I was thinking about trading in my electric car for a gas car, but I have some questions I'm hoping someone can help with:
1--I've heard there is no at-home or at-office refueling option. Will that be available soon? And how much time should I plan to spend refueling my car--I'm really busy.
2--Someone mentioned the car needs service about every 3,000 miles for an oil change? And also has lots of belts, hoses, and other systems that need regular maintenance? How much will all of that cost, and how long will my car be at the mechanic?
3--I'm told that gasoline is highly flammable and that my car will have a "tank" full of 10-12 gallons of the stuff. I've heard it's so flammable that I can only refill at specialized stations, not at hotels, or public libraries, or the mall parking lot. Will my kids be safe? Will it explode if I get in an accident?
4--I've heard that the price of gasoline fluctuates wildly, and the cost per mile will be a lot more than my electricity cost-per-mile. How do you budget for that cost? Is the lower up-front cost of the car low enough to offset how much more I'll pay in fuel over the time I'll own the car?
5--I've heard that burning gasoline results in some smoke out the back of my car that causes air pollution, asthma, and acid rain. Likewise, I've heard that sometimes the tankers that transport the petroleum around the world leak into the ocean. Are there any planned fix for those things?
6--Currently, if my car needs improvements, my car is updated over wifi. I've heard that the gas cars have to be brought into a shop for upgrades? Is that common?
I'd love to hear more about the benefits of gas cars vs my electric.