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Genie Script Reviews – (Word Manifestation Script) Shocking Truth Revealed (2024)

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2024年1月24日 清晨5:30:401月24日
With the Genie Script, customers may focus on achieving their own financial and personal objectives. Users won't need to learn how to meditate properly to start seeing results right away with this method, which is simple to follow.

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The Genie Script is a manifestation tool that offers a ton of useful stuff huge assist users better their prosperity, love, and other aspects of their lives. Anyone who want to see a noticeable increase in optimism in their life can use this program. In only a few seconds, digital access can be obtained for a nominal fee.

The Genie Script: What Is It?

Anybody who has ever wished for a better life knows how frustrating and disappointing it can be when plans don't work out. Contrary to popular belief, this issue is not the result of them not meeting the expectations of their routine. What if their seeming inability to succeed has nothing to do with how hard they strive for their goals? What if the real answer is as easy to understand as a script of 20 words?

That's the main idea of The Genie Script. Their website claims that there is just one, easy way to get mental clarity, the proper IQ, and a enough supply of energy. The one thing that is holding consumers back was first identified by the late Bob Proctor, and it is a part of each and every one of us. This undiscovered treasure holds the secret to financial success and, in certain situations, can even make buyers instant millionaires.

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Although these claims seem too wonderful to be true, the Genie Script's developers reassure users that they aren't. Wesley Virgin, the primary coordinator of this initiative, is a Texas-based Christian father. He clarifies that when others see how abundant their lives are, some people may face intense jealously from those in their immediate vicinity. That shouldn't stop anyone from bringing luxurious cars and ideal holidays into their lives, though.

Why Do A Lot of Women Get Stuck?

Hormone imbalance is the main issue that most women over 35 suffer with, according to the author of this program. Although the majority of individuals believe that this imbalance only affects their own affairs, it can also have an impact on external events in their lives. This hormone, which is produced by the reproductive system, increases muscle tone, makes money, enhances appearance, and even makes one appear younger.

The absence of this hormone can make consumers more elderly, less intelligent, fatigued, and financially constrained as well as demotivated. Restoring the necessary levels of estrogen for women of all ages is the secret to success that The Genie Script purports to solve.

How Can Women Benefit from the Genie Script?

Neuroscientist Andrew Huberman's research suggests that a woman's finger length can reveal her level of estrogen. Women who are higher in estrogen tend to be less anxious. According to a Harvard research, women in their 30s and 40s may naturally raise their estrogen levels by performing the one act that the Genie Script outlines, increasing their likelihood of achieving financial independence.

The program walks users through the simplest and most efficient way to access the orbitofrontal cortex of their brains in order to achieve this goal. The secondary taste cortex, located in this area of the brain, provides the body with a variety of flavors. Additionally, there is the location where identity information is kept. According to recent studies, this area of the brain plays a role in learning, decision-making, sensory integration, and reward-related behaviors.

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Gaining access to this area of the brain is essential for producing abundance and providing customers with total control at critical moments. The goal of the entire software is to give the user control and change their life.

What Does the Genie Script Come With?

Starting with the 20-word manifestation script that the user can complete tonight, every component of the Genie Script has a crucial function. In order to allow manifestation, users will have to change their minds and say the words in the sequence in which the designers have listed them.With the help of this script, users can access the portion of their brain that is typically unused.

The Subconscious Mind Quick Rewrite Training Module must then be used by users. By shifting them to the ideal frequency for success, this module assists customers in putting their subconscious back on track with their journey to prosperity.

The Brainwave Mastery Training module is the last section of the main curriculum. Stress and concentration are unattainable when there is an improper synchronization of the brain, and one may experience a feeling of further decline into darkness. Users of Brainwave Mastery will discover how to stimulate the brain waves that increase energy and help them move closer to their personal objectives.

How Can the Genie Script Be Accessed?

Users will only be able to access the Genie Script by visiting the official sales page. The software costs $37 in total (free bonuses included), but you can save even more money by using a coupon that presently deducts 1% of the purchasing price.

Customers only have a short window of time to take advantage of two products that are exclusive to a select few on the ordering page.

The Inner Circle of Millionaires

For new users, the website offers 17 digital copies of the Affirmation Cash Course; but, after these copies are claimed, they will no longer be available. The book has many affirmations about attracting prosperity, lowering stress, and fostering motivation in addition to ones that can help anyone with anxiety. When customers acquire The Genie Script, they can have it for an extra $27 even though it normally costs $597.

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Customers can pay $7 a month with Millionaire Innercircle to receive guidance toward their desired level of achievement. Customers won't have to worry about losing out on their own advancements because it offers them quick support and inspiration from a mentor.

Concerning the Bonuses

In addition to the benefits that come with the add-ons, users will also receive eight unique bonuses. Although not necessary components of The Genie Script, these extras aid users in getting better outcomes.

The Magical Scripting Journal Kit is the first bonus. The kit provides customers with many scripts that are already in use by millionaires to aid in the manifestation of tangible goods. In addition to the Genie Script, this product can be used once a week or every day to see effects.

The 17 Oil Pheromone Lovers Kit comes next. With the help of the various oils included in the 17 Oil Pheromone Lovers Kit, users can attract desired men or women to their vicinity—up to three feet away.

Customers can remove the negative and poisonous energy related to their finances by using the Sage Poverty Cleansing Kit. This gadget enables consumers bring themselves more riches at 10x the pace they could do alone.

The Abundance Checks Kit helps consumers attract wealth using a technique that the creator started before making his first seven figures. The method allows consumers to attract checks into their bank accounts for more profit gradually.

In the Exotic Vacation Manifesting Kit, users may bring vacations back into the reality of their lives. The creators explain that most users take a trip a year with this method.

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The Subliminal Mind Hack Kit allows users to sleep their way through manifestation. It provides users with soothing audio that will gradually change their subconscious thoughts to operate in wealth, rapidly pushing them closer to their dream.

The High Vibrational Food List provides users with a boost nutritionally that can trigger the production of oxytocin, dopamine, and serotonin levels to make them feel good and ready to take control. Some people even find that the change happens overnight.

Secret Chakra Hacks doesn't require any meditation, but it helps users to unwind with wine and a cozy bath. This methodhelps to open the sacral chakra to promote better physical energy.

The only action that the user has to take is to purchase access to the Genie Script because all of the bonuses are completely free otherwise.


With the Genie Script, customers may focus on achieving their own financial and personal objectives. Users won't need to learn how to meditate properly to start seeing results right away with this method, which is simple to follow. This program comes with multiple bonuses to enhance the experience and the core curriculum that takes just minutes a day to follow. While the average person could get results within the first month, the creators offer up to a year to determine if this program is right for them.
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