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Gold Mine Project Brazil

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2009年7月17日 上午9:30:272009/7/17
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Dear Mr Allen Scholles ( I get your email at )

We have a Gold Mine Project in Brazil that has $3 Billion Dollars of IN =

What I was intenting to do is a JV with the BG provider

The Deal is: The provider issue the BG , I give him the In Ground =
Assets as a Guarantee for 3years

The provider will receive the leasing fees for 3years , as soon as I =
get the money from the finance , using his BG as a collateral

At the end of 3years he will receive back the BG free and clear, and we =
will give to him 30%equity on the company

My name is Jarbas De Souza Junior, and i am the owner of the In Ground =

The Executive Summary of the project is attach.

Thank You


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880\tx3600\tx4320\tx5040\tx5760\tx6480\tx7200\tx7920\cf1\f0\fs72 =
MBR Mining Resources Inc.\par
\fs40 \cf2\fs28 7182 Sportsman's Drive -North =
669\tx6378\tx7086\tx7794\tx8503\tx8636\cf3\f1\fs48 \par
Executive Summary\par
Prepared by: Jarbas De Souza Jnr \par
November 2008\par
669\tx6378\tx7086\tx7794\tx8503\tx8636\b\fs36 Executive Summary\par
b0\fs22 MBR Mining Resources, Inc (The Company) is seeking an investment =
of US$300m to fully develop the Cavala Greek Gold Mine project site. The =
site comprises 8,800 acres (3,562.5 ha) which is located in the right =
edge of the Iririacu River, in the municipal of Luis Domingues, =
northwest Maranhao State, Brazil. Its geographic coordinates are 01 =
30.00\rquote S, 46 00.00\rquote W. The city of Sao Luis Domingues is =
20 km away, while the nearest international airport and shipping port is =
350 km by sealed road, from the mine site.\par
669\tx6378\tx7086\tx7794\tx8503\tx8636\cf4\b\fs24 Brazil\par
2 Brazil is an industrialized country of ~180 million people. A top 10 =
economy with exceptional infrastructure. The transport economy in the =
major centers such as Sao Paulo (or other major center) is not =
dissimilar to North America - paved two-lane, four-lane, and six-lane =
roadways with overpasses.\par
\cf4 It has a diversified economy / industry with abundant cheap power; =
95% of it hydroelectric. It has an established mining culture. The =
Brazilian economy largely tailors itself to mining which accounts for =
about 5% of GDP. The value added (mining related) collateral businesses =
pushed the figure to ~18% of GDP.\par
The cost basis for much of the equipment (locally manufactured), power =
and labour is inexpensive relative to other mining economies like =
Australia. Brazil is an exceptional platform from a mining industry and =
business viewpoint. Their mining industry / culture has been active for =
hundreds of years.\par
\cf3 There are a number of American Gold Mining companies operating in =
Brazil including Amex listed minnow Yamana; the worlds\rquote largest =
producers are Barrack (South Africa) and Newmont Mining (Australia).\par
669\tx6378\tx7086\tx7794\tx8503\tx8636\cf4\b\fs24 Mine Potential \par
2 Cavala Creek mine was searched by our Team in the period of July/2006 =
through December/2006, the drill was the principal method of =
investigation, and was used the Banka Drill\par
The studies of corrections of the Banka Drill nominal values, in the 81 =
executed holes had disclosed maximum values of up to 8.18g/m3 of gold; =
on the other hand, the maximum content inside the gravel was =
Although the average depth of the 81 holes is 2.82 meter and the average =
of the 6 holes, random in 8,800 acres, done manually has reached value =
of 2.62 meter of depth; we will use only one value below of these, for =
consideration of the reserve.\par
The gold met in the alluvium, elluvium and colluvium is secondary, that =
with the continuation studies and the gold extract act, there is a big =
opportunity of finding the primary gold location that will increase the =
gold reserve hundred times\par
We know that the particles of elluvium and colluvium are in the same =
place or nearness of the rock source. The feasibility operating plan =
assumes a large alluvial gold mine containing proven and \b probable =
reserves of approximately 3.5 million ounces of gold\b0 .\par
Complying with the rules of the Brazil\rquote s Code of Mining, the =
Company, intends to continue its research to fully determine the extent =
of known reserves and to properly allow the Company to choose the =
correct methodology for the extraction of the auriferous deposits in the =
The company has obtained the necessary permits to undertake this project =
..\i see Final Research Report\i0 .\par
Market size\par
tx3542\tx4252\tx4961\tx5669\tx6378\tx7086\tx7794\tx8503\tx8636\b0\fs22 =
"\cf4\ul Gold Prices\cf3\ulnone may be going up. But undoubtedly, it is =
gold that has the global charm for huge investment potential," he said. =
Quoting from a new survey from New York-based hedge fund Ospraie =
Management LLC, Alukkas said gold will be among the five best =
commodity-investment opportunities over the next two years, thanks to =
the declining production of the yellow metal.\par
Gold production reached 2,471 metric tonnes in 2006 according to the =
data from the World Gold Council.\par
The hedge fund said that rising costs and lack of investment have =
limited output in South Africa, the world's largest gold producer, Peru =
