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Re: psm(4) support for Elantech touchpads

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Matthias Apitz

Jul 3, 2016, 3:42:55 PM7/3/16
Hello Vladimir,

I own an Acer C720 (aka Chromebook) which worked fine concerning the
touchpad with the cyapa driver in CURRENT. After a repair in
they said that they have had to change the keyboard and the touchpad and
it now does not attach anymore to the cyapa.ko; it seems that it was
replace by an Elan TP and while googlöing for support I found your
posting from September 2015. I have applied the patch to r292778 but the
code is not walked through because it says on verbose boot:

atkbd0: [GIANT-LOCKED]
random: harvesting attach, 8 bytes (4 bits) from atkbd0
psm0: unable to allocate IRQ

Any ideas about this? Thanks in advance


Matthias Apitz, ✉, ⌂
"Wer übersieht, dass wir uns den anderen weggenommen haben und sie uns wiederhaben wollen,
kann von den Kämpfen der letzten Tage keinen verstehen. Und kann natürlich auch keinen
dieser Kämpfe bestehen." Hermann Kant in jW 1.10.1989
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Vladimir Kondratyev

Jul 3, 2016, 5:16:26 PM7/3/16
On 2016-07-03 21:50, Matthias Apitz wrote:
> Hello Vladimir,
> I own an Acer C720 (aka Chromebook) which worked fine concerning the
> touchpad with the cyapa driver in CURRENT. After a repair in
> they said that they have had to change the keyboard and the touchpad
> and
> it now does not attach anymore to the cyapa.ko; it seems that it was
> replace by an Elan TP and while googlöing for support I found your
> posting from September 2015. I have applied the patch to r292778 but
> the
> code is not walked through because it says on verbose boot:
> atkbd0: [GIANT-LOCKED]
> random: harvesting attach, 8 bytes (4 bits) from atkbd0
> psm0: unable to allocate IRQ
> Any ideas about this? Thanks in advance
> matthias

Hi, Matthias

I`m afraid that device resource management is not what I`m familiar
with. Sorry.
Mouse type detection starts 200 lines below IRQ initialization so this
message should not depend on my patch.
Quick googling shows that this is most probably an ACPI issue but that
all I was able to find

WBR, Vladimir Kondratyev

Vladimir Kondratyev

Jul 4, 2016, 4:55:44 AM7/4/16

After some investigations its turned out that some modern ElanTPs use
I2C interface not PS/2
so they can not be handled with my patch. Its necessary to port new
driver from Linux or from OpenBSD where it has name

Matthias Apitz

Jul 4, 2016, 5:18:54 AM7/4/16
El día Monday, July 04, 2016 a las 11:55:08AM +0300, Vladimir Kondratyev escribió:

> After some investigations its turned out that some modern ElanTPs use
> I2C interface not PS/2
> so they can not be handled with my patch. Its necessary to port new
> driver from Linux
> or from OpenBSD where it has name
> imt(4)

Thanks for your hint. I have to admit, that the idea it is an 'elan'
touchpad is at the moment only a guess. As I said, the Acer C720 was at for repair an issue with the touchpad and they changed the keyboard
and touchpad (this is an visible fact). ChromeOS was working with it but the call in
our FreeBSD src/sys/dev/cyapa/cyapa.c:

static int
cyapa_probe(device_t dev)
struct cyapa_cap cap;
int addr;
int error;

addr = smbus_get_addr(dev);

* 0x67 - cypress trackpad on the acer c720
* (other devices might use other ids).

device_printf(dev, "cyapa_probe(): addr %02x\n", addr);
if (addr != 0x67)
return (ENXIO);

now returns 0x15 and not 0x67, and so the cyapa.ko does not attach anymore
not even when I change the test to 0x15, which leaded to the guess of Elan TP.

I will try to make some NetBSD or OpenBSD USB boot key to first verify
what we do have here as hardware. Or any other idea to figure out, what
Acer now installed?



Matthias Apitz, ✉, ⌂
"Wer übersieht, dass wir uns den anderen weggenommen haben und sie uns wiederhaben wollen,
kann von den Kämpfen der letzten Tage keinen verstehen. Und kann natürlich auch keinen
dieser Kämpfe bestehen." Hermann Kant in jW 1.10.1989

Malcolm Matalka

Jul 4, 2016, 3:26:19 PM7/4/16

I'm on an ASUS ZenBook UX305CA and have the same problem with the
trackpad. I'm pretty sure it's an ElanTech as well, however the IRQ
cannot be allocated. I'd like to help out but I have no idea how
anything outside userspace works. Any suggestions for how to help? I'm
so ignorant I'm not even sure how to go about porting something from
another OS over.


Malcolm Matalka

Jul 5, 2016, 2:46:01 PM7/5/16
Vladimir Kondratyev <> writes:

> On 2016-07-04 00:15, Vladimir Kondratyev wrote:
>> On 2016-07-03 21:50, Matthias Apitz wrote:
>>> Hello Vladimir,
>>> I own an Acer C720 (aka Chromebook) which worked fine concerning the
>>> touchpad with the cyapa driver in CURRENT. After a repair in
>>> they said that they have had to change the keyboard and the touchpad and
>>> it now does not attach anymore to the cyapa.ko; it seems that it was
>>> replace by an Elan TP and while googlöing for support I found your
>>> posting from September 2015. I have applied the patch to r292778 but the
>>> code is not walked through because it says on verbose boot:
>>> atkbd0: [GIANT-LOCKED]
>>> random: harvesting attach, 8 bytes (4 bits) from atkbd0
>>> psm0: unable to allocate IRQ
>>> Any ideas about this? Thanks in advance
>>> matthias
>> Hi, Matthias
>> I`m afraid that device resource management is not what I`m familiar with. Sorry.
>> Mouse type detection starts 200 lines below IRQ initialization so this
>> message should not depend on my patch.
>> Quick googling shows that this is most probably an ACPI issue but that
>> all I was able to find
>> WBR, Vladimir Kondratyev

> After some investigations its turned out that some modern ElanTPs use I2C interface not PS/2
> so they can not be handled with my patch. Its necessary to port new driver from Linux
> or from OpenBSD where it has name
> imt(4)

I'd like to try to port this driver over to FreeBSD, does anyone have
any suggestions of something to read or willing to help mentor me in
that? I know nothing about doing this but would really like to get my
Trackpad working!

Tony Olagbaiye

Jul 2, 2022, 8:10:13 AM7/2/22
Hi Malcolm,

Did you ever have any luck with this?

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