Ocean Acidification Week

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Esperanza Stancioff

Sep 2, 2020, 3:06:55 PM9/2/20
to ME OA

Greetings from MOCA-- here is an opportunity to see some great presentations and panels discussions soon-- info and registration is below. It looks like there will be a diversity of topics with global and local interest. Thank you to Dwight Gledhill, NOAA OAP, for sharing! 

Best to all,



I would like to share with you an upcoming event hosted by the Global Ocean Acidification Observing Network (GOA-ON):
Ocean Acidification Week, a virtual multi-day forum to highlight ocean acidification research and initiatives (8-10 September 2020).


GOA-ON and its partners, NOAA, IAEA, and IOC-UNESCO, decided to organize  Ocean Acidification Week in order to maintain momentum around the upcoming  5th International Symposium on the Ocean in a High CO2 World, which was postponed until 2021 due to the covid-19 pandemic. Additionally, GOA-ON is hosting OA Week to allow scientists from around the world to provide updates on their OA research and to showcase the progress being made towards GOA-ON's three High-level Goals.   


OA Week will engage the ocean acidification and broader oceanographic communities by raising awareness to global efforts related to monitoring, research, capacity building, stakeholder involvement, and education. OA Week will also serve as the official kick-off of a new GOA-ON Webinar Series, which will provide regular opportunities for GOA-ON’s more than 730 members to connect and collaborate.

There will be 10 sessions of OA Week; most will be 1 hour 30 minutes long. Eight of the sessions will be hosted by the regional hubs and will feature the latest OA research from around the globe. One session will feature overviews of some of the organizations that collaborate with GOA-ON, including GOOSMBONThe Ocean Foundation, and The International Alliance to Combat OA


The final session, the Capstone Presentation, will feature a conversation with GOA-ON co-chairs Jan Newton and Bronte Tilbrook. They will be joined by Jean-Pierre Gattuso, a co-chair of the International Science Committee for the 5th International Symposium on the Ocean in a High CO2 World. Drs. Newton, Tilbrook, and Gattuso will reflect on the progress GOA-ON has made over the years, including some of the work discussed during earlier sessions of OA Week. They will also look forward to the future of GOA-ON and other upcoming OA-related initiatives.

On the OA Week webpage (and attached here) you will find the Program in Brief, which contains the OA Week session schedule, the list of speakers, and the titles of their talks. This document is also available in Portuguese and Spanish. You will also find the Full Program, which expands upon the Program in Brief by including short abstracts of the talks. 


Please pre-register for each session you are interested in viewing! The links to each can be found in the Programs and on the OA Week webpage. Note, when you click on each pre-registration link, the timezone should automatically convert to wherever you live. If you are unfortunately unable to view a session live, all sessions will be recorded and archived on the GOA-ON Youtube Channel.


I encourage you all to please share information about OA Week with your own professional networks. For the latest updates about OA Week, you can follow GOA-ON on Twitter and Facebook (#OAWeek2020).


If you have any questions, please contact the GOA-ON Secretariat (secre...@goa-on.org), or email me directly. 



Best regards,
Michael Acquafredda (michael.a...@noaa.gov)


Michael Acquafredda

John A. Knauss Fellow, 2020

International and Domestic Liaison for Capacity Building
NOAA Ocean Acidification Program

1315 East-West Highway,

Silver Spring, MD 20910



Esperanza Stancioff, Extension Professor
Climate Change Lead
University of Maine Cooperative Extension/Maine Sea Grant
377 Manktown Rd
Waldoboro, ME 04572
(207) 832-0343
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