Madness Central Newsletter: Issue 11.

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Steve Bringe

Dec 18, 2009, 7:52:17 PM12/18/09
to Madness Central Weekly Newsletter
Madness Central Newsletter: Issue 11
12th December - 18th December 2009.

Welcome to the 11th edition of the Madness Central weekly newsletter.

As with last week and the week before, Madness' pre-Christmas tour
dates (which wind up tonight in at London O2) take center stage. All
reports are Madness, both from the fans and the press, have been
absolutely golden. Chrissy Boy calling in mirrors that sentiment on
the side of the band. And even though the set list seems to have
settled into its groove this final week of the tour (although those in
Wolverhampton did get treated to a Suggs sans duet partner "On The
Town"), the songs chosen for this tour are maredly more varied than in
previous years, something the fans had been deeming a little tedious.
For the anoraks: It is believed that the Newcastle matinee and night
shows, with 44 songs total betwixt, now holds the record for most
songs performed live by Madness in a single day. And did we mention
the Madness Central exclusive ride aboard the Union Square Music
"Total Madnes Bus" from the Dublin Castle to the London O2?


1. Latest News And Information
2. - This week's Special Offer for MCN Readers
3. Madness at Edinburgh's Hogmanay - Suggs interview
4. Newcastle Concert Info: 12 December 2009
5. Glasgow Concert Info: 13 December 2009
6. Manchester Concert Info: 15 December 2009
7. Wolverhampton Concert Info: 17 December 2009
8. London Concert Ingo: 18 December 2009 - Details Next Week
9. MadTubeTV Clips
10. Suggs speaks of possible full Specials reunion
11. Contacting Madness Central
12. Newsletter Subscription Details.

1. Latest News And Information

# MADNESS CENTAL EXCLUSIVE: For 35 lucky Madness Central fans, they
had a chance to ride the Union Square Music "Total Madness" Bus from
the famed Dublin Castle to the London O2 Madness gig.

Read the complete blog here:

# Madness will be appearing on Nan's Christmas Carol on Christmas Day.

Read the complete blog here:

# You can win tickets to the premiere of the film of Ian Dury's life.

Read the complete blog here:

2. - This week's Special Offer for MCN Readers


This week's offer is for an original promotional poster of Complete
Madness, now 27 years old yet still in excellent condition. The
ridiculous price we are offering these for this week is £2.99
including UK postage in a solid plastic tube. This price barely covers
the cost of the tube, the postage and the paypal fees...this is well
and truly Complete Madness!!!

The posters are a very good size of 20" x 30" and a really striking
design - they are far more impressive in real life, than can be seen
from the picture on Retro-Madness. The puppets design by Ian Wright
was used on the A and B labels of the LP and finally made a
reappearance this year after 27 years, as the picture label on the
Complete Madness reissue CD.

The design itself wasn't originally intended for Complete Madness as I
overheard Chrissy Boy and Bedders chatting about this at the HMV
signing in May, they were saying how the design was first shown to
them when they were 'around Robbo's house' (Dave Robinson, Stiff boss)
but that he had other plans for it. I know that these promo posters
were in fact used around Europe to advertise gigs in 1982 - the large
white area at the bottom of the poster being printed over with gig maybe this was what Dave R's plans for them were...or maybe
a question to Chris's cupboard is required for the definitive answer!

As a token of seasonal goodwill the special offers from the previous 2
weeks for the Black MIS enamel badge and The Stiff Records book will
remain for one more week.

Click the link below and you will find the posters about 2/3 of the
way down the page, the Stiff books are the 4th item down and the MIS
enamel badges are approximately half way down the same page:

Happy browsing!

Chris & Emma of Retro-Madness

3. Madness at Edinburgh's Hogmanay - Suggs interview


Madness at Edinburgh's Hogmanay - Suggs interview

Mad for it

The original ‘Nutty Boys’, Madness will be bringing the heavy, heavy
monster sound to Edinburgh’s Hogmanay this year. Henry Northmore
speaks to an excited Suggs about the prospect of rousing the Scots

The trick for Hogmanay is finding a band everyone loves; an act that
crosses over generational and cultural divides and that gets a crowd –
any crowd – jumping. Edinburgh’s Hogmanay has excelled in the task
this year by booking Madness to headline the main New Year’s Eve night
concert in Princes Street Garden. Madness formed back in 1976 and
quickly perfected their blend of infectious beats and irresistibly
catchy ska hooks. The formula dominated the 80s charts spending 214
weeks on the UK singles charts over the decade with hits such as ‘Our
House’, ‘One Step Beyond’, ‘My Girl’, ‘Slow Boat to Cairo’ and the
immortal ‘Baggy Trousers’.

