Archiving old email

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Oliver Boermans

Oct 1, 2016, 6:26:07 AM10/1/16
to Mailsmith Talk
My collection of email has got somewhat unwieldily. I’m looking to reduce the site of the Mailsmith User Data/Mail file in the interests of reducing the footprint required for more frequent back-ups (and maybe faster searching of recent email).

Ideally I’d like to archive mailboxes in a way that I can search them again later should the need arise. Doesn’t matter if this requires some hoop jumping as it is unlikely I will.

Any strategies anyone would recommend?


Steve Hodgson

Oct 1, 2016, 6:51:47 AM10/1/16
to Mailsmith Talk

I’ve used MailSteward for this for a number of years. When I used
Mailsmith I would export a mbox file and then import this into
MailSteward. Previously I've also tried EagleFiler and DevonThink which
both work well, but not as well, in my opinion.

Hope this helps.


Oliver Boermans

Oct 1, 2016, 8:16:08 AM10/1/16
Thanks Steve,

MailSteward looks ideal.

Cheers Ollie

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Neil Barstow

Dec 9, 2020, 11:45:48 AM12/9/20
to Mailsmith Talk
one day APPL will make our belover=d Mailsmith disappear.
SO there will be a whole back catalogue of emails that one might sometimes like to search.
Maybe Mailsteward does the job nicely?
Looks like it imports Mbox files and has a good boolean search

So maybe Mail Steward is IT 
- if not it there a way - having exported the Mailsmith mail database (each mailbox as a Mbox file I guess) 
and then view in what looks like an email client and which isn't going to disappear with Apple's 64 bit pathway kicking in?

I've tried exporting mbox files and importing to Devonthink Pro 3 and, yeah I can see the mails but its not hierarchical in appearance and I can't seem to easily search in ways I'd like. 
Maybe it takes some getting used to
The Mailsmith search is so lovely! Is there anything like it that can read Mailsmith mail files. 
I have a 9.5 GB mail folder so not gigantic

If this dream app could also make an archive of my various gmail accounts (with daily or weekly incremental archive backups rather than wholesale reimports) and read and search it nicely - too that would be excellent. 

Thanks lots for helping
Neil Barstow

W Rowe

Dec 9, 2020, 12:29:30 PM12/9/20
to Mailsmith Talk

On 30 Nov 2020, at 8:24, Neil Barstow wrote:

> one day APPL will make our belover=d Mailsmith disappear.

This has already happened if you are using the latest macOS. 32 bit apps
simply don’t run under Catalina or Big Sur.

> SO there will be a whole back catalogue of emails that one might
> sometimes like to search.
> Maybe Mailsteward does the job nicely?
> Looks like it imports Mbox files and has a good boolean search

My solution for emails I wanted to keep in Mailsmith was to export them
to mbox format and import that into EagleFiler. That is, I am no longer
using my mail client to search older emails.

> So maybe Mail Steward is IT

For myself, I’ve settled on Mailmate to replace Mailsmith. But if
Mailsmith is ever made into a 64 bit compatible app, I would switch back
in a heartbeat. Mailsmith is the only app I really miss as a result of
moving to Apple’s latest operating system.

Patrick Woolsey

Dec 9, 2020, 3:38:37 PM12/9/20
On 11/30/20 at 11:24 AM, (Neil
Barstow) wrote:

>- if not it there a way - having exported the Mailsmith mail
>database (each mailbox as a Mbox file I guess) and then view in
>what looks like an email client and which isn't going to
>disappear with Apple's 64 bit pathway kicking in?

Coming at things from a slightly different angle, you may wish
to consider using a (minimal) High Sierra VM[*] to ensure
continued access to Mailsmith and your existing data.

[*: I'm partial to VMWare Fusion myself, with the caveat that I
use VMs a great deal for testing purposes. :-) ]


Patrick Woolsey
Bare Bones Software, Inc. <>

Neil Barstow

Dec 10, 2020, 12:08:32 PM12/10/20
to Mailsmith Talk
W. Rowe, 
thanks for letting me know of your approach

thanks, what a great idea, I have been thinking a High Sierra or maybe Mojave VM once I do move on up to 64 bit. 
I run Parallels already for W10, so its not a big deal. and I'm sure to have the orphaned OSX 32 bit apps too. 

