They'd better not. :-) Truthfully, nobody knows.
Linda Rathgeber-Stewart ::: PVII
Fireworks Newsgroup: news://
CSS Newsgroup: news://
Team MM Fireworks Volunteer |
Design Aid Kits:
Man, I hope not! I like Photoshop for processing large pictures, etc. but
I'd sure hate having to use it for web work! We NEED those FW live effects!
I WOULD, however, love to see the Photoshop Bridge and its much better Hue
and Saturation control added to Fireworks.
Same here. :-)
Waiting for FireShop. One can only hope!
> Worse case scenario (in my opinion) - they get rid of it.
> Does that mean I have to delete it from my computer? No.
> Does that mean I have to quit using it for web design? No.
But what happens to the 'phone home' versions[1] - MX 2004 and FW 8 -
when Macradobe decides to end support for them? They'll work as long as
they stay on the same machine (I think?), but won't necessarily be
transferrable to a new one.
Joe "I'm still using MX" Makowiec
[1] Well, the authorization versions, anyway
[2] Just for entertainment, do a web search for 'abandonware'
> Worse case scenario (in my opinion) - they get rid of it.
> Does that mean I have to delete it from my computer? No.
> Does that mean I have to quit using it for web design? No.
I'm happy as a clam using FW4, which does everything I need, except for
a rare trip to Photoshop 3.0. I also own MX2004, but find no compelling
reason to put up with its sluggishness, bugs, and awkward interface.
Lanny Chambers
St. Louis, USA
Thank you for all the support and praise you?ve expressed for Fireworks.
Fireworks continues to be an important product to the combined
Macromedia/Adobe portfolio and is actively under product development for a
yet-to-be announced product release. I?m incredibly excited to lead that front
as the Product Manager.
We know that for many years Fireworks has been an integral part of your
workflow with Dreamweaver and Flash. It will be our goal in the Product
Development team to preserve all of the features you value in Fireworks 8 while
developing a more cohesive solution with the Adobe Creative product line.
We will be relying on you in the Fireworks Design and Development community to
help us shape the direction of those product enhancements by way of end user
customer visits and pre-release testing.
Stay tuned and thanks again for the support.
Danielle Beaumont
Product Manager, Fireworks
Adobe Systems
> Thanks for that information and good news. If you need alpha/beta test
> participants, I'll volunteer. I have lots of experience and would love
> to participate.
Raising hand and jumping up and down, "Me too! Me too!"
Thanks for that information and good news. If you need alpha/beta test
participants, I'll volunteer. I have lots of experience and would love
to participate.
Me four!!
I've been a beta tester for the last 3 or 4 releases and would not want
to miss participating in the new version's development.
Btw... don't miss my new article on my site called "Why
Choose Fireworks"... Written from the perspective of a long time
Fireworks power user that's tired of the misconceptions about Fireworks
being circulated in various blogs and forums... It's also aimed at
people that may be looking for a Web graphics design app and would like
to know more about FW or for existing users who *only* use it as a
"replacement" for ImageReady...
Stéphane Bergeron
reach : connect : communicate
blog : tutorials : articles : gallery
> Btw... don't miss my new article on my site called "Why
> Choose Fireworks"...
Nice article, Stéphane.
Thanks very much Linda... I though you'd appreciate ;-)
Excellent news - I'm also available for beta testing!
Please add my name to the list of Beta testers.
flash at fasterthanu dot com
"danielle_beaumont" <> wrote in message
> We will be relying on you in the Fireworks Design and Development community
> to help us shape the direction of those product enhancements
Fix existing bugs first, then think about new features. Make FW's vector
tools as good as Illustrator's. Don't ever forget that FW is a vector
application, with incidental support for bitmaps and HTML.
Great article.
Thanks very much Al, much appreciated. As a long time Fireworks user
yourself I'm sure you didn't need my article to convince you of
Fireworks' greatness... ;-)
Originally posted by: Newsgroup User
Al Sparber- PVII wrote:
> Great article.
Thanks very much Al, much appreciated. As a long time Fireworks user
yourself I'm sure you didn't need my article to convince you of
Fireworks' greatness... ;-)
St?phane Bergeron
Thanks Trevor! I just submitted it. Don't know if they'll add me as it
is a personal site that's about a lot more than Fireworks or
Macromedia/Adobe technologies but we'll see ;-)
Stéphane Bergeron
Thank you for this positive feedback on the direction that Adobe plans
to take Fireworks. It is a welcome relief to those of us that use
Fireworks in our daily lives. Who can be contacted about Dreamweaver
and its future?
