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April meeting

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Jim Donovan

Apr 8, 2024, 7:52:57 PM4/8/24
to Mid-America Electric Automobile Association

My schedule still shows that we have our monthly meeting this Sunday at 1pm at the Central Resource Library, 8975 West 87th, OPKS. Agenda items to review:

1. Drive Electric Earth Month activity - I am unaware of anyone having coordinated an event this year. Am I wrong?

At this moment I am unable to attend this meeting - wife recovering from surgery. Is there anyone interested in acting as the Zoom host? If so, I can set this up and leave you as the host.


Apr 9, 2024, 2:39:50 PM4/9/24
to Mid-America Electric Automobile Association, Jim Donovan
I went ahead and scheduled a Drive Electric activity and the Village Church from 11:00a.m. to 3:00 p.m. for Saturday April 20, the south lot. We will need people to display their EVs.  
George Hoech

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