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Bitmessage Chanbot Help

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Bitmessage Chanbot

Dec 31, 2021, 3:09:41 PM12/31/21
CHANBOT received your help request. Read below the instructions for
using the CHANBOT echo server.

+ Sent from Bitmessage CHANBOT BM-NBqDC5RiwBkF6URmdQu9wAG71rLNRopt +

CHANBOT Server is a public chan directory. It responds to your commands.


Send a message to: BM-NBqDC5RiwBkF6URmdQu9wAG71rLNRopt with a command in
the subject line. Currently valid commands are:

| list | chan | cast | help |

Commands must be entered in the subject line of your bitmessage. Text in
the body will be ignored. Commands are case sensitive. Only alphanumeric
characters are allowed ( A-Z a-z 0-9 . - + _ : # @ ) and spaces.

Explanation of commands

* Use 'chan' command to add a chan to the directory so others may find
it with 'list' function. This makes your chan available to the public.

* Use 'cast' command to add a broadcast to the directory. This makes
your broadcast available to the public.

list: CHANBOT will reply with a directory list of active chans.

chan: CHANBOT will add the chan name you provide to the directory list.
Then CHANBOT will reply with the address and keys for a chan passphrase
that you provided.
* chan [passphrase]
* example: 'chan bitmessage'

cast: Sent without parameters, CHANBOT will reply with a list of
broadcasts. Sent with parameters, CHANBOT will add your broadcast
address to the broadcast directory. Using the broadcast address, send a
message to CHANBOT from that address with the broadcast name in the
subject line.
* cast [broadcast name, up to 37 characters]
* example: 'cast BITCOIN NEWS'
* to get a list of broadcasts send message with 'cast' in the subject.

help: CHANBOT will reply with a help message.

Explanation of Parameters

CHANBOT automatically deletes a chan from the directory list if it is
inactive for 30 days.

If a chan is added, and there are not at least three posts to that chan
in the first 24 hours then CHANBOT will consider it spam and delete it
from the list directory.

CHANBOT does not offer technical support or respond to personal
messages. Such messages won't be seen by the admin since only the
subject line is parsed and the message is ignored. To discuss or ask
questions about CHANBOT go to [chan] chanbot.
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