They split in 1986, but reformed in 1992 for their own Madstock!
festival dates in Finsbury Park, inspired a musical (Our House which
starred lead singer Suggs as the father of the main character for a
number of months in 2003) and while they could have so easily rested
on their laurels, surprisingly 2009 has been Madness’ best year for

‘The last time ska was big there was a recession. I don’t know if ska
has something to do with recessions, it’s not our fault,’ laughs
Suggs. ‘But maybe in times of trouble people want to have a good time.
And I think you realise when you play this kind of music live it just
cheers people up.’

Helped also by the reformed Specials, ska has helped soundtrack the
summer, with Madness playing Glastonbury, the Camden Crawl and various
other festivals across the globe. They’ve already been named as
headliners for 2010’s Camp Bestival. But perhaps the most important
element in their new return to glory was their new album The Liberty
of Norton Folgate which came out in May of this year. A concept album
detailing the social history of a small corner of their native London,
it hit number five in the album charts and was a critical smash. ‘We
write what we see, it’s observational,’ adds Suggs. ‘It was a lot more
like when we started out, when we spent a lot more time rehearsing and
arranging than we did recording. We were in a very low-tech studio but
with really complicated arrangements, we really tried to capture the
sound of all of us playing together in a room.’

Their trademark ‘nutty sound’ often accommodates darker subject matter
if you dig a little deeper and examine their lyrics. ‘We tried to
write a pop album, but a pop album written by men, rather than kids,’
says Suggs. ‘It’s as much about entertaining people on a Friday night
as expressing the poor, sad loss you feel in your heart.’

Of course Suggs and crew are justifiably excited about headlining the
biggest party of the year. ‘I’m half-Scots myself, on my father’s
side, and the other half’s Welsh, so I’ve got Celtic blood running
through my veins,’ explains Suggs (who’s real name is the
appropriately Scottish Graham McPherson). ‘Madness are a band who like
to have a good time, and in the context of that combination – Madness
and Scotland and Hogmanay - “it’s gonna go off like a packet of
crackers,” as my mother-in-law used to say.’

Madness headline the Concert in the Gardens with support from
Noisettes and Codeine Velvet Club, Princes Street Gardens, Edinburgh,
Thu 31 Dec.

4. Newcastle Concert Info: 12 December 2009

Set Lists

December 12th - NEWCASTLE: 02 Academy 14:30pm Matinee

1.One Step Beyond
3.The Prince
5.My Girl
6.Dust Devil
7.Sun & The Rain
8.Iron Shirt
9.Clerkenwell Polka
10.Bed & Breakfast Man
11.Shut Up
12.Forever Young
13.House Of Fun
14.Wings Of A Dove
15.Baggy Trousers
16.Our House
17.It Must Be Love
19.Night Boat To Cairo

December 12th - NEWCASTLE: 02 Academy 19:30pm - Sold Out

1.One Step Beyond
3.The Prince
5.My Girl
6.Dust Devil
7.Sun & The Rain
8.Johnny The Horse
9.Shut Up
10.In The Rain
11.Clerkenwell Polka
12.Iron Shirt
13.MK II
14.Bed & Breakfast Man
15.That Close
17.Forever Young
18.House Of Fun
19.Wings Of A Dove
20.Baggy Trousers
21.Our House
22.It Must Be Love
23.Tarzan's Nuts
25.Night Boat To Cairo

Concert Review


Published Date: 14 December 2009

Madness, O2 Academy, Newcastle

By John Chirnside

AFTER 30 years together, most bands seem to going through the motions
– not Madness.

Welcomed back like an old friend for Christmas, Suggs and the boys
still have the uncanny knack of producing great albums and performing
a set so full of classic hits you can't fail to jump about and dance.

With two sold-out performances in one day, a few of the crowd at
Saturday's evening show were asking if the Nutty Boys still had the
drive and energy to entertain.

This was answered immediately, as Chas Smash booming "Hey you, don't
watch that, watch this" launched the band into One Step Beyond and the
chaos began.

From the start it was singalong stuff, and the "Let's go crazy" cry by
Suggs simply raised the volume even further.

