Statistical Analysis of Majiqlopedia Data

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Conall Moore

Dec 30, 2024, 2:35:13 AM12/30/24
to Biociphers
Dear Biociphers,

Firstly, may I thank and congratulate you on building the Majiqlopedia database! I have found this resource to be intuitive, highly informative, and beneficial in my research. 

I have discovered some interesting findings for my gene of interest using Majiqlopedia, regarding both junction usage across different healthy tissues and in healthy vs cancer tissues. I now wish to test for statistical significance and ascertain whether these observations hold true. 

1) I was wondering if there are any plans in the near future to make the .majiq files built during the construction of this database publicly available so that users like me could input them to MAJIQ deltaPSI/Heterogen for differential splicing analysis. I am, unfortunately, working with limited computational resources at my home University, so replicating these findings from the raw data could be logistically tricky. 

2) Working with the PSI and stdev data, and the number of experimental replicates for each sample provided with Majiqlopedia alone, I was wondering if you are aware of any statistical testing I could perform to ascertain differences in junction usage across tissues/healthy vs cancer?

Any help with these queries would be greatly appreciated. 

All the best in 2025!

Conall Geoghegan Moore

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