

*Cutting out Coach Z and the HR Wiki forum was necessary. Sad, but
*Making it Friday the 13th (as in one of Marci C's scripts) opens up
tons of comedic possibilities... just saying.

Also, when someone posts an idea (a script draft or otherwise), please
try not to say something along the lines of "Awesome script! It's
good! Bye!" I realize I've done that in the past, and I'm sorry. But,
let's try to give reasons for what we like, or don't like about
something. That way, we can give accurate comments and critiques.

Wow, that was a long winded post. Sorry guys! ^_^'

Duth Olec

Aug 10, 2010, 11:22:34 PM8/10/10
to Operation "make a HomestarRunner Cartoon
Amateur animating? Umm anyway, I'd like to point out that if we go
crazy with referencing the hiatus, then before we finish it the Bros.
Chaps gets back on it, we're gonna have egg on our face. All sorts of
different kinds, too. Even those brown kinds.


Aug 10, 2010, 11:26:32 PM8/10/10
to Operation "make a HomestarRunner Cartoon
We need to get into contact with the actors. Brentalfloss never
replied to the invite to the group I sent him, so I guess he's iffy

Marci Brubaker

Aug 11, 2010, 1:40:48 AM8/11/10
I agree. We should refrain from that, because rotten eggs have salmonella and... Okay, nevermind that :P
But yeah, that's a good point, Duth.

Marci Brubaker

Aug 11, 2010, 1:45:28 AM8/11/10
I got in contact with Convito about the Strongbad voice 2 days ago. He's very willing to do it. He thought we passed him up though because we didn't contact him for awhile.
But, yeah, we definitely need to get these voices official.


Aug 11, 2010, 5:11:23 PM8/11/10
to Operation "make a HomestarRunner Cartoon
I meant like "animator" but said with a French accent. Or something. I
just thought it was slick...slick Rick....way to talk...

Marci Cameron

Aug 10, 2010, 10:27:59 PM8/10/10
to Operation "make a HomestarRunner Cartoon
Thanks for your comments, Marci B. Yeah, I did like the Friday the
13th thing. And the "zombie a-risin'" I just came up with on the spot
in case anyone thought Homestar was dead or something. As for the fan
art thing, I don't know how to go about this since I wrote out the H*R
wiki forum, but it's best not to show more than at least five or six
pieces of fanart, make it seem like there's a lot of pictures without
showing a lot of pictures. And "Banana pancakes"? I'm thinking that's
what Homestar mumbles in his sleep before his alarm wakes him, similar
to Strong Bad mumbling video game titles in his sleep. And showing
Strong Bad selling his computer might not be necessary, so, just
mentioning it is good enough. I don't have time right now to edit all
that stuff into my draft, but it will be considered. What do you guys
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Aug 16, 2010, 8:14:41 AM8/16/10
to Operation "make a HomestarRunner Cartoon
Guys, we should seriously put the Painting of a Guy with a Big Knife
in the yard sale. Sewiously.

Marci Cameron

Aug 31, 2010, 4:31:24 PM8/31/10
to Operation "make a HomestarRunner Cartoon
Just uploaded the most recent draft of the script. Mostly changes in
dialogue, but I also changed Homestar's calendar since August 13th has
passed, so, the Friday the 13th thing is now irrelevant. The calendar
is now on October 10th of this year, namely 10-10-10. While I
appreciate Nuclear Bastard's formatting of my previous draft, that was
all it was: formatting it into more of a script-script without adding
anything new or removing some parts he might feel unnecessary. Anyway,
give it a read and if it's good enough, we can get this cartoon
finally going. I hope.

Duth Olec

Sep 1, 2010, 10:07:55 AM9/1/10
to Operation "make a HomestarRunner Cartoon
And then when 10-10-10 passes and it's not done, it can be moved to...
May 13th! (That's the next Friday the Thirteenth.)

Anyway I haven't looked at the script updates in a while, but "Let no
one say the Homestar Runner don't know how to nap. What is it, like,
mid-May or something?"... having something like that which is an exact
copy of a line from a previous toon that's not a running joke or
something seems like a bad idea. Plus, this seems like the type of
thing he would say to someone, not to himself...

I've certainly expressed my opinion about how I don't think the fan
art ending is a good way to go, but I guesspose if it's put in what's
there now is pretty good. I've wondered why Homestar could care about
sbemails if he actually had hremails all along, though. ;o

Marci Cameron

Sep 16, 2010, 5:10:15 PM9/16/10
to Operation "make a HomestarRunner Cartoon
Uploaded the newest update to my draft to not only have Homestar
mumble "Banana pancakes" in his sleep and add the painting of the guy
with the big knife to the yard sale, I've also put in alternative
dialogue and descriptions for Halloween in case this 'toon isn't
finished by 10-10-10. A subtle deadline, if you will. And yes, I
thought up those Halloween costumes myself. Those weren't worn by the
characters in the official Halloween 'toons as of yet. By the way, I'm
sorry you feel that way about my drafts, Duth Olec, but it's the best
I could do with so little to work with. And I still think the fan art
museum fits, however, should the Halloween alterations take place, I
might change the museum to a haunted house if enough of you guys want
it. Whaddya say?
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