5/14/2024 Meeting Minutes

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Vice President of MAGLaboratory

May 15, 2024, 12:24:50 AMMay 15
to MAG Lab

2024-05-14 Meeting Minutes

Call to order: 8:46 PM by Kevin Y.


  • Kevin Y.

  • Hong

  • Brandon L.

  • Rosa

Past Events

  • Open Project Night (6:30 PM, Fri May 10th)

    • Brandon hosted.

    • 4 people showed up.

      • One person cut a thing on the laser cutter, but might have clogged the laser.

Upcoming Events

  • Open Project Night (6:30 PM, Fri May 17th)

    • Brandon is hosting.

  • Tabletop RPG night? (4:00 PM to 6:00 PM, Sat May 25th)

    • A very brief introduction to tabletop RPGs that use minis such as 40K and Star Wars Legion, or RPGs in general.

    • We’re painting stuff, and minis, and Gundam models, and other expensive plastics.

    • May 25th/26th?

    • Rosa to whip up an ad to post to the social medias.

      • Rosa - Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Meetup

      • Richard - Discord, Google Groups, Google Calendar.

    • Make a repeat event?

      • Next ones painting minis and gundams and more expensive plastics.

      • First event is just to assemble.

  • Ovitt Family Community Library Maker Event (11:30 AM to 4:30 PM, Sat June 8th 2024)

    • Same day as the Open House Party.

    • Meet at MagLab 10am.

    • Interested

      • Brandon L.

      • Kevin Y.

      • Richard

    • What are booth size, event specifics?

      • When? Where? What is it about?

      • Target age group.

      • Can we get lots of table space and power?

    • Event Info

      • Targeting all ages.

      • Outdoor venue.

      • Electrical provided.

    • Things to bring

      • The line following robots

      • Batteries

      • Battery charger

      • The non-jank canopy

      • TBD some line and surface

      • Small folding table

      • Business cards and stickers

      • Banner with QR code

        • Links to google maps photos?

      • Thermal camera demo

      • Random display case items

    • Insurance possibly needed for services, activities, or demonstrations.

      • Line-following robot? Let the kids draw lines to follow with different colors.

        • Confirmed to not need insurance.

    • Line following robot kit, unless you have other suggestion like Aliexpress.

      • Big whiteboard instead of paper?

      • Kits bought, arriving upcoming week.

        • They are assembled.

        • Need to test them on some sort of surface that we can bring.

        • Can we bring the whiteboards from the conference room?

        • White paper?

          • Need to test on printer paper

        • Test movement.

    • Registration form filled out.

  • A “How to basically use the mill or lathe” class? (Soon)

    • Trent is busy… after Bantam Mill is done… after Wasteland Weekend… after readjustment to non-party life.

    • Richard available for super duper basically how to use the mill or lathe.

    • Please express interest to Richard or Trent on Discord.

      • Richard available for impromptu classes.

    • Make something as simple as a coin?

    • Complex as a d20?

    • Customizable totem (like from Inception)

    • BYO3Dmodel beforehand.

    • “👍” - Trent.

    • Trent almost done putting together. Time and date TBD.

    • Trent making documentation. It’ll happen eventually.

  • How to use the new CNC mill class?

    • We can advertise that we have a “user friendly” CNC…

    • Please express interest to Richard or Trent on Discord.

    • Bantam mill needs tooling caddy

    • Bantam mill has a home

    • Would like 2 weeks or a month of notice to advertise.

    • Combine with the mill or lathe class?

  • Kicad/PCB Milling/Flatcam Class (July event?)

    • Proposed by Brandon

    • Single-layer copper with holes.

    • Date TBD

    • Dry-run on Friday.

      • Happened

    • Just software or using the CNC as well?

      • Richard prefers interactive.

      • USB lantern sample board?

        • Successfully prototyped. It works.

        • Relatively easy design for a beginner to use (and ignore design rules checks).

        • Still need to iron out the details of the class.

        • Richard volunteers as the class guinea pig.

Section Lead Updates

  • Brandon L. (CTO)

    • Still updating the clock and the wall switch.

    • There is a Kicad library on the Github.

      • The ultra-light footprints are here.

    • Prefers replacing the resin printer with the IIIP.

Discussion Items

  • There are still some bylaws amendment “I voted” gift cards to be distributed.

    • Kevin to contact remaining card giftees.

  • Sponsorship packet. (On hold because Richard is busy)

    • Expect a final draft to send out by the meeting of 11/21.

    • Richard has a final draft.

    • Now to find where to send these too.

    • Richard to CC Rosa on company list and outgoing emails.

    • Companies in consideration:

      • Monoprice

      • Hackaday /  Supplyframe

      • Olympus Controls

      • Digikey?

      • Mcmaster Carr?

      • Send more suggestions…

    • Feedback is generally bad.

      • Cold calling is difficult.

        • Organizations with prior relationships are better.

        • Doesn’t have to be a big business.

          • Such a scrap materials from the woodworking neighbor?

      • Making event or class.

        • Combined fundraising/advertising.

