Foundational Super Intelligence (upcoming session)

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Marcus Abundis

Jun 14, 2016, 6:08:55 AM6/14/16
Hi Folks,

I write to advise you I am active with the Foundations of Information Science (FIS) group, and that I will soon lead an online discussion group on the A priori Modeling of Information (theory of meaning/universal theory of information).

The discussion may interest this group as a "theory of meaning" is needed to develop an effective Super Intelligence (or that is one of my assertions, and to the extent one is interested in HLAI).

While FIS targets defining the essence of information (philosophy), my own interest is the application of related theoretical findings. My sense is that once a firm theoretical framing (operating principle) is named, progressing to a practical model will happen quickly – and where I focus *my* attention.

For background on FIS, the group website URL is:
The site moderator, Pedro, can give you access to the discussion list server, for those of you with interest:
pcmarijuan.iacs (a t)

As further background, I also attach a PDF of the introductory text I will use for this FIS session, or you can go to this link:
If you know of others, who might have interest in this discussion, I would greatly appreciate you forwarding this information to them!

Thank you for your attention. 

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