Pokemon X Serial Code Generator

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Loriann Rubio

Jul 22, 2024, 8:19:48 PM (5 days ago) Jul 22
to Magento Development List

i go and select code generator then left bottom side i select the middle option where it says selected pokemon 6 then i click generate and it give me a code but when i load it and try using it in game it wont work wont load all 6 Pokemon and i do have 6 pokemon in my team at the moment but nothing am i doing something wrong or is it that i have to load 1 at a time.

Pokemon X Serial Code Generator

DOWNLOAD https://pimlm.com/2zGqfP

I am looking for a Tikz QR code generator. I am aware of pst-barcode as well as several "local" programs, a luatex solution and web services to do this. Nevertheless, if at all possible, I would much prefer a Tikz replacement working with pdflatex/xelatex as well, since this is the most common baseline at the moment. If this doesn't yet exist, I would be willing to award a bounty on the creation of one. However I will wait until someone expresses interest in doing so, since I am not sure how long this might take.

The compilation of the main document took more time than I expected (a few seconds) but the bottleneck is not Lua, but tikz. The lua code generates a lot of small rectangles to be filled, and tikz requires time to draw all of them (I replaced the tikz-generation code in lua for simple "print" statements to the console, and it compiled almost instantaneously).

Trying to reduce the compile-time, I modified the lua code so that only the black pixels are actually drawn, thus reducing the compile time to the half (in my first implementation Lua generated both the black and the white pixels).

The compiling time can be dramatically improved if, instead of using tikz to draw the pixels, tex \rule primitive is used, as in this answer which basically does the same thing than my code, but without tikz (thanks to michal.h21 for pointing me to his answer).

Inspection of library luaqrcode shows that the QR algorithmm is rather complex. Although a lot of values are precomputed and stored in tables, which would simplify a pure tex implementation, I'm concerned for the performance of that implementation.

QR Scanner is a feature in Pokemon Sun and Moon that allows you to scan a QR code. Once scanned, it gives you a Pokedex entry for a Pokemon from another region. Every 10 QR codes, you get the ability to Island Scan: a Pokemon is revealed on the island you are on and you have 1 hour to find and catch it. It's considered a wild pokemon so you have to search the tall grass. It will tell you what route it is on. You only have 1 chance to catch it, so don't let it faint! You can find information on which pokemon appears on this link.

This generator can provide you the QR codes to scan in order to enable the Island Scan ability. You can generate as many QR codes as you want by clicking the "regenerate" button, however, you can only scan 10 per 10 hours into your game.

I am, oddly enough, in the middle of writing a long info/how-to article on using InDesign's QR code generator (which is trustworthy, standalone and transparent) to manually create a variety of data types, including vCard 3 and 4, but it's not done yet.

The short answer, if it's not too cryptic, is to use the Plain Text mode to enter the vCard format manually. It's not complex, but it is a bit involved. If you can't find a good example of vCard structure, try the Wikipedia article (not something I say very often!) as a start, and if you can wait, I should have this reference article done sometime this weekend.

Create your vCard QR code as before. In InDesign, hover over it until the popup appears. That will contain the actual text string of the code. Copy it into a Plain Text QR field, but update the second line to VERSION:3.0.

Thank you for reaching out. I tested this on my end, and it seems to be working. Would you mind testing it on a different device/scanner? Some scanners may not support certain character encodings, so it's important to test the QR code on different devices.

I am so sorry for the confusion. Please avoid my previous response as I didn't tested this on a V-Card. Instead, it was a plain text. On testing it further, I am getting the same character, so I'll get this checked from the team and will update the discussion.

Adobe really, really needs to either update the code creator to use v3.0, or allow selection of the version. I don't think there would be any problem at all if it was just hard-coded to v3.0, except possibly with some very old and outdated readers.

Is there any update on this? I followed the suggestion above to use the InDesign plain text QR code generator containing vCard code, and the resulting QR codes work fine on iphones but open an empty contact on Android devices.