A slowed down start to My Girl was a great twist, but in the main the
songs were blasted out in time-honoured fashion. The band were keen to
prove it wasn't simply a greatest hits gig, as the reception given to
the half-dozen songs from the latest acclaimed album The Liberty of
Norton Folgate proved, with new single Forever Young already a

Add in a handful of some lesser known hits and favourite old album
tracks, such as a rousing Bed & Breakfast Man, and you get some idea
of the quality of the Madness back catalogue.

Suggs was at his entertaining best, chatting to the audience and
giving a brief insight into the origins of some songs.

After three decades, the fanbase may have grown from youthful skinhead
to middle-aged baldhead, but the energy, dancing and mayhem took years
off everyone.

There seemed to a trilby, fez or pork-pie hat on every head, both on
and off stage, and every one would have been soaked in sweat.

The evening reached a peak with the quality of the closing songs:
House Of Fun, Wings Of A Dove, Baggy Trousers, Our House, and It Must
Be Love (complete with audience pictures flashing up on the huge video

A three-song encore produced lots more dancing and fun before a show-
stopping Night Boat To Cairo brought proceedings to a close.

How do you sum up this brilliant performance? Well, the encore
included a heartily-sung version of the song that gave this wonderful
band their name.

And the line: "Well if this is Madness, then I know I'm filled with
gladness" couldn't put it any better!



Published date: 14 December 2009

Academy goes crazy for Madness

Entertainment Editor

MADNESS fans enjoyed every minute of the band's 30th anniversary tour
at Newcastle's sold-out 02 Academy on Saturday night.

The North London band performed an amazing sell-out gig at the
Academy, where the audience - largely dressed in Madness attire -
danced and sang the words to every single song.

Opening with the iconic One Step Beyond, and ending with Night Boat to
Cairo, this was a gig not to be missed - and clearly loved by everyone
in the crowd.

The Liberty of Norton Folgate tour saw the band belting out favourites
like House of Fun, Our House, Lovestruck and It Must Be Love.

The fez-clad audience lapped up anthems like My Girl and The Sun and
The Rain, and it became a mass singalong for songs like Wings of a

A Madness gig is a gig like no other.

Fifty-somethings dancing like crazy people to some of the best Ska
songs ever created really was a sight to see, and they more than
helped the boys celebrate their 30th anniversary in style.

For more details visit

5. Glasgow Concert Info: 13 December 2009

Set List

December 13th - GLASGOW: 02 Academy

1.One Step Beyond
3.The Prince
5.My Girl
6.Dust Devil
7.The Sun And The Rain
8.Johnny The Horse
9.Shut Up
10.In The Rain
11.Clerkenwell Polka
12.Chase The Devil aka Iron Shirt
13.MK II
14.Bed And Breakfast
15.That Close
17.Forever Young
18.House Of Fun
19.Wings Of A Dove
20.Baggy Trousers
21.Our House
22.It Must Be Love
23.Tarzan's Nuts
25.Night Boat To Cairo

Concert Review


Published date: 15 December 2009

Gig review: Madness
By Jay Richardson

IF THIS was any indication of what Madness's headline set at
Edinburgh's Hogmanay bash will be like, then the huddled masses surely
won't be feeling the cold.

Following unprecedented acclaim for their latest album, The Liberty of
Norton Folgate, the Nutty Boys demonstrated that they're much more
than a 30-year-old tribute act to their ska-pop heyday.

In lieu of a support act, a short documentary chronicled the
Magnificent Seven's occasional fisticuffs in their salad days. Suggs
still appears genuinely startled at the band's longevity, yet from the
moment Chas Smash hollered "Hey you, don't watch that, watch this!"
and the souped-up horn section kicked in, everyone was singing from
the same page. One Step Beyond was chased by feelgood renditions of
Embarrassment, My Girl and The Sun and the Rain, while cracking new
tracks such as NW5 and Forever Young were incorporated as seamlessly
as their lesser familiarity allowed.

Heralding an eclectic "mix of old, new and whatever", Suggs introduced
the skewed In The Rain from the latter category, while a fondly
recalled album standby, Bed and Breakfast Man, reiterated that Madness
were always more than just a great singles band.

A buoyant cover of Max Romeo's Chase The Devil went down well, but it
was the joyous succession of House of Fun, Wings of a Dove, Baggy
Trousers, Our House and It Must Be Love that sent the venue delirious,
the party mood sustained through an encore of Madness and an ever
quickening, fez-nodding Night Boat to Cairo.


