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Freedom Watcher

Aug 7, 2011, 11:50:20 PM8/7/11
to Macomb History Friends
Members of the Warren Historical Society and the Village Commission
ripped a grave stone off of a grave of an Unknown Soldier and they
ripped out a Soldiers Memorial listing Warren men who died and were
buried at Warren Union Cemetery.

These people have not come up with any satisfactory reason for their
disrespectful action. They do not own the cemetery. One cannot
disrespect our soldiers any more then remove their memorials from the
cemetery. This was the only stone that listed these men who gave their
lives. It appears that this stone was donated by a veterans family who
wished to remain anonymous.
These vigilantes also ripped out a memorial to all veterans and those
who died on attacks on our country. And they also stole a stone that
honored the flag that these men died for and what it stood for it said
“Our flag stands for Liberty, Justice Free Speech – Press, Maintain
our Freedoms...” These stones were causing no harm. They posed no
threat. There is nothing disrespectful or wrong about these stones.
These stones were given to the families of these men, without cost to
the city, honoring these men. Those stones belong to the families of
these men who died. It is wrong to steal these memorials from the
cemetery and trash them or sell them.

The disrespect to men who gave their lives must not go unanswered. We
are calling on every veteran and patriotic American to contact us so
we can organize to have these stones replaced in the cemetery where
they belong. If you care about us veterans and the men and women who
died for your freedom send an email to

If you choose you may also write a letter to our public officials.
Or go to the Warren Community Center 5460 Arden West of Mound south of
14 mile. On Mondays at 7 PM. Park on the West side of the building
come in the west entrance make a left and proceed about 100 feet. On
the right side you will see a sign Historical Gallery and Research
Center. You should Just come in and tell them “Put the stones back”.
Bring supporters and family.
Be prepared to hear all kinds of excuses none of which justify ripping
memorials out of a cemetery. They will say “the placers did not ask
our permission. We did not approve them”. So what, they do not own the
cemetery. The stones were donated without cost to the cemetery not to
them. They have no right to steal them. Just tell them “Put the stones
Visit the Historical Gallery next door while you are there.
You could also attend the monthly meeting of the Village Commission
held at 7 PM on first Thursday of month at the Old Village Hall
located off of Mound Road just South of Chicago Rd on Beebe Street at
corner of Flynn Street.
We need for you and your friends to sign a letter or petition to “Put
the stones back.”
To get one please contact
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