2d client-side

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Aug 2, 2012, 2:12:54 PM8/2/12
to madron...@googlegroups.com
I'm interested in using 2D madrona with openlayers instead of Google Earth, but I read on the technology page the 2D web mapping client-side widgets are currently in development. I see also on the Roadmap that I'll have to wait for version 5.0, right? 
I'm using GNU/Linux... so I have a big problem with Google Earth Plugin support. 
Anyway, I wish I could keep an eye on the progress of this component, and try to help in some small thing. 

Best regards,
Nacho V

Tim Welch

Aug 2, 2012, 3:21:32 PM8/2/12
to madron...@googlegroups.com
Nacho, thanks for the email.

It's possible to use OpenLayers with Madrona using the Feature API, we just don't have a full set of client-side widgets that works out of the box like we do for Google Earth.  With a bit of coding you can do some great stuff.  Check out http://dev.marco.marineplanning.org/planner/ for our most recent example using OpenLayers, Bootstrap, and Knockout.JS.  Code is available at https://github.com/ecotrust/marco-portal.  If you have questions about how/where the connections are happening, feel free to ask.

As we develop reusable client-side components for projects, we'll be adding them to the code base.  You would be more than welcome to contribute if you have ideas.  You're right, I don't think there are explicit tickets for watching progress on these features but we can at least be more vocal about our progress on this list as this starts to happen.

Hope this helps.  Cheers, Tim

Matt Perry

Aug 6, 2012, 12:42:31 PM8/6/12
to madron...@googlegroups.com

Tim mentioned the MARCO project already and there are two more
madrona-based projects under development that use a 2D openlayers

* North Pacific Landscape Conservation Cooperative Prioritization Tool
(https://github.com/Ecotrust/nplcc and
* Forest Management Scenario Planner

Both are in heavy development at the moment but might contain some
useful examples. It's also important to mention that these 2D Madrona
projects are all purpose-built for the particular projects. By
contrast, the 3D interface is much more generic and can be used with
any server-side Madrona instance. The generic interface has it's
benefits (quick and easy to get up and running) and it's drawbacks
("one-size fits all" is not flexible enough for every project). In
general, we see 2D javascript interfaces as the path forward and will
be focusing our efforts on the 2D interfaces for the foreseeable
future. But we have not *yet* put the 2D components together into a
generic client-side interface ala the 3D interface. It is on the
roadmap for the 5.0 release but there is a good amount of design
decisions to be made before coding begins.

In summary, 2D interfaces are totally possible (using the Madrona REST
API and GeoJSON) but, at the moment, require a bit of custom
javascript coding.

- matt perry
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"The best way to predict the future is to invent it." -- Alan Kay
Matthew T. Perry

Nacho Uve

Aug 6, 2012, 12:50:48 PM8/6/12
to madron...@googlegroups.com
Thank you both for your responses. I'm taking a look at these projects and try to use as examples. I guess I'll have many questions, but I hope to report any progress to the project too. :-)

Thank you very much!!!
Nacho V

2012/8/6 Matt Perry <perr...@gmail.com>

Juan Ignacio Varela García

Matt Perry

Aug 6, 2012, 12:56:49 PM8/6/12
to madron...@googlegroups.com
Good luck and definitely let us know if you have any questions - we're
glad to help.

FYI - I put a ticket on the issue tracker for a generic 2D client interface:


- matt
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