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Saturday AND Sunday singing this week!

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Sara Sandberg

May 28, 2024, 7:50:22 PM5/28/24
June 1 AND June 2 -- Sing with us!

On Saturday, June 1, we will gather for the Shaker Meetinghouse and Francis Bliss Memorial Singing in the Shaker meetinghouse at Sabbathday Lake. We'll sing from 1-4pm, from Denson (there will be loaners) and follow up with a potluck supper in the Shakers' dining room.

Saturday evening we will go just up the road to the Maine State Building on the grounds of the Poland Spring Resort to sing from Shenandoah Harmony from (approx.) 7-9pm. Please see the Fb Event post of April 22 for more details on these two singings, or contact me with any questions at if you aren't a Facebook person.

On Sunday, June 2, we will sing in Bath, at the gazebo in Library Park. Please bring your Denson and, if you can, a chair or even two to accommodate guests.

Our health protocols remain as ever: test yourself the day you sing and please care for yourself and for us, staying home if you have any symptoms. We will provide ventilated singing spaces and masks are welcome if you wish to wear them.
Maine State House 2018.jpg

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