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rsync v3.0.7 on Cygwin not updating larger but older dest file using "-u" option

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Geil, Martin F

Jul 19, 2016, 3:38:56 PM7/19/16



I am using an older version of rsync (v3.0.7) on top of Cygwin on Windows, with a remote rsyncd.  I am using “rsync –azhu  SOURCEDIR DESTDIR” so that I can update the DEST only if it has an older version of an existing file (people work at both sites, and I don’t want to overwrite the most recent version of a file).  I’m finding that if I update a file under SOURCEDIR and make it larger, everything works as expected and DEST is updated.  However, if I update a file and it becomes smaller, the older DEST file remains untouched.  I did not see anything in the rsync changelog from v3.0.7 through the current version that appeared to be a fix for this behavior.  Has anyone else experienced this behavior, and if so, with what version of rsync?  Thanks in advance!


Martin G.

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