and other countries. "We look at gold as a barometer of wealth in the =
world," Ospraie said, adding: "The underpinning of demand is very =
In the last few years, growing purchasing power in Asian countries such =
as India and China has spurred demand for gold, pushing prices up 11% in =
the past year. Gold production growth exceeded population growth from =
the 1840s to 1940s. It declined after World War II for almost 50 years, =
but started up again in 1989.\par
The \cf4\ul Gold Price\cf3\ulnone has now been rising for more than six =
years. It has gained 158% since 2001. That works out to 26% per annum, =
which has consistently beaten most other markets. Global commodity =
companies believe that \cf4\ul Gold Prices\cf3\ulnone will rise for =
years to come, eventually reaching at least $2000 and it will probably =
go even higher. Investment experts say gold is the best commodity to =
invest in because it has stood the test of time. \par
"Gold has a 5,000-year solid track record. It is a time-tested and =
valuable commodity. It always has been, and it always will be. So it is =
the ideal commodity to invest in these days," says Prahlad Patel, a gold =
investment expert based in Mumbai. According to him, gold is real money =
and it has maintained its purchasing power over the centuries. "As the =
Dollar continues to slide, and spending and money creation continue on =
their merry way, gold will be the ultimate beneficiary," he added.\par
Experts have also predicted that China will become the largest gold =
producer in the world by 2010. Between 1997 and 2006 production of gold =
in China increased by 162.8 tonnes to 247.2 tonnes. While gold =
production in traditional producing countries such as South Africa has =
declined over recent years, output from emerging gold producing =
countries has increased from 17.7% to 29.8% in the last ten years. =
China's gold production for the first quarter of 2007 was recently =
recorded at 56.183 tonnes, an increase of 15.99% on the same period last =
669\tx6378\tx7086\tx7794\tx8503\tx8636\cf4\b\fs28 Management\par
2 The site General manager will be Jarbas De Souza Junior. The company =
plans to hire an experienced Mining Engineer with at least ten years =
experience plus Geologists (3) and Lab Technicians (4).\par
Employment will peak at more than 600 operating personnel. On-Site =
accommodation is planned for staff and employees.\par
40\tx5760\tx6480\tx7200\tx7920\cf4\b\fs28 Use of Funds\par
2 The initial cost is estimated to be US$ 300 million; the estimated =
time to start up the project is 6 Months.\par
tx3542\tx4252\tx4961\tx5669\tx6378\tx7086\tx7794\tx8503\tx8636\ul The =
Funds will be used for the following:\ulnone \par
\tx2835\tx3543\tx4252\tx4961\tx5669\tx6378\tx7086\tx7794\tx8503\tx8637 =
1.\tab Projects:\tab Environmental Project, and Mine Site Project\par
2.\tab Equipment:\tab Excavator, Loader, Truck, Pumps, Generator, Tolls, =
3.\tab Installations:\tab Warehouses, Lab, Trailers, Office\par
4.\tab Management: Geologists, Lab Technicians, General Manager, =
5\tx2835\tx3543\tx4252\tx4961\tx5669\tx6378\tx7086\tx7794\tx8503\tx8637 =
5.\tab Employees: \tab Drivers, Machine Operators, Mechanics, Labor, =
Projections & Assumptions\par
2009 2010 2011 =
2012 2013\par
Revenues \cf3 $251,250,000 $282,500,000 $303,750,000 =
$425,000,000 \cf2 \cf3\fs32 \fs22 $ 446,250,000\par
\cf2 Costs\cf3 $93,750,000\fs32 \fs22 =
$120,500,000\fs32 \fs22 $134,000,000 $187,500,000 =
\cf2 Gross Profit \cf3 $121,500,000 $162,000,000 $169,750,000 =
$237,500,000 $244,250,000\par
\fs32 \fs22 \b\i Assumptions\par
\tx4961\tx5669\tx6378\tx7086\tx7794\tx8503\tx8636\b0\i0\f2 !\f1\tab Gold =
Price \tab $742.00 per ounce ( on 11/06/2008 )\par
1\tx5669\tx6378\tx7086\tx7794\tx8503\tx8636\f2 !\f1\tab Total Operating =
Cost \tab $150 per ounce\par
\f2 !\f1\tab Total Reserves (Proven and Probable) \tab 3.5 million =
ounces (Refence To Evaluation Of the Gold Reserve)\par
\f2 !\f1\tab Project Present Value \tab $3 billion \par
\f2 !\f1\tab Project Payback \tab 5 years\par
1\tx5669\tx6378\tx7086\tx7794\tx8503\tx8636\f2 !\f1\tab Average Annual =
Production \tab 420,000 ounces \par
669\tx6378\tx7086\tx7794\tx8503\tx8636\cf4\b\fs28 Investment\par
42\tx4252\tx4961\tx5669\tx6378\tx7086\tx7794\tx8503\tx8636\cf3\b0\fs22 =
The company is seeking a $300MM loan with the collateral backed by the =
mineral value of the mine. Term is one year with rollover option\par
\cf4\b\fs28 Exit Strategy \par
2 The company expects to seek a US public listing of the mine within =
three years\par
Humanitarian Aspects Of The Project\par
The Gold Mine site is located 20miles from the City of Sao Dominges, It =
is a small city with 8,000 residentes, and the city Mayor will donate an =
area for us to build 200 house for the employes, and also a school =
(first and second grade) and a small hospital with 70 beds,and \par
We are going to employe 600 people direct, and more 400 indirect =
,totaling 1,000 people, \par
All this will bring a lot prosperity to the city, and also for all =
small Districts around the mine site\par
\cf2\b\fs28 Company Expansion\par
\cf3\b0\fs22 We have more mines to be explored ,like a 4,000 acres =
Diamond Mine ,and 3,500 acres Copper Mine , ans 2,000acres Emerald Mine =
The Research Work on thoses mines will start as soon as we start the =
Gold Mine Project\par
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wendy Du

2009年7月31日 凌晨4:49:222009/7/31
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