I'm using StaMPS for PS and SB analysis of Sentinel-1 data processed in ISCE using the prepStackToStaMPS scripts.
I'm having a problem running PS method in StaMPS at the moment. I think it's because I updated all the scripts in StaMPS to be able to work with the new diversity changes made in the ISCE prepStackToStaMPS scripts? But I could be wrong and it could be something else.
>> stamps(1,1)
STAMPS: ########################################
STAMPS: ####### StaMPS/MTI Version 4.0b6 #######
STAMPS: ####### Beta version, Jun 2018 #######
STAMPS: ########################################
STAMPS: Will process current directory only
STAMPS: ########################################
STAMPS: ################ Step 1 ################
STAMPS: ########################################
STAMPS: Directory is PATCH_47
Found inc angle file, will load the data
Loading data into matlab...
SETPARM: heading = -163.9051
SETPARM: lambda = 0.055
Unable to perform assignment because the left and right sides have a different
number of elements.
Error in ps_load_initial_isce (line 126)
Error in stamps (line 285)
I'd appreciate some help if anyone else has experienced a similar issue or could give some advice.