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Singing All Over the Place

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Sara Sandberg

Oct 10, 2024, 7:56:58 AM10/10/24
Dear Maine Singers,
There are three opportunities to sing in the next two weekends. We hope to see you at one or all!

1: Chatham, NH - Saturday, Oct. 12 from 1-4:30 + potluck
Come sing with us!
Join us this Saturday, October 12th, at the Chatham, NH schoolhouse from 1:00 pm: 4:30 pm for a Singing School led by Elizabeth Stoddard. Potluck dinner to follow.
The hollow square awaits!
1061 Main Rd, Chatham, NH 03813

2: Regular Portland Sunday Singing - Sunday, Oct. 13, 1-4pm
Join us at The New Church, 302 Stevens Ave., Portland, for our regular Sunday singing. 1-4pm. We'll have loaner books if you need one.

3: Downeast Singing, Saturday, Oct. 19, 1-4pm
Maine singers, very welcome newbies, and the singing-curious are warmly invited to an afternoon of singing in Surry, Maine at The Gathering (1208 Surry Rd., Surry, Maine).

Beginning at 1pm with a short introduction to the Sacred Harp to get folks up and running, we'll sing until 4pm. We will have loaner books (Sacred Harp, 1991 Denson ed.) if you need one.

Bring friends! No experience or previously demonstrated talent necessary! As this is an indoor singing, do be careful of others and stay home if you have any flu or cold symptoms. Thanks!
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