Coming Sunday, 20 December to

Magnificent Maddies prove you can't beat nuts at Xmas

By Iain Mason

O2 Academy, Glasgow

"ARE you alright up there?" a concerned Suggs asks the balcony.
"They've been stuck up there since Rod Stewart in '74 y'know."

Groan. The Nutty Boy's gag is the mouldiest of mouldy old Christmas
chestnuts, but no one seems to mind - they're just here to dance.

After being bagpiped on in a skirl of Scotland The Brave, co-frontman
Cathal Smyth bellows: "Hey you! Don't watch that watch this..." The
first fruity sax snorts of One Step Beyond squelch into life, the
fezes fly and the elbows pump. Ladies and gentlemen, Madness are here,
you're 13 again...go mental.

Warming up for their Hogmanay headliner in Edinburgh, the magnificent
seven (with a lookalike standing in for bassist Mark 'Bedders'
Bedford) then tear through foot-stompers Embarrassment and The Prince
without a pause.

However, punters expecting the usual nostalgic string of smashes
trotted out as a Crimbo cash-in are in for a surprise - it's mixed
nuts all the way tonight, with newies and classic album tracks served
up slap-bang in the middle of a Greatest Hits sandwich.

The first section includes My Girl, the classic tale of marital
strife, and the homage to British weather, The Sun And the Rain, which
has 3,000 souls bouncing along bellowing: "Doo-da-doo-doo-da-doo-doo-
doo" (but only after keyboard guru Mike Barson fluffs the intro and
they have to stop and re-start after some good-natured ribbing).

As well as the expected nod to the past, stonking new album The
Liberty Of Norton Folgate features early on too, with Barson's
menacing piano intro on NW5 giving way to the delightfully infectious
chorus, followed by the nudge-nudge-wink-wink of the saucy Dust Devil
("She keeps a gizmo/Under her pillow").

So far it's Utter Hits 5 Other Bits 2, but all that's about to change
as the Nutty Boys suddenly veer away from The-Ones-You-All-Know
formula with some more unusal choices - to the delight of the

"We decided in this 30th anniversary of the band to do a tour playing
a mixture of old, new, borrowed and whatever," Suggs announces...and
he's as good as his word.

Classic singles like Shut Up might have 3,000 souls bawling along
lustily to every word, but there are some surprise - and welcome -
presents in this Madness stocking.

Long-forgotten album tracks In The Rain and E.R.N.I.E. are given a
dusting down and receive a rapturous reception - particularly the
latter's garbled tale about, er, Premium Bonds.

There are also four other numbers from Folgate, with the pick of the
bunch Clerkenwell Polka, which sounds like a bizarre Russian drinking
song and has the sea of novelty fezes bobbing in appreciation as it
reaches a dizzying crescendo.

In the relatively cosy Academy, it's just great to see the lads up so
close - particularly the antics of sax player Lee Thompson, who spends
the evening fulling faces, gesturing to the balconies, chatting to the
front row and, like his bandmates, generally having a bloody good

Meanwhile, Suggs is still throwing out those chestnuts: "I like to
drink my whisky neat...but sometimes I loosen my tie, take my jacket
off." Boom, and indeed, boom.

He also forgets the words to Bed & Breakfast Man and sings the same
verse twice (hey, five series of Night Fever would rot ANYONE'S brain)
in a mid-section that also includes Max Romeo classic Chase The Devil
(aka Iron Shirt) and the gloriously catchy Johnny The Horse from
1999's Wonderful album.

I make that Utter Hits 6 Other Bits that the sound of an
office party getting restless?

But of course, you don't stroll into town as the biggest singles band
of the 1980s without giving the punters what they want - and luckily
Madness have plenty of classics to choose from as it's back down
Memory Lane for the triumphant third act.

Guitarist Chrissy Boy Foreman takes the mic and, in the worst Scots
accent since Groundsman Willie, announces: "Let's get rrrready to
rrrrrumble..the louder you scrrrream, the faster they'll gooo!"