        • Solicit sponsorships for an event/hackathon.

        • Donate materials or money.

        • Possibly a very big organized event.

    • Keep an eye out for events we can participate in.

      • Fundraising profit-sharing programs. (E.g. Krispy Kreme donuts or Pieology)

        • These tend to become us indirectly donating to ourselves.

    • Paid ads? - Michael

      • Talk to Rosa.

  • Let’s think of a big event for the first half of 2024 that we can use as a fundraising event.

    • An event that we would market more.

      • Post to local newsletters, like Walnuts or Pomonas.

      • Bike tune-up event

        • Suggested shop rate

        • Does Mt. Sac or CPP have co-ops/clubs?

        • Host an event in preparation for (formerly known as) 626 Golden Streets? (April 28th, 2024)

        • http://www.bikefriendlysgv.com/businesses.html

        • Richard would like to see some upgrade of existing bikes?

          • BYO upgrade parts. E.g. motors and brakes.

        • A show and tell the same day of the event.

          • A reason for people to show up even if they don’t need to actually fix anything. For socializing, etc.

          • Group ride?

        • Practice fix-up booth at https://www.activestreets.org/index.html (Sunday April 28th)

          • Do it as a MagLab thing

          • Yes

            • Kevin

            • Brandon

          • Maybe

            • Hong

          • Busy

            • Richard

        • How to ride a bike for grown-ups event

        • How to ride a bike in traffic class

        • Make a give away tools

          • Tire levers

          • Chain wear tools

      • Big tabletop gaming event

      • Learnings from Active Streets.

        • We probably don’t want to have an event at MagLab. Instead be a part of a bigger event.

        • Sponsorship for supplies for such an event?

        • Are there other big events? Besides bike events?

    • Purpose

      • Giving back to the community.

      • Practice for fundraising, sponsorship, and running events.

      • Attracting people outside of MagLab

  • Lower cost “day use”/”guest use”/”trial membership”

    • Not a full membership

      • no storage

      • no voting rights

      • no large dangerous tools.

        • 1 day is not enough to check for trust and competence.

    • What is the sweet spot?

      • $20/day?

      • For reference, bicycle kitchen is $8/hr.

      • Pose questions to guests and visitors to events and open project nights.

        • Other questions

          • What days?

          • What hours?

            • Nobody really shows up for David’s curator hours 1pm-5pm.

          • What tools?

    • Concerns

      • Is this in line with what we want community/culture wise.

      • Abuse of tools & materials.

      • Type of people this attracts.

        • Previous bad experiences with transient use.

        • Require vouching by existing member?

      • Space isn’t always open.

        • Dedicated hours? Need volunteers.

        • At open project night?

        • Your $20 reserves an at least 4 hour appointment one of these days:

          • Friday: 10 AM to 10 PM (Brandon)

          • Saturday: 1 PM to 5-6 PM (David), 5-6 PM to 10 PM (Brandon)

          • Sunday: 4 PM to 9 PM (Brandon)

          • Monday & Wednesday: 1 PM to 8 PM (David).

          • At appointment time, they should give an idea of what they want to do during that time.

    • A way to get people in the door.

    • Will need a bylaws change.

      • Maybe not needed for experimental “fundraising days”.

      • Need a special meeting.

        • Should give a questions/comments period during the special meeting, then voting after that.

        • Pending board approval of call for special meeting.

    • Market Research

      • $20/day seems reasonable from the people we have asked.

    • Additional benefits

      • “Project kits”?

        • For people who don’t already have a project in mind.

        • Edge-lit acrylic sign

  • Cal Poly Pomona Rover Team sponsorship request

    • Sponsored general membership for one team member starting the first day that they use it.

      • That person needs to be present all the time, and be responsible for all club members.

      • Can leads share the general membership?

        • Richard is okay with it, but if they upgrade to keyed, the keyed membership will only apply to one person.

        • Richard is thinking that any lead can apply for keyed after the team has been general for a month.

      • The sponsored membership starts in June.

    • Need to talk to the team about which hours they need to have the space open to work on their project so we can arrange for keyed members to open the space for them.

    • 5 people oriented on Tuesday.

      • When they reach out again, need another person to give general and heavy machinery orientation.

  • Proposal to have a $60 3D printing class fee + general membership. Get a printer at the end of the class?

    • Not sure if we can do this.

    • Trying to get in touch with the principal of the school with the printers.

    • Farhan talking with the school first.

    • We can’t do this because we can’t write off this many high-priced items on our balance sheet. Might work if someone takes it personally, but needs to be on the books if associated with MagLab.

    • Also not doing this because no volunteers are willing to organize the class.

    • What are David H.’s ideas for the class?

    • After David gets back in May.

  • MagLab flag (July 4th deadline)

    • Richard’s workplace is creating a demo center where MagLab can have a flag.

    • Richard to make the flag.

      • What file format?

    • Okay with the flag design?

      • Richard is okay with it as is. Not final so Rosa can change if wanted.

    • Flag is on The List, but not high priority.

Motion to end: Brandon L, Rosa

Meeting ended: 9:12 PM

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