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Magic Maps, Loop crashing

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Antonio Antonio

May 14, 2018, 4:05:53 PM5/14/18
to Magic Maps Users
I have Magic Maps 1.4.18 and OS X 10.13.4, unfortunately when I launch the App,
it continue crashing in loop.
I have tried to reset the PRAM  (CMD+ALT+P+R).
Is there any other fix I could try?

Antonio Antonio

Oct 17, 2018, 3:51:34 AM10/17/18
to Magic Maps Users
Ne versions old problems?

Not only with the new version (1.4.19) the problem is still present, but now on Mojave, the only way of fixing the crash loop is bu forcing
the mac's shutdown, because neither Force quit can be used.

Mr. Miller, not answering to support's requests after 6 months ( and I'm not the only with this problem),
is not a good support.

And... I saw your answer to simple questions ignoring older ones.
Regards, Antonio.

Evan Miller

Oct 17, 2018, 9:13:45 AM10/17/18

Thanks for the update. The Apple engineers that I spoke with at WWDC indicated that it is a bug in the operating system which allows the NVRAM to get into an inconsistent state. They said that a clean reinstall of the operating system would likely fix the problem.

I have been unable to reproduce the crash on the machines I have access to. The crash only appears when validating a receipt from the App Store, so my options for finding a workaround are limited. I have not found anything like this crashing loop reported in other software but I will continue to look for a solution.


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Antonio Antonio

Oct 17, 2018, 10:59:31 AM10/17/18
to Magic Maps Users
Thanks Evan, I really appreciate your answer, I will try a fresh update.
I will update you.
Regards, Antonio

Il giorno lunedì 14 maggio 2018 22:05:53 UTC+2, Antonio Antonio ha scritto:
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