Vehicle To Grid Charging Technology - What's Now, What's Next?
An electric car isn't really a car - it's a battery on wheels. That's how the world looks when you start thinking about Vehicle-To-Grid technology (V2G). What V2G can provide is the ability to charge electric cars, buses or trucks when you need to use them - and to sell the energy they contain back to the grid when you don't. V2G can also provide emergency power when bad weather brings power failures.
It's more complicated than that, of course. It's also early times as the tech takes shape. That's why we're welcoming panelists from the Electric Power Research Institute, Kansas City's own Evergy, Massachusetts Clean Cities and charging manufacturer Fermata Energy. They'll explain how it works, where the technology is going, and how it could make sense for your vehicles - or fleets.
Everyone with an interest in EV technology is welcome, and we'll be taking time to answer your questions. We also want to specifically encourage municipalities, private fleet managers and school districts to attend, since these are fleets for which V2G has the best business case.
To sign up, please click on the following link: For any questions beforehand, or with any issues with registration, please contact David Albrecht - david.albrecht(at)