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January 2017 Newsletter
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Dear Colleagues
Welcome back to school and the start of the new year. We trust that you have had a good holiday and have come back refreshed and enthusiastic about meeting your new classes. (Do I hear a groan!?)
Macrat Publishing is here to help you, so please take a look at the attached order form and contact us if you have any questions about the products we have available. Good luck for 2017!
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GET Grammar Series for Grade 7-9 | ||||
GET Grammar resource packs Get your learners ready for high school by making sure they know their basics. The GET Grammar Series includes: ü Notes and rules on parts of speech ü Plenty of practice language exercises These photocopiable worksheets: ü Cover most of the CAPS language requirements ü Are a perfect supplement to textbooks ü Are a resource that learners can take with them to high school – Get them now! Read our blog to find out more... | The GET Grammar series currently has THREE parts: Focus on: v Nouns and Adjectives (R150) v Verbs and Adverbs (R150) v Pronouns and Prepositions (R110)
Hard copies – order using our attached order form Downloadable PDFs – order via our website Content details are available on our website. | |||
The Mac 4–6 Series English worksheets | Making the Grade / Slaag die Graad | |||
English Mac-4, Mac-5 and Mac-6 worksheets consist of over 300 theme-based CAPS-friendly worksheets for the Intermediate Phase (Gr 4–6) which cover the skills of Listening and Speaking; Reading and Viewing; Writing and Presenting; and Language Structure and Use. The packs are photocopiable within your school and can be used for supplementary or revision work. Take a look at the attached order form and include the Mac Series in your teaching programme for 2017! Price: Print version: R400 per pack. PDF version: R330 per pack. Please send us an email if you would like to see the contents page of each volume. | The Making the Grade series provides helpful and practical information for parents of pre-school and primary school children. Available for Pre-school, Grade R, Grade 1 and Grade 4–6, these invaluable booklets were written by experienced teachers who understand the concerns of parents. Available in English and Afrikaans. Why not make the books available for sale at your next parents’ evening or orientation day?
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Creative Arts (Grades 4–7) Photocopiable resource material for Performing Arts/Drama and Visual Arts
The resource packs « Follow the CAPS closely; « Provide excellent supplementary material but could also replace a textbook; « Are creative, innovative and fun, and fully photocopiable; « Provide excellent value for money!
Also available as workbooks – if you order more than 30 copies of each book!
Separate Teacher’s Guides for Grade 7 Drama and Visual Arts are available. The teacher’s notes are included in the Grade 4–6 material. Please see attached order form for prices and options. | Life Orientation (Grade 7) Photocopiable resource material for Life Orientation Grade 7
The resource packs « Follow the CAPS closely; « Provide excellent supplementary material but could also replace a textbook; « Are creative, innovative and fun, and fully photocopiable; « Provide excellent value for money!
Four resource packs available: 1. Constitutional rights and responsibilities 2. Development of the self in society 3. 4. World of work Price R150 each
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2017 order forms Please find attached our 2017 primary school order form which contains the full list of our product range. For more information about our products, please visit our website where you can download flyers for each subject at www.macrat.co.za. | Subscribe to the newsletter Please ask your colleagues to subscribe to this newsletter using their personal email addresses so that they don’t miss out on information about new products and free worksheets like the one attached. | |||
Contact us Macrat Publishing is here to make your life easier by providing you with creative and educationally sound material, so please contact us to find out how we can help you. If you would like to view our product range please go to www.macrat.co.za where you can shop online for any of our products. If you would like to order through one of our offices please use the information below to reach the right office servicing your area. | ‘Making the Grade’ Facebook page Receive regular items of interest to teachers and parents by liking our Facebook page. Read our blog Read and contribute to our blog for relevant discussions on teaching and technological trends. Make the blog a place where you can voice your opinion and share with others. | |||
Cape Town For all coastal provinces and the Free State (postal codes 3000 and up) please contact the Cape Town office at macra...@macrat.co.za. Tel: 021-531-5932 | Fax: 021-531-5933 Address: PO Box 36234, GLOSDERRY, 7702 | Johannesburg For all inland provinces (postal codes 0001–2999) please contact the Johannesburg office at info....@gmail.com. Tel: 011-804-1060 | Fax: 086-566-5819
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Yours in education excellence, The Macrat Team
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Copyright © Macrat Publishing 2017. All rights reserved. | ||||