I am trying to fix a bug on my website (and am a noob!).
I purchased a template a while ago which has a nice flash menu. The
menu has 6 'windows' and when rolling over the title of each window,
the window becomes opaque. When clicking and selecting a given menu,
that window is supposed to remain opaque (giving the user a sense of
where they are in the site).
The problem I am trying to fix is the opaque behavior works
inconsistently. For some windows it works correctly but for some, a
different window is made opaque.
My site is
broadpeakpartners.comI have extracted the code from the .swf file (using software by
and get the following:
ANY help is appreciated. Much thanks.
// DoAction
link = new Array ( ) ;
link[1] = "javascript:menu_link(1)";
link[2] = "javascript:menu_link(2)";
link[3] = "javascript:menu_link(3)";
link[4] = "javascript:menu_link(4)";
link[5] = "javascript:menu_link(5)";
link[6] = "javascript:menu_link(6)";
frame = new Array ( ) ;
frame[1] = "_self";
frame[2] = "_self";
frame[3] = "_self";
frame[4] = "_self";
frame[5] = "_self";
frame[6] = "_self";
numOfMenu = 6;
line.swapDepths ( 20000 ) ;
_global.active = PageNum;
_global.subActive = subNum;
_global.over = active;
counter = 1;
i = 1;
while ( (! ( i > numOfMenu ) ) )
( this[i] ).defaultX = this[i]._x;
( this[i] ).swapDepths ( 10000 + i ) ;
( this[i].bg ).onRollOver = function ( )
( this._parent._parent[ ( "background" ) +
over] ).gotoAndStop
( 1 ) ;
_global.over = this._parent._name;
( this._parent._parent[ ( "background" ) +
over] ).gotoAndPlay
( 2 ) ;
( this._parent._parent[ ( "background" ) +
over] ).swapDepths ( +
+counter ) ;
( this[i].bg ).onDragOut = function ( )
_global.over = active;
( this[i].bg ).onRollOut = function ( )
_global.over = active;
( this[i].bg ).onRelease = function ( )
getURL ( link[this._parent._name],
frame[this._parent._name] ) ;
( this[i] ).onEnterFrame = function ( )
if ( over == this._name )
this.direction = "next";
this.nextFrame ( ) ;
this.direction = "prev";
this.prevFrame ( ) ;