This seems to be a common issue that others are experiencing. Using the exact same vCard code on other web based QR code generators results in a QR that works perfectly on Android, so could it be an issue with the way InDesign encodes a plain text vCard QR code?

I can't think of any reason a whole code would work on one platform and not the other; it's usually details such as not reading fields with accented characters, or a reader that does not read and pass along the less common fields.

The acid test is always to scan them to a reader that shows you the scanned data, not what it decides to do with it after sorting and parsing it. You have to set readers to a special mode, usually, and not all of them have that mode. But the process is at least three steps long (read/parse/pass to applet) and any of those can go wrong even if the code is technically perfect.

ETA: You also don't say where you're scanning the code from, how dense the data is (how fine the grid, that is) and whether the code is being presented with enough resolution/fidelity to be read easily. It may be that one OS or the other, in any random instance, can do a better job of reading a faulty/fuzzy code.

Everything in resolving problems like this comes down to a raw read-back of what's actually encoded in the QR matrix. You need a reader, any reader on any platform, that offers that raw-data mode. It's there that you will find how IN handled the input, how a web tool handled it, etc., and often where you will find some overlooked glitch.

Because you're getting a blank result in Contacts, I'd say everything on the Android is working up to parsing the data. And you're back to using a raw data check to make sure the encoded data is exactly what it's supposed to be, so that you can analyze why one platform is reading it and one isn't. This often comes down to things like hard vs soft returns, spaces in the wrong places, and other details that don't seem significant until you actually try to get them through the whole data transfer process.

One important thing is not to rely on only one input method. Most phones have QR code reading built into various apps; if that doesn't work, bypass it for the OS-level reader or, best of all, a third-party reader that doesn't ass/u/me too much about the system, setup, apps etc. And has that "show me the raw data" mode.

However I can't see how the ID encoder is 100% reliable when a quick Google search shows that others complain of the exact same issue. As a graphic designer, I just need InDesign to create vCard QR codes that work with data merge (hence using the plain text input and not vCard form) and can be read on most common mobile devices.

I don't understand the intricacies of different encoding processes that can turn the same data into a working or non-working QR code, and even if I did, I'm not sure how that would help with the issue of InDesign not correctly encoding for Android.

Okay... forgive a little exasperation, here. First, you tacked your inquiry onto an older thread that doesn't have much to do with the problems you're reporting, so we start with a bit of murkiness as to what applies to what, and it's hard to scroll up and down and figure out what might have already been said, or not.

The levels of code interpretation and data transfer are anything but absolute across the spectrum of devices and apps; the one thing that is fairly fixed is that few code generators themselves, especially ones from major software houses in use for many years, actually make faulty codes... that your Device A could read it is pretty much proof absolute that the code it not at fault here. That your description of Device B is that it reads the code but can't quite figure out what to do with it is additional proof that the problem lies somewhere other than the code... and after you get past the insanely complex encoding algorithm, QR codes are just simple, linear encoding of a text string. Everything else depends on how that string is read and interpreted, and IME that's where nearly all faults are encountered. (Including in the original, accented character, 2.1-v-3 issue.)

When you can provide a couple of samples of QR codes, created using any dummy data you like and using ID's code creator, that work fine on a defined Apple device but do not work on a defined Android device... we might be able to identify the actual cause of the problem. From both experience and following your reports as closely as I can, I hereby bet one virtual wooden nickel that the problem lies in any of the interpretation steps except the actual coding/creation of the QR code. (Because that's how all prior cases have turned out, no matter how many people have posted complaints that "ID made me a bad code.")

I've attached both QR codes and both decode results, and although I'm not sure how to fix it, it seems the InDesign QR code is not giving a Parsed result. I'm not sure why Apple devices (tested on several iphones) are able to get an address book entry from that, but Android devices (including Samsung and Pixel phones) can tell it's a contact but only get empty data fields.

Apologies for jumping into an old thread originally! I mainly wondered if there had been any update to the issues discussed previously as an Adobe employee had responded here, and someone also commented on Jan 9 2024 with an issue that sounds similar to what I am experiencing. Any help is appreciated, honestly not trying to be a nuisance

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