Is majiq in conda?
conda create -n majiq2 python=3.10
conda activate majiq2
cd ~/
# download htslib archive to current directory
# extract archive
tar -xf htslib-1.19.1.tar.bz2
# change into htslib source directory
cd htslib-1.19.1
# configure, make, and install htslib to ~/install/htslib-1.13
./configure --prefix=$HOME/install/htslib-1.19.1
make install
export HTSLIB_LIBRARY_DIR=$HOME/install/htslib-1.19.1/lib
export HTSLIB_INCLUDE_DIR=$HOME/install/htslib-1.19.1/include
pip install git+
#download newly required license file and set path for the tool to work
export MAJIQ_LICENSE_FILE=/path/to/license.lic