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MACS announcement

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Shortcuts to MACS website: 

 Main Page Download README INSTALL ChangeLog FAQ Contributions 

Username and Password for download from Liulab site:

Username: macs

Password: chipseq

You can also download MACS directly from github:

Current stable version is 1.4.2

Current developing version is 2.0.10


  1. If you don't want to receive any email from the group, please remember to set the 'Delivery' type of your account as 'No Email'.
  2. To unsubscribe, send an email to <>, or click 'unsubscribe' in Edit my membership. Please do not send 'unsubscribe me' message to the whole group!
  3. If you use MACS to analyze your data in a publication, please reference our algorithm in the main text. (pmid: 18798982)
  4. Please check the INSTALL and README files before you post in this group.