ERROR downloading MAJIQ - please help!

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Ryan Englander

Apr 27, 2024, 7:42:48 PMApr 27
to Biociphers
To whom it may concern,

My name is Ryan Englander, I am an MD/PhD student in the Anczukow lab attempting to trial using MAJIQ, as we are considering using it to supplement or potentially replace rMATS in our workflows.

However, when I try to download MAJIQ with the instructions I find here:, I get an error (which may be found in the attached error_log.txt file).

Notably, I had to download and install HTSlib myself, and I had to run the configuration/installation with the --disable-bz2 option on, as my HPC cluster does not have libbzip2 installed. I am wondering if this may be the cause of the error, and if so how I can fix this.

I have also attached the exact commands I used in commands.txt.

Thanks so much for any advice or guidance you may be able to provide. I look forward to using MAJIQ!

Thanks so much,
Ryan Englander

San Jewell

Jun 17, 2024, 10:03:16 AMJun 17
to Biociphers
Hi Ryan,

I apologize for the long reply time as I was away on Medical leave.

In your error_log output, the problem is the line related to a missing "". It seems that you will need to make the libhdf5 library available for the compile to succeed. If you don't have it as a module on your HPC, I would start by asking the HPC administrator if it can be made available, as this is the easiest solution. However, if this is impossible, it's also possible to compile the library yourself and add the folders to your LD_LIBRARY_PATH to have the compile succeed, however this will be a little more effort. Please let me know if you are able to solve the issue by installing the hdf5 library.

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