New API methods and a few tweaks

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Dec 5, 2012, 1:02:10 PM12/5/12
Along with this week's release we've provided some much needed updates to the API to catch it up with various in-app features that have been released over the past few months. There are also some smaller tweaks to existing methods - all those changes are backwards compatible, so calls depending on existing functionality will not start returning different results until you decide to use them. And, of course, our API documentation has also been updated to cover everything below.

Additionally, our v1.3.x of the PHP wrappers were missing a number of minor tweaks from (at least) the past few months - it has been updated to be fully current with the API including the additions/changes discussed here.

Here's a quick overview:

New Methods:
* searchMembers() provides more generic searching across a list or full account for list members. This mirrors the functionality mentioned here ( - this is wholly different from anything listMembers or segmenting in the Exporting API will do.

* searchCampaigns() provides generic searching across campaign content. This mirros the functionality mentioned here ( and, again, is wholly different from campaigns() or anything else that has previously existed.

* campaignScheduleBatch() allows scheduling campaigns to be sent in batches just like this describes (

* listMergeVarReset() enables clearing out the data for a particular merge var for all list members. The back story to this is basically that folks would decide to delete and re-add merge vars repeatedly just to clear their values and that could break all number of things. This provides an alternative.

Modified Methods:

* getAccountDetails() now allows excluding certain data so the call can be more performant. Basically some of the data returned can cause the method to be slow, so we enabled exluding what you don't need.

* listMembers() now allows a sort direction to be provided for all statuses.

* lists() now allows sorting on the creation date as well as the display order in the web app along with specifying a sort direction. Existing/current default functionality has always been the creation date in descending order.

* campaignCreate() and campaignUpdate() now accept "days" for RSS and Autoresponders as well as various new event setups for Autoresponders as discussed here

* campaigns() will return a parent_id and allows filtering on parent_ids. These allow for working with RSS campaigns more flexibly.

* Export API: lists and campaignSubscriberActivity will now accept urlencoded JSON objects in POST requests just like the standard API does.


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