Happy New Year San!
In older posts (
https://groups.google.com/g/majiq_voila/c/TEj_bCSLYm4/m/KFNV-DksAgAJ), it was noted the argument 'weights', was an option that could be called, following the team's 2018 Bioinformatics research paper by Norton et al (
In our neurodegenerative disease biomarker study, we have a vast array of RNA sequencing depth across all subjects. To obviate erroneous reporting of potential biomarker LSVs, prior to MAJIQ we remove samples which are dissimilar in depth. If we do include them in the future, we are thinking how best to manage these outlier samples "which might be exhibiting disproportionately large deviations in exon inclusion levels compared with other samples from the same experimental condition (biological replicates)" when compared to control subjects. (*outlier detection as defined in aforementioned paper). As such, it would be useful for us to also know how/if outlier detection in the current MAJIQ algorithm can help contribute towards that goal.