No votes for MailSteward then? 
As I wanted to archive my gmail [google apps mail] as well it might be a possibility. 
Although the MailSteward pre sales enquiry guys have not yet responded to some questions I sent a few weeks back. 

thanks lots, stay safe

Jul 14, 2021, 11:49:52 AM7/14/21
On 12/9/20 at 1:38 PM, (Patrick Woolsey) wrote:

>... consider using a (minimal) High Sierra VM[*] to ensure continued access to Mailsmith and your existing data.

Patrick, given Glenn's informative message and what sounds like
a forced migration due to necessity... do you happen to know
if/when it will be possible to run a 10.13 virtual machine on
the M1 Macs?

Note that the VMware blog of 27 April reads,
>macOS VMs are not in scope in the short term. There are
>challenges there which will require Apple to work with us to resolve.

I know this query is like asking you to read tea leaves, but at
least you have a bird's eye view from within a tea plantation :-)

Thanks for your thoughts,

Patrick Woolsey

Jul 14, 2021, 3:30:02 PM7/14/21
On 7/14/21 at 11:49 AM, wrote:

>Patrick, given Glenn's informative message and what sounds like a forced migration due to necessity... do you happen to know if/when it will be possible to run a 10.13 virtual machine on the M1 Macs?
>Note that the VMware blog of 27 April reads,
>>macOS VMs are not in scope in the short term. There are
>>challenges there which will require Apple to work with us to resolve.

Since this is entirely between VMware and Apple, I regret I
haven't even the foggiest notion. :-)

Jan 7, 2022, 6:11:21 PM1/7/22
Hi Patrick,

The following notice makes me think that a VM will not
necessarilly keep us happily using Mailsmith.

>will be removing support for the deprecated TLS 1.0 from our
>mail servers in the next few months. After reviewing our logs, we have
>determined that at least one of your mail clients is still using TLS
>1.0 for secure connections and will cease to work once we make these
>changes. In some cases a software or OS update is all that is needed to
>provide support for the newer protocols. In other cases you may need to
>move to a client that offers TLS 1.2 support.

Am I reading this awry?

All Best,

Patrick Woolsey

Jan 8, 2022, 10:24:46 AM1/8/22
No, you are not, since it has always been the case that (one way
or another) Mailsmith cannot continue to be indefinitely usable
as one's `live` email client.

Please note however that the original objective of this thread
("archiving") as well as my message below (NB my citation of
"existing data") are rather about ways to preserve access to
one's _existing_ mail.


Patrick Woolsey
Bare Bones Software, Inc. <>

Jeffrey Kane

Feb 4, 2022, 2:53:36 PM2/4/22
to Mailsmith Talk

I didn’t know if it is remotely possible to convert Mailsmith to a 64 bit program, Not with the objective of running it as a email program, but as an ARCHIVING program itself.  I can get my mail off of an IMAP server and import the mbox files and Mailsmith is wonderful for searching and working with messages. 

I’m not sure if essential components that beyond your source code are stuck at 32 bit (or older Carbon-esque) interfaces. I remember at one time you either used, or were looking at an object oriented database as the repository, (can’t remember the name of it off hand) or if you use a different database format. Anyway, just and idea. Unfortunately I’ve been pushed into the “modern” error as my old, heavily modified work horse tower has died (olev ha sholom) and the replacement will need to run something OS 15 or beyond. This was the main reason we still ran that machine. 


Rich Siegel

Feb 4, 2022, 2:58:37 PM2/4/22
to Mailsmith Talk
On 4 Feb 2022, at 14:48, Jeffrey Kane wrote:

> I didn’t know if it is remotely possible to convert Mailsmith to a 64 bit
> program, Not with the objective of running it as a email program, but as an
> ARCHIVING program itself.

I regret that it is not remotely possible, in any capacity.


Rich Siegel Bare Bones Software, Inc.
<> <>

Someday I'll look back on all this and laugh... until they sedate me.

David Blanchard

Feb 4, 2022, 6:39:08 PM2/4/22
There have been several suggestions for archiving -- including
MailSteward and EagleFiler. Just a few days ago, I used
EagleFiler to import all of my Mailsmith mail. It works as advertised.

There was also a perl script posted here for exporting mail that
could be imported into other email programs. I tried that and it
worked very well.

Lots of options for archiving.


On 02/04/2022 at 11:48 AM, (Jeffrey Kane) wrote:

>I didn’t know if it is remotely possible to convert Mailsmith
>to a 64 bit program, Not with the objective of running it as a
>email program, but as an ARCHIVING program itself...
| David O. Blanchard Flagstaff, Arizona |

Neil Barstow

Feb 7, 2022, 2:22:55 PM2/7/22
to Mailsmith Talk
Hi David

Hey that’s good news - but does EagleFiler preserve mailboxes? I have many. Does it have a search anywhere near as good as Mailsmiths?