It's the cue for a storming five-song climax that begins with a joyous
version of House Of Fun, then tears into the gospel-tinged Wings Of A
Dove before everyone's favourite tales of youth, Baggy Trousers and
Our House. The place goes barmy; you can't tell up from down and it's

Next up, Barson's tinkling ivories herald the mass singalong that is
It Must Be Love, prompting the extraordinary light of thousands of
roly-poly rude boys in a group hug, clammy Fred Perrys clasped togther
in a sweaty, swaying embrace, heads thrown back bellowing the chorus
as the backdrop shows fans of various age and girth sharing that love

The band depart but local lad Johnny Gauld pipes them onstage again
for oddball instrumental Tarzan's Nuts and the chaotic Prince Buster
classic that started it all: Madness.

They set sail for the evening on Night Boat To Cairo, Suggs donning a
towel as a makeshift head-dress and Thompson plucking a lucky blonde
fan from the front row, handing her a spare sax and urging her to join
in the chaos.

It's a fitting end to what's been a true Christmas cracker. And that
final score? Hits 12 Bits 13. Now that's what you call a selection
box. Bring on Hog-mad-ay...

6. Manchester Concert Info: 15 December 2009

Set List

December 15th - MANCHESTER: Apollo

1.One Step Beyond
3.The Prince
5.My Girl
6.Dust Devil
7.The Sun And The Rain
8.Johnny The Horse
9.Shut Up
10.In The Rain
11.Clerkenwell Polka
12.Chase The devil aka Iron Shirt
13.MK II
14.Bed And Breakfast
15.That Close
17.Forever Young
18.House Of Fun
19.Wings Of A Dove
20.Baggy Trousers
21.Our House
22.It Must Be Love
23.Tarzan's Nuts
25.Night Boat To Cairo

Concert Review


Published date: 16 December 2009


By Dianne Bourne

December 15, 2009

MADNESS, like their fans, are as predictably nutty as ever as they
bring their now-annual festive fixture of energetic fun to the
Manchester Apollo.

They bound onto stage smartly suited, booted and all with two tone
(naturally) brogues on foot and shades permanently fixed to their

And as Chas Smash launches into those wild strains of One Step Beyond,
they collectively groove and jerk in that trademark Madness way,
leading the masses into a similar frenzy.

Pity poor security at the Apollo who, up in the Circle, were run
ragged trying to usher the skin-headed and fez-wearing ravers back to
their seats.

Hits like Embarrassment, The Prince and My Girl follow in swift
succession, while new songs from the critically-acclaimed recent album
The Liberty of Norton Folgate are also liberally sprinkled into the

Warm glow

A little like us ageing rockers in the audience, things got a little
flabby round the middle section of the set, with audible groans when
frontman Suggs says: “You’re going to find some obscure songs

But things pick back up with the band’s version of Max Romeo’s I Chase
the Devil, and on to the final quarter of the show which sees ska-pop
classic after classic bellowed out by both the band and the crowd.

I don’t know what it is about Madness hits, but songs like Baggy
Trousers, Wings of A Dove and House of Fun have a strange ability to
get even the most respectable-looking middle aged fellas dancing like

Suggs is in high spirits for the gig, saying he reckons it's 30 years
since they last played the Apollo. And he gives his heartfelt thanks
for fans to still head out to see the band in these “tough economic

Needless to say, the bobbing fezzes were in a right frenzy by the
climactic strains of Night Boat To Cairo, ensuring the masses head out
into the chill December night with a satisfyingly warm glow.

7. Wolverhampton Concert Info: 17 December 2009

Set List

December 17th - WOLVERHAMPTON: Civic Hall

1.One Step Beyond
3.The Prince
5.My Girl
6.Dust Devil
7.The Sun And The Rain
8.Johnny The Horse
9.Shut Up
10.In The Rain
11.Clerkenwell Polka
12.Chase The Devil aka Iron Shirt
14.Bed And Breakfast
15.That Close
17.Forever Young
18.House Of Fun
19.Wings Of A Dove
20.Baggy Trousers
21.Our House
22.It Must Be Love
23.On The Town (sung solo by Suggs)
24.Tarzan's Nuts
26.Night Boat To Cairo

Concert Review


Published date: 18 December 2009

One big house of fun as Madness hit town

Wolverhampton Civic Hall

Aah, Christmas with the Nutty Boys; suits, shades, smiles and sackload
of hit singles.

With the red double decker tour bus parked out front, street hawkers
were doing a roaring trade in chequered scarves, pork pie hats and
even the odd fez.

Inside, a singalong playlist set course for 1979 as songs by The Jam,
Dexy’s and The Specials warmed the crowd from the winter chill before
a short film on a giant screen recalled the Magnificent Seven’s early

Wider waistlines aside, they have hardly changed a bit.

