[USV Semantic Segmentation] Problem with upload

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Tuan-Anh Vu

Sep 24, 2023, 10:25:50 PM9/24/23
to MaCVi Support
Dear MaCVi team,

I tried your sample upload zip file and it worked. But when I upload my zip file, even with/without directories, it always showed "Script execution failed". 

Please help me to fix it.

Best regards,

Lojze Žust

Sep 25, 2023, 4:17:22 AM9/25/23
to MaCVi Support
Dear Tuan-Anh,

from the error logs it seems that the format of the submitted masks may be wrong. Please make sure to submit color-coded masks, following the challenge specifications.
Right now it looks like the submission files are one-channel images.

Lojze Žust
ponedeljek, 25. september 2023 ob 04:25:50 UTC+2 je oseba Tuan-Anh Vu napisala:

Tuan-Anh Vu

Sep 25, 2023, 5:42:24 AM9/25/23
to MaCVi Support
Dear Lojze,

They are color images. The attached is the screen capture of my submission. Or could you provide any sample code for write prediction to file?

Best regards,


Lojze Žust

Sep 25, 2023, 6:26:09 AM9/25/23
to MaCVi Support
I see. I've checked your predictions. They are indeed color images, but seem to be encoded in 8bit mode + palette instead of RGB mode. 

We now explicitly convert all images to RGB mode, so it should now also work this way. Please try to resubmit.


ponedeljek, 25. september 2023 ob 11:42:24 UTC+2 je oseba Tuan-Anh Vu napisala:

Jan Lukas Augustin

Oct 24, 2023, 5:43:05 PM10/24/23
to MaCVi Support
Hi Lojze,

I have been trying to get the script to accept my submission but the error kept occuring. I even tried different image processing libraries and ways to zip the images. In a final attempt I uploaded the same archive I had submitted successfully earlier and even that did not work. So this leads me to wonder whether on the server side everything is working same as yesterday?

Thank you!


Janez Pers

Oct 25, 2023, 1:54:02 AM10/25/23
to macvi-...@googlegroups.com, Muhovič, Jon, Žust, Lojze
On 24/10/2023 23:43, Jan Lukas Augustin wrote:
> Hi Lojze,
> I have been trying to get the script to accept my submission but the
> error kept occuring. I even tried different image processing libraries
> and ways to zip the images. In a final attempt I uploaded the same
> archive I had submitted successfully earlier and even that did not work.
> So this leads me to wonder whether on the server side everything is
> working same as yesterday?

Hello, our guys checked and find no problems. Do you still have a problem?


Univerza v Ljubljani
Fakulteta za elektrotehniko prof. dr. Janez Perš, univ. dipl. inž. el.
Izredni profesor / Associate Professor

Laboratorij za strojno inteligenco / Laboratory for Machine Intelligence

Fakulteta za elektrotehniko / Faculty of Electrical Engineering

Tržaška cesta 25, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija / Slovenia
T.: +386 1 4768 876
Janez...@fe.uni-lj.si, www.fe.uni-lj.si

Jan Lukas Augustin

Oct 25, 2023, 6:14:23 AM10/25/23
to MaCVi Support

Hi Janez,

Thank you for the quick response and check. However, I still have the problem and have tried everything I could think of. Could you please check my zip file and/or the error your script produces?

Thanks a lot!

Janez Pers

Oct 25, 2023, 6:21:05 AM10/25/23
to macvi-...@googlegroups.com, Žust, Lojze
On 25/10/2023 12:14, Jan Lukas Augustin wrote:
> Hi Janez,
> Thank you for the quick response and check. However, I still have the
> problem and have tried everything I could think of. Could you please
> check my zip file and/or the error your script produces?

Did you try to upload ZIP or just JSON? You have to upload JSON, not
zip. If you tried to upload JSON, then we can check it for validity.

Jan Lukas Augustin

Oct 25, 2023, 7:51:54 AM10/25/23
to MaCVi Support
Are you sure we are talking about the same challenge? For semantic segmentation a zip file with png files in it is required as outlined here.

Janez Pers

Oct 25, 2023, 8:05:03 AM10/25/23
to macvi-...@googlegroups.com
On 25/10/2023 13:51, Jan Lukas Augustin wrote:
> Are you sure we are talking about the same challenge? For semantic
> segmentation a zip file with png files in it is required as outlined
> here <https://macvi.org/workshop/macvi24/challenges/usv_seg>.

Sorry, I made a mistake. I will ask Lojze Žust to look at it asap.

Lojze Žust

Oct 25, 2023, 11:45:40 AM10/25/23
to MaCVi Support
Dear Jan,

there was a bug on the server, which broke the evaluation for USV Segmentation challenges. It should now work as expected.

I apologize for the inconvenience. Let me know if you encounter any further issues.


sreda, 25. oktober 2023 ob 14:05:03 UTC+2 je oseba MaCVi Support napisala:
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