That's a fantastic and great news. I can't wait for more fantastic news :)
Hey Trevor,
I just got a suprise whn opening FeedDemon and checking my new feeds
this morning... ;-) Thank you very much for kindly posting about my
article on your site. It is very much appreciated!
Maybe if we all push hard enough, not only will Fireworks keep living as
a stand alone mature graphics application but it will be properly
marketed at last...
Thanks again!
Stéphane Bergeron
Thank-you for the feedback on the public forums! That is a real treat.
I realize you didn't actually ask for volunteers, but I would love to be a
beta tester if possible.
We'll see how things go(eternal pessimist!), but I'm excited!
It turns out many of the doomsayers were wrong when they forecast the end of
At Adobe, we try really hard to do the right thing by all of our constituents:
customers, employees, shareholders, and the communities we work in. I'm sure
you can appreciate how hard that is at times. But it gets simplified when we
follow one of our key values, which is simply "Treat each constituent the way
you would like to be treated yourself." It's not a new value, by any means,
but it's amazing how much new-ness it brings to your decision making when you
use it.
So thanks for the passion, the commitment, and the patience. There's a lot of
passion and excitement inside our company about the combined strengths we now
If you'll have a bit more patience -- or a lot more, depending on your
perspective :) -- we hope to do some cool things for you during the next
release cycle.
The users in the Freehand forum could use this same kind of contact from
I rarely use the latter too and love Fireworks!!!
No, take all of the web stuff out of PS and put in FW. Take all of the best
from IR and put it in FW. Take all of the image stuff out of FW and dump IR.
Here is your new lineup (ex video, which I don't do):
vectors - Illustrator
pixels - Photoshop
print - InDesign
web graphics: Fireworks
web layout: Dreamweaver
motion - Flash
distribution - Acrobat
There you have it.
> No, take all of the web stuff out of PS and put in FW. Take all of the best
> from IR and put it in FW. Take all of the image stuff out of FW and dump IR.
There's nothing in IR that Fireworks would benefit from, IMHO. :-)
Soooo right!!! You know, you guys are just about the only people out there who
have put forth tutorials on Fireworks (albiet you have to buy the product to
get them!)
I just received "Fireworks 8 Training from the Source" which is a pretty thin
"update" of the previous issue. There is very little documentation on FW...
Originally posted by: Newsgroup User
Jim Babbage - .:CMX:. & .:TMM:.
Extending Knowledge, Daily
CommunityMX - Free Resources:
No registration req'd for free content
.:Team Macromedia Volunteer for Fireworks MX 2004:.
> Donna Casey wrote:
>> Thanks for that information and good news. If you need alpha/beta test
>> participants, I'll volunteer. I have lots of experience and would love
>> to participate.
> Raising hand and jumping up and down, "Me too! Me too!"
Me three!
Concerning the Fireworks Beta Program, please send me an email at in case you are interested in actively participating in
the Beta to make Fireworks the best it can be going forward.
I believe everyone here is aware of my opinions about the future of Fireworks.
Pick me!! Pick me!!
Stéphane Bergeron
Thanks in advance.
However, for web work Fireworks is far far superior. And had Adobe dropped FW,
I would have continued to use it. FW is simply too valuable a tool for us web
developers. I an THRILLED to know that FW will go on.
My suggestions would be
1. Education: put out more tutorials, tech notes, seminars, online courses,
DVDs about Fireworks. People can easily access info about PhotoShop ... not so
easy for Fireworks.
2. Somehow, make the superb image-editing functionalities of PhotoShop
available through Fireworks.
3. Continue the close association of DW, FW, an Flash. That is the sweet spot.
Jim Babbage - .:CMX:. & .:ACE*:.
Extending Knowledge, Daily
CommunityMX - Free Resources:
.:*Adobe Community Expert for Fireworks:.
:: Fireworks is NEVER gonna die in any and every no case u ppl should
compare Fireworks to Macromedia Xres or Drumbeat which are now abondonware( yet
powerful tools) ,, once upon a time i loved working on photoshop but i still
remember it was fireworks 3 when i first encountered the beautiful tool
accidently installed on my pc .. eversince i knew this fact for sure that this
is going to be doom day generator for photoshop,,and blv me pals im no wrong
,,i admire fireworks and will kep on matter how powerful photoshop grow
but i tell ya fireworks broke the ground on those levels where adobe never even
thought off.. remember macromedia rulez and its gonna be the very same in
future,, BTW im not at all happy by acuisition of macromedia by adobe.. i
hated this when i came to now ,, but i can only say i hated thrs nothin i can
It's a such a dumb question...