I've been thinking of making a Mojave virtual machine to run in Parallels [when I upgrade to Catalina] and just stick with Mailsmith in the virtual machine, mind you if Eagle Filer does it neatly and without that messaging around it would be worth the entry price. I was promised by the guys at Devonthinhk that I could use 'Pro' to do it, but I've failed to make that work nicely.

  (I am still on Mojave and Mailsmith still works [as a search mail database tool].) 


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David Blanchard

Feb 7, 2022, 5:17:32 PM2/7/22
Yes, EagleFiler will preserve mailboxes.

I never tested the search feature but your question prompted me
to try. I knew of some obscure phrases in some very old emails
from the late 90s .... found it before I even finished typing in
the phrase.


On 02/07/2022 at 7:22 PM, (Neil
Barstow) wrote:

>Hi David
>Hey that’s good news - but does EagleFiler preserve mailboxes? I have many.
>Does it have a search anywhere near as good as Mailsmiths?
>I've been thinking of making a Mojave virtual machine to run in Parallels
>[when I upgrade to Catalina] and just stick with Mailsmith in the virtual
>machine, mind you if Eagle Filer does it neatly and without that messaging
>around it would be worth the entry price. I was promised by the guys at
>Devonthinhk that I could use 'Pro' to do it, but I've failed to make that
>work nicely.
>(I am still on Mojave and Mailsmith still works [as a search mail
>database tool].)
>On Fri, Feb 4, 2022 at 11:39 PM David Blanchard <
>> wrote:
>> There have been several suggestions for archiving -- including
>> MailSteward and EagleFiler. Just a few days ago, I used
>> EagleFiler to import all of my Mailsmith mail. It works as advertised.
>> There was also a perl script posted here for exporting mail that
>> could be imported into other email programs. I tried that and it
>> worked very well.
>> Lots of options for archiving.
>> David

SoftRAID support

Feb 7, 2022, 8:33:12 PM2/7/22
On 2/7/22 at 4:17 PM, (David
Blanchard) wrote:

>I never tested the search feature but your question prompted me
>to try. I knew of some obscure phrases in some very old emails
>from the late 90s .... found it before I even finished typing
>in the phrase.

Thanks for this tidbit, I am in the same scenario.

I still have Mailsmith on High Sierra. My plan is to keep it
running in parallels, in High Sierra. (I have a lot of apps also
where High Sierra is about the end of the line)

Eaglefiler sounds promising.

I cannot find instructions to set up a separate volume, install
High Sierra and run in under parallels.

I created a volume, cloned my High Sierra volume to it, and
could not figure out how to use it with Parallels. I also could
not also create a clean install of High Sierra onto that volume
(so I could migrate to it)

Any pointers would be appreciated...

Mark James
mjames @

Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of
them are stupider than that.
- George Carlin

Christopher Bort

Feb 7, 2022, 9:08:16 PM2/7/22
I'm still on High Sierra on a mid-2012 MacBook Pro, was still using
Mailsmith as my primary mail client until a few months ago.
Unfortunately, this will very likely be my last Macintosh computer,
after starting with a 128K Mac in 1985 and using Macintosh nearly
exclusively since then. I've grown increasingly fed up with the
curated Apple ecosystem that does everything it can to insulate
users from the actual workings of their devices. Anyway, in
anticipation of moving to a linux machine when the MacBook dies, I've
moved to Sylpheed as my main mail client. There is native Mac version
and I'm running it on a VirtualBox arch linux machine. Not a feature for
feature replacement for Mailsmith, but it's about as close as I've been
able to find in terms of the look and feel I want in a mail client. It
does have regex searching with saved searches that appear as smart
mailboxes in the mailbox tree. There's also Claws Mail, which is
branched off of the Sylpheed development.

Not sure if this is useful info for you, just throwing it out there for
whatever it's worth.
> To view this discussion on the web visit

Christopher Bort <>

Jeffrey Kane

Feb 8, 2022, 4:30:53 PM2/8/22
to Mailsmith Talk

Now I remember, it was the NeoAccess object oriented database and it looks like the company is no longer in business. That was before C++ took off if I remember correctly (and Objective C was still StepStone).

I'm trying Mail Archiver X now to bring it all into a SQL db. We'll see how it goes. Mailsmith was so ahead of it's times.

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