And then – “Hey you!” – at 9pm sharp, it was time for the nuttiest
sound around.

One Step Beyond got the party started as Suggs and Co barrelled
through their music hall repertoire with the panache that has seen
them rightly installed as national treasures.

Thirty years on from their first hit, their nod-and-a-wink style
predictably went down a storm at a packed Civic Hall.

An opening blast of Embarrassment, The Prince and My Girl left no-one
glued to the spot, but it wasn’t all a nostalgic knees-up.

Latest album the Liberty of Norton Folgate has been hailed as some of
their best work and newer tunes such as Dust Devil and Forever Young
showed off their musical maturity and provided a welcome breather for
the fortysomethings, rapidly flagging in the heat.

Backed by a three-piece brass section and four-strong strings
ensemble, there was a nice touch during Our House as the band’s
childhood homes were shown on the big screen behind the stage – before
a giant image of Molineux prompted the biggest cheer of the night.

Similarly, during It Must Be Love, pictures of couples in the Civic
audience were flashed onto the backdrop feeding the feelgood
atmosphere even more.

Old favourites like Bed And Breakfast man mingled with more recent
material like Johnny The Horse, before a joyously received closing run
of hits, starting with House of Fun and running into Baggy Trousers,
took hordes of naughty boys from nasty schools riotously back to their
mis-spent youth.

One quick break later and it was time for the encore, introduced by
ageless drummer Dan “Woody” Woodgate (he’s actually 49 but looks half
that), who made an impassioned appeal for Cancer Research before
setting sail for one last jolly on the Night Boat to Cairo. Then there
were Happy Christmases all round before the band fittingly left for
London to the sound of Monty Python’s Always Look On the Bright Side
of Life.

In the foyer, fans were even able to buy an instant recording of the
show, on a Madness MP3 player for a pretty reasonable £15. Market
Trader Brendan Brogan, aged 33, of Highfields, Stafford, said: “I’ve
seen them before but never in such a small venue. It’s a real treat to
have them at the Civic and the atmosphere was brilliant.”

Baker Richard Bryans, aged 38, of Penkridge, added: “They turned the
hall into one big house of fun.

“It may be cold outside but this was the perfect way to warm the
cockles of your heart for Christmas.”

By Keith Harrison.

8. London Concert Info: 18 December 2009

Set List

December 18th - LONDON: 02 Arena

One Step Beyond
My Girl
Dust Devil
The Sun and the Rain
Johnny The Horse
Shut Up
In The Rain
Clerkenwell Polka
Iron Shirt
Bed and Breakfast Man
That Close
Forever Young
House of Fun
Wings Of A Dove
Baggy Trousers
Our House
It Must Be Love
On The Town (with Rhoda Dakar)
Tarzan's Nuts
Madness (with Rhoda Dakar & Clive Langer)
Night Boat to Cairo

9. MadTubeTV Clips

Chrissy Boy has been busy this tour with his trademarked Axecam. Here
are a few highlights from the last week, as well as the "Hunchback of
Torriano" clip from Brighton he told Madness Central about two weeks
ago (and he finally posted) as well as the acoustic intro "Johnny the
Horse" from Birmingham.

Hunchback Of Torriano from Brighton:

Johnny The Horse - Birmingham (acoustic intro version):

Hotel Du Vin - Newcastle (Chrissy Boy hotel room review):

Our House - Newcastle:

One Step Beyond - Glasgow:

RoboFlipCam Technical Test - Wolverhampton:

On The Town - Wolverhampton:

My Girl - Manchester:

10. Suggs speaks of a possible full Specials reunion



Ska legends THE SPECIALS are set to reteam with their founding
keyboardist for a full 2010 reunion.

The Too Much Too Young hitmakers reformed in 2008, the first time the
original group had played together since their 1981 split. Jerry
Dammers refused to complete the line-up, claiming his former bandmates
forced him out of the band.

But he's now preparing to rejoin them for shows in the New Year
(2010), according to his pal Suggs.

The Madness frontman tells Britain's Daily Star, "We have been talking
about playing with The Specials this year but the problem for us is
that they haven’t had Jerry Dammers in the band.

"We are pals with both camps so kind of caught in the middle. But
there’s now talk of us doing a massive festival next year together,
and maybe a big tour.”

17 December 2009

11. Contacting Madness Central

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