Visit to find out more about Cyber Snoop, which was
recently named Editors' Choice by PC Magazine. Our Cyber Snoop winners will
also get a free Headbone CD - just for the fun of it! School teams and
individuals are eligible to win.
Bookmark for Black History Month
While you and your class are playing the Headbone Derbies in January, be
sure to bookmark the site in anticipation of our new Headbone Derby
premiering February 1. "Escape to Freedom" brings the legendary Underground
Railroad roaring to life - all month long. As they play, kids use the
Internet to learn first-hand the dangers runaway slaves faced on their road
to freedom.
Sponsored by the History Channel, "Escape to Freedom" also gives players the
opportunity to win TVs, VCRs and videos for their schools. And, like all
Headbone Derbies, "Escape to Freedom" is absolutely FREE and features a
printable Teacher's Guide to help you use the Derby with your students.
Happy 1999!
The new year is already underway, but we couldn't send out a January Gazette
without wishing you and your students all the best for 1999. We have some
exciting new additions planned for the Headbone Zone this year and look
forward to sharing them with you as they unfold. Our goal is to continue to
make the Headbone Zone a safe and exciting place for kids and classrooms to
connect online, year-round.
Elizabeth Ward
Headbone Marketing Manager